Closed Bug 59549 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Need to store Identity: Send Unsent Msg case with webmail...


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: laurel, Assigned: mscott)


Using nov8 mn6 commercial build Mac OS 9.0

I ran into this case today which confused me regarding using Send Later/Send
Unsent messages... talked to Seth about it, he also suggested Rich/rhp might
already have something logged about the cause, so cc:ing Seth and Rich.

Had created a new profile, used initial Activation screen to activate a Webmail
account which became the default account.  Added some other POP and IMAP
accounts on nsmail-1, so the Account Settings showed Outgoing SMTP as nsmail-1.
Using said profile, I did the following steps:

1.  Had launched to mail, logged into all  accounts.
2.  Composed messages from an nsmail-1 IMAP and nsmail-1 POP account, used Send
Later for those messages.  Messages were properly showing in Local
Folders/Unsent Messages.
3.  Collapsed the default account before exiting.
4.  Relaunched to mail, File|Send Unsent Messages.
    I was prompted for smtp login to Webmail account.  This confused me since I
believed nsmail-1 to be the outgoing/SMTP server.  I checked Account Settings
and saw only one SMTP server listed, nsmail-1.

Seth said this is probably because we don't store the identity for the unsent
message to track to server or copy-to-Sent folder or anything.  When I went to
send the Unsent messages, it used the default account which happened to be
Webmail and wasn't what I assumed would be the SMTP server.

Once I changed the default account to one of the other (nsmail-1) accounts, this
scenario didn't prompt me for Webmail smtp password.

So, Seth thought we should probably store the ID to use the appropriate server
for this (smtp) situation as well as other possible situations with copy to Sent
folder, etc.
Sorry, somehow logged two bug reports.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 59548 ***
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Verified as a duplicate.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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