Open Bug 571564 Opened 15 years ago Updated 2 years ago

outside list marker not drawn when overflow is not visible


(Core :: Layout: Block and Inline, defect)





(Reporter: bzbarsky, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )



(1 file)

The problem is that the scrollframe clips it. The rendering the spec calls for means putting the marker _outside_ the scrollframe but inheriting from stuff in the scrollframe. So effectively an out-of-flow. Maybe we should implement it that way? Side note: webkit, presto, IE8 all have the same behavior as us right now. IE9 might not, though.
I think this is remarkably low priority.
Can we change the spec to say that the marker just gets hidden in that case? IT doesn't seem worth implementing.
> Can we change the spec to say that the marker just gets hidden in that case? We could, I'd think, though it does lead to somewhat unfortunate rendering of lists with non-overflow-visible items... From an authoring perspective, showing the marker really is preferable. fantasai claimed IE9 may be changing behavior here; no idea about other UAs' plans.
Hello. I am trying to help to demonstrate by a test case. Please kindly check if the test case is addressing this issue. With the test HTML file: - it shows the bullet is clipped off with overflow:hidden using Firefox 3.6.3 (Ubuntu 10.04) and Firefox 3.5.11 (Mac OS). - the bullet is not clipped off with overflow:hidden using Firefox 3.0.5 (OpenSUSE 11.1) It is difficult for me to understand why the bullet is clipped off (Fx>3.5) anyway even when list-style-position: inside, which should put the bullet within view-port.
As said on the test HTML comment, changing list-style-position to inside does not make marker show up for Fx > 3.5. This behavior is verified on multiple computers here. In such case i would not think remarkably low priority, because the mentioned competitor browsers would render the marker in case of list-style-position: inside In fact we have a production website with this behavior /only/ happen on Firefox.
The list-style-inside issue is not this bug, as you can tell from the summary, which explicitly talks about _outside_ list markers. Inside list markers were fixed in bug 571281.
" outside (...) In CSS 2.1, a UA may hide the marker if the element's 'overflow' is other than 'visible'. " The "may" word makes this optional for CSS 2.1. Closest test I could find is with 'overflow: auto': and, right now, no browser (IE9, IE10, Chrome 24.0.1290.1, Opera 12.50, Safari 6.0.2) display the bullet anyway.
Setting platform to All and operating system to All
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Severity: normal → S3
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