Closed Bug 602093 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Clean up MDN home page for 0.9.1


( Graveyard :: Wiki pages, defect, P1)

Windows 7


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jay, Assigned: ozten)


Based on community feedback and input from folks at Mozilla, here are a list of changes we need to make to the MDN home page:

1. Rename "Applications" menu item to "Mozilla"
2. Hide "Devmo" bar for anyone that has already visited the site
3. Remove "Highlights from around the network"
4. Change inactive tabs to gray (remove yellow)
6. Change "Community" nav item to "Forums"
7. Cut bottom 1/3 off the promo slider/box in the main content area
Assignee: nobody → ozten.bugs
1. Also updated Applications to Mozilla for:
 * / > "News & Updates Tab" > the h5 in red above "Game On!..." 
 * MDN on Twitter sidebar "@planetmozilla from Application says:..."
skipping 2 (will work on next)
3-7 done in github ozten/mdn commit 312a750..1893f3f
On thing I wanted to add to this bug was that the Twitter feed on the home page hasn't updated for over a month.  Not sure what happened there, but we should fix that as part of this push.
Hmmm... the twitter feed on all the pages hasn't updated.  I can't believe we didn't notice that before.

I think we had this issue around launch time... not sure what broke since then.
(In reply to comment #0)

> 1. Rename "Applications" menu item to "Mozilla" has "Apps" in the header, should that be renamed "Mozilla"?

> 2. Hide "Devmo" bar for anyone that has already visited the site
Should we also hide the Web, Mobile, etc bar that shows up on the other landing pages, once a user has visited that page once?
Part 2 fixed in

(In reply to comment #3)
Let's fix Twitter issue in a new bug, probably an operations issue and not code.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
(In reply to comment #4)
> > 1. Rename "Applications" menu item to "Mozilla"
> has "Apps" in the header, should that
> be renamed "Mozilla"?

There are also a lot of references and links to the "Applications" section/category throughout the site... shouldn't we globally convert all of those to Mozilla? And presumably we'll need a new title graphic for the section landing page, but I don't have the font that was used so I'll have to ask Drew at Happy Cog to make it.

> > 2. Hide "Devmo" bar for anyone that has already visited the site
> Should we also hide the Web, Mobile, etc bar that shows up on the other landing pages, once a user has visited that page once?

I'd vote for keeping the bar on the section landing pages. It makes it very clear what section you're in, whereas the bar on the home page becomes pretty redundant after the first few visits.
(In reply to comment #6)
> (In reply to comment #4)
> > > 1. Rename "Applications" menu item to "Mozilla"
> > has "Apps" in the header, should that
> > be renamed "Mozilla"?
> There are also a lot of references and links to the "Applications"
> section/category throughout the site... shouldn't we globally convert all of
> those to Mozilla? And presumably we'll need a new title graphic for the section
> landing page, but I don't have the font that was used so I'll have to ask Drew
> at Happy Cog to make it.

Yes, we need to update references to all "Applications" and "Apps"... so we will need a new image.  I forgot the landing page titles were images and not text... so we will need to create a new one.

Craig:  Please let me know if you are able to get Drew to provide a new image.  If not, let's at least find out what the font is so we can have someone create it for us (is that something Chowse can do?)
> > > 2. Hide "Devmo" bar for anyone that has already visited the site
> > Should we also hide the Web, Mobile, etc bar that shows up on the other landing pages, once a user has visited that page once?
> I'd vote for keeping the bar on the section landing pages. It makes it very
> clear what section you're in, whereas the bar on the home page becomes pretty
> redundant after the first few visits.

Yeah, I meant just the "Devmo" bar on the home page.  The other bars on the landing pages for Web, Add-ons, etc. need to remain in place.
verified fixed
Version: MDN → unspecified
Component: Website → Landing pages
Product: → Graveyard
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