Closed Bug 56720 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

[RFE] Require a 'controlgroup' widget to handle keyboard navigation among adjacent widgets


(Core :: XUL, enhancement, P3)






(Reporter: bugs, Assigned: bugzilla)


Windows allows users to use the arrow keys to shift focus between adjacent
widgets, e.g. radio buttons, checkboxes and command buttons. A controlgroup
widget could serve as the basis for this and could be reused in places that
implement this 'by hand' currently (radiogroup and tabbox).

Proposed syntax:
(toplevel children used)

<controlgroup element="checkbox">
(stricter, more windows-like, enforces movement among like-widgets).
And would it be possible to do:

<controlgroup element="checkbox">

and have focus cycle only between the two checkboxes with the arrow keys?

I suppose this would help out with bug 56145, although I'd prefer to see that 
implemented in the <titledbox/> itself; it really shouldn't have to be 
specified with a <controlgroup/> wherever it appears.
Severity: normal → enhancement
I'd like to work on this...
Assignee: ben → blake
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.3
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.3 → mozilla0.9.4
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.4 → mozilla0.9.6
IMO this new tag shouldn't be necessary, should it?  Is this bug really just
about intelligent arrow key navigation without the need for the tag?

That's probably true. The possible exception is something like the Windows 2000
`Windows Security' dialog. There you have six buttons, in two rows of three
buttons each. When the last button on the first row is focused, pressing the
right arrow key will focus the first button on the second row. Similarly when
the last button on the second row is focused, pressing the right arrow key will
focus the first button on the first row.

If that sort of thing can be done without false positives (e.g. if the left
arrow key moves focus from the `Open' button in Open Web Location to the
`Cancel' button, and not to the `Choose File ...' button), then there is
probably no need for the <controlgroup> element.
mpt: there must have been a miscommunication.

pressing right from Cancel [button 6] does _nothing_. however pressing tab from 
that button goes to Lock Computer [button 1].

in other more cryptic words, directions are linear, only tabbing is looped.
not needed.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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