Closed Bug 605009 Opened 14 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Linux debug build with --disable-pango crashes during shutdown


(Core :: Graphics, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jfkthame, Assigned: jfkthame)




(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

Bug 600102 (re-)enabled desktop Linux builds with the --disable-pango flag, to use the FT2Fonts backend (like mobile). However, debug builds using this option crash during gfxPlatform shutdown because the gfxPlatformGtk destructor closes down the Freetype library (see Then the gfxPlatform destructor calls Cairo's cleanup function (see which leads to a crash when cairo tries to deallocate the fonts, but their associated FTLibrary is already gone.

The gfxPangoFonts code avoids this by ensuring that the fonts are created using Cairo's FTLibrary, not a separately-initialized one; see But in the --disable-pango case, the platform initializes its own FTLibrary (see, and then closes it down too early.
This fixes the (debug-only) crash by calling cairo's cleanup function earlier. This means we actually call it twice (from the gfxPlatformGtk destructor, and again from the gfxPlatform destructor), but that's harmless. This is the same solution other gfxPlatform subclasses like Android and Qt are using.
Assignee: nobody → jfkthame
Attachment #495883 - Flags: review?(karlt)
OS: Mac OS X → Linux
Hardware: x86 → All
(In reply to comment #0)
> The gfxPangoFonts code avoids this by ensuring that the fonts are created using
> Cairo's FTLibrary, not a separately-initialized one; see
> But in the --disable-pango case, the platform initializes its own FTLibrary

and, without fontconfig, there is no way to create a font with cairo to extract cairo's FT_Library.
Comment on attachment 495883 [details] [diff] [review]
patch, prevent shutdown crash by cleaning up cairo earlier

(In reply to comment #1)
> This is the same
> solution other gfxPlatform subclasses like Android and Qt are using.

except that Android and Qt call cairo_debug_reset_static_data() unconditionally.
I'd be happier with that, because, if cairo_debug_reset_static_data() is not called, the references to dead FT_Faces will still exist, and cairo may choose to destroy our font_faces at some other time.

Another option would be to keep a reference count for gPlatformFTLibrary, FT_Init_FreeType when first needed, and FT_Done_FreeType when the reference count drops to zero, instead of from gfxPlatformGtk.
Attachment #495883 - Flags: review?(karlt) → review-
Or, alternatively, include FT_Done_FreeType in the same conditional as cairo_debug_reset_static_data.

NS_FREE_PERMANENT_DATA is probably the appropriate preprocessor tag to test.
I think I like the conditional FT_Done_FreeType option best.
Attachment #495883 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #496185 - Flags: review?(karlt)
Comment on attachment 496185 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v2 - prevent shutdown crash in debug builds

Thanks.  This should really be conditional also on MOZ_TREE_CAIRO as you had before.  Sorry if my comment was misleading.  Qt and Android don't need to worry about GTK using cairo.
Attachment #496185 - Flags: review?(karlt) → review+
Any plans to land this?  Not a big deal, but makes working with fennec-desktop builds somewhat annoying.
Comment on attachment 496185 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v2 - prevent shutdown crash in debug builds

This doesn't affect release builds, but makes debugging desktop builds with --disable-pango easier; requesting approval-2.0 to get this into the tree.
Attachment #496185 - Flags: approval2.0?
Comment on attachment 496185 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v2 - prevent shutdown crash in debug builds

Attachment #496185 - Flags: approval2.0? → approval2.0+
Comment on attachment 496185 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v2 - prevent shutdown crash in debug builds

Didn't land in time for RC1 - unapproved.
Attachment #496185 - Flags: approval2.0+ → approval2.0-
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: fixed-in-cedar
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla2.2
Review comment wasn't addressed.
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