Closed Bug 59345 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Crash when window closed by a key under high loads (was: "Find" dialog crashes when ESC key is pressed TWICE, but not when the Cancel button is pressed)


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: angch, Assigned: bugs)


(Keywords: crash)

No description provided.
WFM on WIN2k build 2000110604 trunk
wfm on linux build 2000110621
Ang Chin Han, this bug does not contain enough information to be useful. Please review the Bug Writing Guidelines at and consider using the Bugzilla helper to report any future bugs . If you can reproduce this on a current nightly build and can include the kinds of information requested in the guidelines please reopen the bug. Thanks for your help in testing Mozilla and reporting bugs. -Asa Based on the summary this is Worksforme with 110808 Mozilla trunk build on RedHat6.2
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
vrfy invalid.
My bad. Linux nightly (20000809xx, but reproducible from M18 onwards). Freshly generated profile. loaded and displayed. Ctrl-F, and the Find Dialog is displayed. ESC pressed TWICE in quick succession. Seg fault. Note that ESC has to be pressed twice. (I never noticed that until I tried to reproduce).
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Summary: "Find" dialog crashes when ESC key is pressed, but not when the Cancel button is pressed → "Find" dialog crashes when ESC key is pressed TWICE, but not when the Cancel button is pressed
Upon further testing, I found that this bug is not limited to the Find dialog, but the Preferences, Open Web Location, Save As, Open File dialogs as well. Some of them crash with just one ESC, but sometimes (Find Dialog) doesn't crash at all even with two quick ESCs. It _might_ be due to how busy Mozilla is at the moment, e.g. rendering or loading a page when ESC is pressed.
coudl you get a .sea. build and thus generate a talkback reprot?
Also, are you starting with a fresh mozilla directory, or are you overwriting old nightlies? And lastly, have you tried with the latest nightlies?
over to xp apps gui... modality issue?
Assignee: asa → ben
Component: Browser-General → XP Apps: GUI Features
Keywords: crash
QA Contact: doronr → sairuh
hrm, i couldn't repro this using mozilla trunk bits 2000.11.08.08-trunk on linux [running redhat 6.2, enlightenment wm]. tried with Find, Open Web Location and Preferences dialogs. marking wfm. Ang, could you repro this using a more recent build?
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
I can reproduce it with Build 2000110908. Only one ESC is necessary. I opened a page in a new window, CTRL-F to bring up the find dialog, press ESC. Talkback ID: TB20737069K
More information: You MUST open a page in a new window, click in the document to give it keyboard focus, bring up a dialog using the keyboard, then press ESC. Crash in the "Open Web Location" dialog, Talkback ID: TB20737365Q
Using today's mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-sea.tar.gz (20001109) Help | About says: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.15 i686; en-US; m18) Gecko/20001109 Default profile (not imported), Fresh install (deleted old installation). Crash only occurs when the CPU is busy, so trying this with: 1. Slow CPU 2. CPU busy compiling stuff on background 3. Big, maximized mozilla window (1280x1000+), complicated page to render when dialog is gone. 4. ESC-ing the preferences dialog (which is bigger and more complicated) might help. FWIW, I could repro this by: 0. Delete old profiles. 1. Starting the installer, installing in a new directory (mozilla starts up automatically after that) 2. Start a huge compilation in the background (I used postgresql-7.0.2) 3. Maximize Mozilla window (1127x900) 4. Click on URL bar and type 'about:' 5. Open up the Preferences dialog (Edit | Preferences). 6. Center dialog on the browser window. 7. ESC --> Crash (90% of the time; 10% of the time, I'm lucky). Using WindowMaker. Could be modality issue? talkback.xpi for this build doesn't seem to be generating a report. samuel: Thanks. I was beginning to feel like that kid from Sixth Sense: "I see wierd bugs".
info from talkback reports: + 0x241c2 (0x405eb1c2) + 0x1448d (0x405db48d) + 0x143eb (0x405db3eb) + 0x14e5f (0x404b0e5f) + 0x151d9 (0x404b11d9) + 0x150aa (0x404b10aa) + 0x15b80 (0x405dcb80) + 0x10736 (0x40608736) + 0x10d43 (0x40608d43) + 0x10eec (0x40608eec) + 0x785d9 (0x4055e5d9) + 0xd2fc (0x404a92fc) + 0xcc0a (0x40455c0a) mozilla-bin + 0x6275 (0x0804e275) mozilla-bin + 0x6845 (0x0804e845) + 0x18cae (0x40270cae) unable to reproduce with 11104 mozilla trunk build.
bah, midair collision with Asa. anyhow, reopening per Samuel and Ang's latest info --thx!
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
I'm not sure what build Asa was referring to, but i can still reproduce on build 2000111008. Opening the dialog with the keyboard has to be the very first thing you do in a new window and sometimes it doesn't crash, but try it a few times and it will.
Tried this on Windows (M18 build). Does not crash. Tried 20001113 on linux. Crash. Not really limited to the ESC key. It seems to me like any window that could be closed by a key, for instance, the ENTER key on various windows, will consistently crash mozilla under high loads (for me, anyway). Alt-F4 (bound to "Close Window" under my WindowMaker 0.62.1), would also crash mozilla for any window, including the main browser window under high loads. Hmm... I'll try this with a different window manager after this. No talkbacks generated from this .sea nightly build, even though I asked it to install QA stuff (talkback.xpi is suspiciously small - 3245 bytes only) Changing Summary to reflect this.
Summary: "Find" dialog crashes when ESC key is pressed TWICE, but not when the Cancel button is pressed → Crash when window closed by a key under high loads (was: "Find" dialog crashes when ESC key is pressed TWICE, but not when the Cancel button is pressed)
argh. I too had trouble reproducing this bug consistently under KDE 1.2's window manager. Might be all the fluff I have running under Window Maker. This is what I found: - Two compilations in the background for higher load than one. - One key stroke has lower probability of crashing mozilla than two key strokes (like double clicking). - Not window manager related, though I had a harder time repro. this under KDE. Wierd. This might explain why mozilla (for linux) is unstable for some people but okay for others (slow, overloaded computer vs fast computer). You really need a high load to repro. this bug consistently.
I'm adding danm to the cc: list. I really suspect that this is more his bug than Ben's (although I wouldn't stoop so low as to reassign it to him).
Build 2000112016 I think I've tracked down the cause of the crash. I've been using Mandrake 7.1's gtk+-1.2.7-4mdk.i586.rpm and glib-1.2.7-4mdk.i586.rpm After I've upgraded to gtk+-1.2.8-1.i386.rpm and glib-1.2.8-1.i386.rpm from, I've been unable to reproduce the crash. This is using the same mozilla build, so I'm reasonably certain the fault either lies in glib/gtk 1.2.7 or Mandrake's build of it. Mandrake do not have a glib/gtk 1.2.8 that I can test without upgrading therest of my system, so I can't tell if it's the glib/gtk version or Mandrake's. samuel: Can you please upgrade glib/gtk if you are using the older version and confirm this bugfix? Also, where do we document or otherwise publicize this problem with Mandrake/ gtk? At least it'll solve the stablity of mozilla for the affected people. OTOH, should mozilla check for problematic versions of glib/gtk and warn the user?
Samuel can you reproduce with the last comment's information? If not we should mark this worksforme. If yes -- it has to be another reason :( Fabian.
That seems to fix it. Also, seems to fix the "hit enter and die" for dialog boxes as well.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
mass verification of WorksForMe bugs: to find all bugspam pertaining to this, set your search string to "IfItWorksForSlappyTheSquirrelThenItWFM". if you think this particular bug is *still* an open issue, please make sure of the following before reopening: a. that it's still a problem with ***recent trunk builds*** on the all appropriate platform[s] b. provide clear steps to reproduce (unless a good test case is already in the bug report), making sure it pertains to the original problem (avoid morphing as much as possible :)
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → UI Design
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