Bug 58795
Opened 24 years ago
Closed 24 years ago
OS/2 - DDE Interface Doesn't Seem To Be Working/Exist
(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, enhancement, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: barrymarshall, Assigned: aaronr)
(4 files)
Tested on my ususal TP770x with WSeB, 1101, SDD.
In order to use Nestcape/2 4.61 with Lotus Notes 4.5x for OS/2 without starting
a whole mess of browser sessions, I use a small program called NETSCDDE which
uses Netscape's DDE interface to send commands to the browser to display a page.
NETSCDDE comes with the XWorkplace package, which can be found at
I tried to invoke Mozilla with this program with the following example:
[C:\mozilla\bin]\xworkplace\bin\netscdde -X -p "mozilla.exe"
but nothing really happened. NETSCDDE started, looked like it tried to invoke
Mozilla, but didn't really do anything after exiting or give a return code.
Is the DDE interface available under Mozilla?
I'll also send a note to the author Ulrich Möller
( and see what he has to say.
Comment 1•24 years ago
The DDE interface is missing Mozilla wide.
There is a tiny hook in Windows that allows a URL to be loaded, but the rest of
the interface is gone.
Assignee: mkaply → asa
Ever confirmed: true
OS: OS/2 → All
Summary: OS/2 - DDE Interface Doesn't Seem To Be Working/Exist → DDE Interface Doesn't Seem To Be Working/Exist
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Comment 2•24 years ago
Actually, a simple URL load was all I was looking for.
They're tracking this in
, but it's been dead for a while by the looks of it.
Even if this gets updated, from the comments in the XWorkplace doc it seems that
DDE on OS/2 is not totally the same as DDE on Windows.
To quote:
"This is done with the use of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), for the OS/2 versions
of Netscape understand just the same DDE commands as the Windows versions do.
These commands are (horribly) documented at
These documents assume a detailed knowledge of how DDE works, and believe me,
some things ARE different on OS/2."
Also, since COM replaced OLE which replaced DDE, are they going to implement
more than that?
It doesn't seem like we're going to get more than basic dde, helpwanted.
Component: Browser-General → XP Apps
Keywords: helpwanted,
and send to the component owner
Assignee: asa → don
QA Contact: doronr → sairuh
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Comment 5•24 years ago
Updated dependency, retargeted milestone to match other bug, re-pointed back to
OS/2, changed severity to match, and added Bill to the cc list (since he was
looking for applications that use DDE to figure out what to put in).
Component owner's call if they want to bump it back to mkaply at for
tracking with the rest of the OS/2 problems.
Severity: normal → enhancement
Depends on: 25699
OS: All → OS/2
Summary: DDE Interface Doesn't Seem To Be Working/Exist → OS/2 - DDE Interface Doesn't Seem To Be Working/Exist
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Comment 6•24 years ago
Since Don has left, Vishy is taking his bugs in bulk, pending reassignment.
Assignee: don → vishy
nav triage team:
Don't think we'll get to this for beta1, marking nsbeta1-
Keywords: nsbeta1-
OS/2's DDE isn't there. I've just started working on it so that we'll at
least be where the windows code is. But I'm also trying to figure out what
mozilla has in mind, too, so I'm not doing all of this work for nothing. DDE
under mozilla uses service name of "mozilla", so you'll have to change that
much, at least, in your application. Newsgroup posts in
netscape.mozilla.public.general on 03/05-03/08/2001 also suggests that the
service name for Netscape 6.x is "Netscape6". Mozilla supports only
WWW_OpenURL. And it gets this via XTYP_EXECUTE and not the XTYP_REQUEST like it
did on 4.x. I am right now altering a simple DDE testcase from 4.x to try to
communicate with Mozilla under Win32 so that I can see how much different things
are at the moment. Then I'll try to get with Mr. Law (owner of 25699) to see
what the plans are for DDE right now.
Barry: would you be the QA contact for this?
since this bug is for OS/2 and ibm is going to work on it, i'm moving it out of
the netscape assignee pool.
aaronr/law: Is it possible XTYP_EXECUTE vs. XTYP_REQUEST was done in error?
Assignee: vishy → aaronr
Keywords: helpwanted,
QA Contact: sairuh → barrymarshall
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Assignee | ||
Comment 10•24 years ago
No, I don't think that it was a mistake. It looks like
mozilla will take the data passed in with XTYP_EXECUTE and
treat it like a normal mozilla command line. It parses it
for the URL to open and if one isn't there then it looks
for whether this should open chrome (xpapp), the composer,
the mail UI, etc. So this was done with some clear ideas
behind it.
But the fact that Mozilla uses XTYP_EXECUTE won't hurt. If
anything, it is extending the possibilities for DDE apps
since it will treat it like a command line. It shouldn't
cause any harm because I don't believe that 4.x ever
worried about XTYP_EXECUTE. An app written to Netscape 4.x
won't be using XTYP_EXECUTE for anything so Mozilla won't
have to take that possibility into account. But I think
that it would be bad form to not respect the current 4.x
DDE implementation in Mozilla (and, indirectly, Netscape
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Comment 11•24 years ago
I'll admit I know nothing about DDE (other than what it does), so bear with me
if these are a bit naive questions...
1) Is it possible for an application to register itself with more than one
identifier? Could you register Mozilla as both "mozilla" and "Netscape6" at the
same time? I'm just thinking that if someone hard-codes their application to
look for Mozilla when they only (or also) support Netscape 6.x you could have
some badness.
2) Would it be possible to have a run-time switch to switch the service level
name from "Mozilla" to "Netscpe6" identifier? If the goal is for 4.x
compatibility, could it also support Netscape4 (or whatever NS/2 4.61 had... ala
NS/2 2.02's -3 switch to set the useragent to Netscape 3.0 for tables support)?
This would save some external application providers effort re-coding for the
new agent.
Assignee | ||
Comment 12•24 years ago
The problem with all of this is that it is absolutely
possible to have Netscape 4.x, Netscape 6x and mozilla all
on the same machine and all running at the same time (I'm
doing it right now, as a matter of fact, as I track down
these problems). Since Netscape4.x, 6.x and Mozilla are
all distinct applications, I don't see anything wrong with
them having different service names. And don't forget, I
think IE supports DDE, too, so apps would already have to
worry about different browsers with different service names
running on the same machine. Hopefully the apps have the
ability to pick and chose which browser they want to
communicate with.
I guess that Mozilla could try to handle all 3 service
names or to pick one based off of a user preference. But I
don't think that it is the right thing to do just because
the app might really want to start a new 4.x window and NOT
a new mozilla window. In my opinion it should be up to the
application to properly target the browser it wants to use.
The only change I think might be valuable is if Netscape6
also honored the "netscape" service name just because
it is the upgrade path from Netscape 4.x. But I imagine
the powers that be at Netscape already considered all of
this and decided against it for what were probably valid
Comment 13•24 years ago
I'll take this bug for the implementation of the Windows alike DDEML interface.
OS/2 does contain a DDEML compatible library which is also used by
Netscape 4.61 but it is not officially documented.
I have attached a working header file that contains the definitions from
Odin and some OS/2 adjustments. I put it under NPL/MPL.
Mike, who's going to work on it?
Comment 14•24 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 15•24 years ago
I am working on this problem. I've got os/2 working as
well as the Windows version, at least. If not, please let
me know. I basically am reporting
nsNativeAppSupportWin.cpp to nsNativeAppSupportOS2.cpp so
that we have the latest stuff.
Comment 16•24 years ago
Comment 17•24 years ago
Comment 18•24 years ago
Comment 19•24 years ago
Comment 20•24 years ago
Fix checked in
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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Comment 21•24 years ago
So what DDE Application Name does this register as? If it's not the same as
NS/2 4.61, there'll be no way I can verify it with NETSCDDE.
Maybe it's worth having a switch (either in PREFS.JS or via commandline) that
would be able to modify the name, just as we currently can modify the useragent
I'm guessing this will be in tomorrow's nightly?
Assignee | ||
Comment 22•24 years ago
The DDE application name is "Mozilla" (ID_DDE_APPLICATION_NAME in
splashos2.rc). For Netscape 6.x, I believe that the application name
is "Netscape6".
Comment 23•23 years ago
marking verified - basic dde support is working consistent with windows.
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
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