Closed Bug 594136 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Ensure that clamd is running on surf


( Graveyard :: Server Operations, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: armenzg, Assigned: jabba)



justdave mentioned that clamdscan runs 4 times faster than a clamscan run so it is worth ensuring that clamd is running all the time. Can we do this through a nagios check on surf? justdave also mentioned that he was going to add a button on this page to activate clamd: [4:31pm] armenzg: and do we know why it wasn't running? [4:31pm] armenzg: 25% improvement -> good to know [4:32pm] justdave: 400% you mean [4:32pm] armenzg: can we have a nagios check to see that clamd is running on surf? is that a viable request and worth filing? [4:32pm] justdave: atoll: did you kick clamd? [4:32pm] justdave: yes, it is. [4:33pm] armenzg: instead of taking 70mins it would take 17.5mins? [4:33pm] justdave: I'm probably also going to have a way to kick off a manual scan from that web page I just linked to pretty soon, too [4:33pm] justdave: that's got dedicated hardware for virusscanning that has the ftp tree mounted [4:33pm] justdave: 16 cores available to it [4:34pm] atoll: i don't know about clamd [4:34pm] justdave: [root@surf zz]# service clamd status [4:34pm] atoll: have not started anything yet [4:34pm] justdave: clamd (pid 2819) is running... [4:34pm] justdave: [root@surf zz]# clamdscan /pub/ [4:34pm] justdave: ERROR: Can't connect to clamd: No such file or directory [4:34pm] justdave: strange [4:34pm] justdave: just restarted clamd, now it works [4:35pm] atoll: sounds like clamd
Assignee: server-ops → justdave
jabba ought to be able to handle this. ;) Just needs a process check added in nagios to make sure a clamd process exists. Pretty sure we have such a check already on dm-mail* and notorious, so should be able to clone the configs from those.
Assignee: justdave → jdow
I added the nagios alert. Oncall will get paged if clamd stops.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Thanks for getting to this! BTW did we discover why clamd was running but needed a restart?
Product: → Graveyard
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