Closed Bug 570850 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

cfx docs parser - cannot have param with multiple type definitions


(Add-on SDK Graveyard :: Documentation, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: fiveinchpixie, Unassigned)


This: <api name="add"> @function Adds a menu item to the context menu. @param item {Item or Menu} `Item` or `Menu`. `Separator`s can't be added to the top-level menu; an exception is thrown if attempted. </api> Should look something like: add(item) Adds a menu item to the context menu. item Item or Menu Separators can't be added to the top-level menu; an exception is thrown if attempted. But looks like: add(item) Adds a menu item to the context menu. item Item or Menu Separators can't be added to the top-level menu; an exception is thrown if attempted.
hm, would it suffice to use a comma or slash as a separator instead? That works already.. changing the parser to tolerate a space-separator will require more work. @param item {Item,Menu} blah or @param item {Item/Menu} blah what do you think? A definite downside of not improving the parser is that folks who forget the convention will get quite failures like the one you saw, including if they combine the two (@param item {Item, Menu} blah).
The Add-on SDK is no longer a Mozilla Labs experiment and has become a big enough project to warrant its own Bugzilla product, so the "Add-on SDK" product has been created for it, and I am moving its bugs to that product. To filter bugmail related to this change, filter on the word "looptid".
Component: Jetpack SDK → General
Product: Mozilla Labs → Add-on SDK
QA Contact: jetpack-sdk → general
The workarounds in comment 1 seem sufficient.
Closed: 14 years ago
Component: General → Documentation
OS: Mac OS X → All
QA Contact: general → documentation
Hardware: x86 → All
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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