Closed Bug 606456 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

[QAC generated] Adobe Flash player plugin not instaled and not work


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: raul.malea, Unassigned)


Steps to Reproduce
1.Instaled adobe flash payer plugin on Adobe web page
2.Instaled finished
3.Check plugins instaled and visit webpages with flash

What should have happened:
Adobe Flash player plugins is instaled. Flash web page see correctly

What actually happened:
Adobe flash player pluggin NOT instaled on minefield and flash do not see in more webpages.
Severity: normal → critical
blocking2.0: --- → ?
Keywords: flashplayer
Are you sure you are downloading the flash plugin for Firefox? there are two, the activeX flash player for internet explorer and the plugin for all other browsers
Severity: critical → normal
Keywords: flashplayer
Yes. Are sure. In this page Adobe Flash player not appear. In this page result is:Flash Player version that this browser is running. Flash player version: WIN 10,1,85,3.
But in add-ons->plugins not appear and flv object/flash site not see. (only shockwave flash).
Do you see the plugin in about:plugins ?
And this report is for which Firefox version/build ?

>1.Instaled adobe flash payer plugin on Adobe web page
Do you had no flash plugin installed on your system before ?
Do you checked if the Adobe installer dropped the Plugin file somewhere (npswf32.dll) ?
In about:plugins only Shockwave Flash appear.
   Fișier: NPSWF32.dll     Versiune: 
    Shockwave Flash 10.1 r85

Adobe Flash player (for flv object) NOT see.

Before instaled Minefield beta 8pre i have instaled mozilla firefox 3.6 and firefox 4 beta 6. in this, adobe flash plugin work correctly.
Also i have instaled chrome. Adobe flash plugin work correctly.

Minefield version here:

Built from
Build platform
Build tools
Compiler 	Version 	Compiler flags
d;D:\mozilla-build\msys\mozilla-build\python25\python2.5.exe -O e;D:\mozilla-build\msys\builds\moz2_slave\mozilla-central-win32-nightly\build\build\ cl 	14.00.50727.762 	-TC -nologo -W3 -Gy -Fdgenerated.pdb -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -Zi -Zi -UDEBUG -DNDEBUG -GL -wd4624 -wd4952 -O1
d;D:\mozilla-build\msys\mozilla-build\python25\python2.5.exe -O e;D:\mozilla-build\msys\builds\moz2_slave\mozilla-central-win32-nightly\build\build\ cl 	14.00.50727.762 	-GR- -TP -nologo -Zc:wchar_t- -W3 -Gy -Fdgenerated.pdb -wd4800 -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -Zi -Zi -UDEBUG -DNDEBUG -GL -wd4624 -wd4952 -O1
Configure arguments

--enable-application=browser --enable-update-channel=nightly --enable-update-packaging --enable-jemalloc --enable-tests

In Chrome i see:
Flash (2 files) - Versiune:
Shockwave Flash 10.1 r85
Nume:	Shockwave Flash
Descriere:	Shockwave Flash 10.1 r85
Versiune:	10,1,85,3
Prioritate:	2
Locaţia:	C:\Users\Raul\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\8.0.552.11\gcswf32.dll
Tipuri MIME:	
Tip MIME	Descriere	Extensii de fişier
application/x-shockwave-flash	Adobe Flash movie	
application/futuresplash	FutureSplash movie	
Nume:	Shockwave Flash
Descriere:	Shockwave Flash 10.1 r85
Versiune:	10,1,85,3
Prioritate:	25
Locaţia:	C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32.dll
Tipuri MIME:	
Tip MIME	Descriere	Extensii de fişier
application/x-shockwave-flash	Adobe Flash movie	
application/futuresplash	FutureSplash movie	

Also i have adobe air instaled in my system.
That is adobe flash. So the plugin is installed. Does it not work?
>In about:plugins only Shockwave Flash appear.
That is ok, that is the Adobe Flash player, what Do you expect to see there ?

>What actually happened:
>Adobe flash player pluggin NOT instaled 

That is wrong, the flash plugin is installed and found by Gecko.
BTW: It would be a flash Installer bug if it wouldn't be installed on the system.

I think you want to report that the flash plugin isn't working on some pages.
Please try it again in the Firefox safemode
Not work. SWF object not see.
Very curios!! In safe mode plugin work! swf object is see. I don't understanding.
Is stupid situation. In normal mode adobe flash plugin not working. I don't see swf banner/movie/object in webpage
You have for example adblock plus installed and that is currently broken.
marking as dupe of bug 604420
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Adblock plus is disabled. however, plugin not work.
Now, i don't have adblock instaled (removed completely). Adobe flash not see and not work. SWF object not see in web pages.

in page:

Very soon we'll be bringing you some great content about building great Flash and Flex applications.

In the meantime, why not make sure you're using the latest version Flash Player.

Other blocked extensions (e.g. no script) NOT instaled.
Disable all addons under tools/addon and restart Firefox.
The bug affects more addons and not only AB* and I can not guess which addons you have installed. You don't have to uninstall the addons, disabling them in the addon manager is enough but not disabling for example AB* in the AB+ options. is working for me with  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:2.0b8pre) Gecko/20101021 Firefox/4.0b8pre SeaMonkey/2.1b2pre
Is logical. If adobe flash plugins work in safe mode, this work then all add-ons is disabled (see comment 8).

Also, in this day minefield updates. working now. However, don't working.

Very soon we'll be bringing you some great content about building great Flash and Flex applications.

In the meantime, why not make sure you're using the latest version Flash Player.
That is the normal message that always displays.
It displays the same message with Firefox 3.6.11 and it's a 100% website bug if you expect something else
Is ok now. thanks for your effort.
Canceling blocking request on this dupe.
blocking2.0: ? → ---
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