Open Bug 601873 Opened 14 years ago Updated 14 years ago

When editing the bug status workflow, throw an error if a product has "allow UNCONFIRMED" disabled and UNCONFIRMED is the only allowed bug status for new bugs


(Bugzilla :: Administration, task)

Not set




(Reporter: LpSolit, Unassigned)


A policy at GCC is that all bugs must start as UNCONFIRMED, so I edited the bug status workflow to enforce this policy. But I forgot to turn on the "allow UNCONFIRMED" bit for most products. This means I locked Bugzilla for most products, as users couldn't file bugs anymore. And nobody could file a bug to report this problem, for the same reason. :-/ An error should be thrown from editworkflow.cgi if an active (ENTER = 1) product has "allow UNCONFIRMED" disabled and UNCONFIRMED is becoming the only allowed bug status for new bugs. The error message should ask the admin to either set ENTER = 0 for these products, or turn on "allow UNCONFIRMED" first.
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