Closed Bug 589638 Opened 14 years ago Closed 8 years ago

(ietestcenter) HTML5 Foreign Content 2/24: Test passes if 'FillerText' is rendered as italic.


(Web Compatibility :: Site Reports, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: darxus-mozillabug, Unassigned)




User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:2.0b4pre) Gecko/20100817 Minefield/4.0b4pre Build Identifier: Fails test. Reproducible: Always
Blocks: ietestcenter
Version: unspecified → Trunk
This test is bogus. In particular, the SVG spec is very clear that the text should be laid out in such a way that the baseline of the text is at the y position of the <text> element, and since the "y" attribute is not specified, the y position defaults to 0. Thus all the text is above the top of the <svg> bounding box and is clipped out.
Assignee: nobody → english-us
Component: General → English US
Ever confirmed: true
Product: Core → Tech Evangelism
QA Contact: general → english-us
Version: Trunk → unspecified
And it's clipped out because SVG 1.1 section 14.3.3 says that the default value of 'overflow' for <svg> is 'hidden'.
It might be good to also keep the original tests but change the pass condition to the content not being visible (which IE9 would therefore fail). Patrick Dengler [MSFT] 10 Feb 2011 3:30 PM > 589638 and 589639 states that the test is 'bogus' because the default in SVG > for overflow is hidden. We discussed this in the working group and since the > default in CSS for HTML is overflow:visible, and since this is an HTML page > (and not SVG or XHTML), the default should be visible, these seem to be valid. > The initial value for ‘overflow’ as defined in [CSS2-overflow] is 'visible', > and this applies also to the root ‘svg’ element; however, for child elements > of an SVG document, SVG's user agent style sheet overrides this initial value > and sets the ‘overflow’ property on elements that establish new viewports > (e.g., ‘svg’ elements), ‘pattern’ elements and ‘marker’ elements to the value > 'hidden'. If I'm reading that right (probably not), that <svg> element should have "overflow: visible" on it.
SVG's user agent style sheet is applied to all documents, though, not just SVG documents... That informative text is not consistent with normative text elsewhere, basically, as far as I can see.
In particular, the normative text at which clearly says that that rule applies to all <svg> elements, not just those in an SVG document.
Not sure why this is a tech evangelism issue and who/what actions should be taken on that? It seems more a discussion in between people involved in creating test suites.
Assignee: english-us → nobody
Component: English US → Desktop
This isn't a test suite; it's an IE marketing site...
See Also: → 620653
Edge now renders this exactly the same as Firefox and Chrome. Given that, let's close as WONTFIX (to mean something like: not worth the effort at this point). Microsoft isn't marketing IE anymore these days.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Tech Evangelism → Web Compatibility
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