Closed Bug 589833 Opened 14 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Vector slower than array in "some" test


(Tamarin Graveyard :: Virtual Machine, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)

Q4 11 - Anza


(Reporter: cpeyer, Assigned: lhansen)



~5% slower in mixed/jit mode, ~3% slower in interp:

some	77.1	72.8	-5.6%
some   176.4	171.7	-2.7%
some    76.4	73.1	-4.3%

Test is located in
Flags: flashplayer-qrb?
Assignee: nobody → stejohns
Flags: flashplayer-qrb? → flashplayer-qrb+
Hmm, this is very peculiar; Vector uses the same implementation as Array, so the difference is presumably in helper functions or memory overhead
Lars, transferring from Steven to you for consideration in the Vector speedup work.
Assignee: stejohns → lhansen
Flags: flashplayer-bug-
Priority: -- → P3
Summary: Vector some slower than array some → Vector slower than array in "some" test
Target Milestone: --- → Q4 11 - Anza
The test case is arguably invalid as it stands.  It compares the case of a Vector.<int> with an Array.  The latter holds atoms, the former holds ints.  The some() method takes a callback whose API accepts atoms.  Thus there will be a song and dance on every invocation of the callback to convert a native int argument to the atom accepted by the method.  This adds significant overhead.

With a current Release 32-bit Mac build on MacPro 2x2.93GHz Xeon, we have with the benchmark as written using Vector.<int>:

vector some        : avg: 62.10 dev: 1.66 values: 64,62,63,60,60,65,61,63,62,61
array some         : avg: 55.90 dev: 0.32 values: 56,56,55,56,56,56,56,56,56,56

and with the Vector case modified ot use Vector.<*> instead of Vector.<int>:

vector some        : avg: 57.80 dev: 0.63 values: 58,57,59,58,57,58,58,57,58,58
array some         : avg: 56.00 dev: 0.47 values: 56,55,56,57,56,56,56,56,56,56

There's some variability here, the array case is still faster on most runs so there's a small slowdown somewhere, but the difference is smaller than initially thought.
On a MacBook Pro, 2.6GHz Core 2 Duo (2008 model), the results are reversed with the modified benchmark, this run is typical:

vector some        : avg: 82.60 dev: 0.97 values: 85,83,83,82,82,83,82,82,82,82
array some         : avg: 86.10 dev: 0.88 values: 84,86,86,86,87,86,86,87,87,86

ie, the rest is noise.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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