Closed Bug 594831 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

App tabs are lost without warning if windows are closed in the wrong order


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: timofei.shatrov, Unassigned)



User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0b5) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0b5
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0b5) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0b5

Consider the window with, say 3 app tabs and 1 regular tab. Let there also be another window (say, a pop-up which the user had forgotten about). A user decides to close Firefox. He closes the main window. Since there is only one regular tab, the window closes without warning. Now there is only a pop-up window left. A user closes that window too. When he runs Firefox the next time, all the app tabs are lost.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a window with an app tab and a regular tab.
2. Create a second window.
3. Close the first window.
4. Close the second window.
5. Start Firefox again.
Actual Results:  
The app tab is lost. There is only a homepage tab when Firefox starts again.

Expected Results:  
When Firefox starts again, the app tab is still there. This is the expected behavior because app tabs usually get restored after restarting Firefox. At the very least, Firefox should warn that the app tab will not be restored when I close the first window.
Blocks: 563730
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:2.0b10pre) Gecko/20110116 Firefox/4.0b10pre

User can select to restore session (including AppTabs) by using History|Restore closed windows.

Seems to me browser is working as expected.
Ever confirmed: true
On Windows the browser gets closed after the last window has been closed. So for the given steps in comment 0, you really have to use the "Restore closed Windows" feature to restore the closed window from step 3. If you want to get all windows restored in one step, shutdown Firefox via "File | Exit".

Works fine for me too in the latest nightly build of Firefox 4. Closing as invalid because it's not a bug.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Shouldn't this be RESOLVED FIXED, because this used to be a bug when I reported it, and now the behavior is different and actually follows "expected results".
I been noticing this too, but I forget to use the Exit button, since I never use it.  I wish that was customizable.  For sure session restore doesn't save all open windows if you close one window at a time.
> Shouldn't this be RESOLVED FIXED, because this used to be a bug when I reported
> it, and now the behavior is different and actually follows "expected results".
I don't see any changed behaviour in beta 9. I am still getting your "actual results" not expected. (I reported the duplicate bug 626851 -- sorry).

Why was it marked invalid? The fact that you can restore "app tabs" using the history doesn't mean it's working as expected. These are supposed to be tabs that are permanently flagged as apps which the user wants open at all times. That concept is broken if the app tabs can disappear for such a vague reason as you closed the windows in the wrong order.
Your operating on the assumption that app tabs will be persistent across multiple windows or always saved no matter which window they are in, which wont be the case for Fx4.  

App tabs are no different than regular tabs right now in regards to how session restore deals with saving individual windows.  App tabs can be on any window, just like regular tabs.  

The problem here is not app tabs or tabs at all, the problem is closing anything but the last window is not added to session restore, when closing individual windows unless the last one, just bye bye.  This is expected results, and been the behavior for a long time.  If you want to save app tabs in all windows, use File->Exit as noted already.

Since your claiming thinking is an actual bug in session restore, there is no bug.. session restore works as designed, therefore this bug is ->INVALID
Not to mention App tabs as designed in Fx4 work as expected, and the other reason this bug is INVALID.  This is deliberate decision for Fx4 - it is on the cards for future releases to have global app tabs, but not this release.
Not claiming there is a bug in session restore. My original bug that I reported was that app tabs were not global across all windows (and that the loss of app tabs are an example of why this is a bad thing). But if that is already a planned enhancement for the future, and not a bug, then I agree there is no need to have a bug about it.

The loss of the app tabs is to be expected if app tabs are per-window. My argument was simply that app tabs should not be per-window.
Good point.  That bug is actually bug 587873.
OK. From there, I found a link to bug 587400, which seems to be an exact duplicate of this bug (the last-window-close issue), and is older. Therefore, this should probably be marked a duplicate of that one.

The discussion there seems to have taken a different turn. The consensus there seems to be that this *is* a valid issue which should be fixed some day, with some disagreement over whether it should block 4.0 or not.
Global app tabs was punted to future in bug 587873, see comments there and in bug 587400, but does look like a dupe of 587400.
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