Open Bug 608955 Opened 14 years ago Updated 4 years ago

Convert the statusbar into a customizable toolbar (add-ons bar) without changing functionality


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect)

Not set


(seamonkey2.1 wontfix)

Tracking Status
seamonkey2.1 --- wontfix


(Reporter: kairo, Unassigned)



Firefox bug 574688 changed the browser statusbar into a customizable add-on bar, emptied and hid it by default. SeaMonkey doesn't want it to be empty or hidden, but making it customizable is a great improvement for users wanting to rearrange add-on buttons or adding/removing those - same possibly for our own elements on the statusbar.
I foresee a WONTFIX for that bug, as customizable status-bar doesn't sound like a major improvement, like supacool new "addon-bar" does. A customizable status-bar won't excuse why so much time was spent for such a small improvement.
does that mean you want to include the status4evar add-on in the default install? because “making the statusbar customizable” means turning it into a standard toolbar and replacing the static addon overlays with dynamic toolbar buttons (which addon devs will have to do). if you instead mean to automatically change the overlays (old statusbar buttons) into being customizable: afaik that’s not possible, since the process of adding an overlay is totally different from adding toolbar buttons
> if you instead mean to automatically change the overlays (old statusbar > buttons) into being customizable: afaik that’s not possible, since the process > of adding an overlay is totally different from adding toolbar buttons Extension toolbar buttons *are* added using overlays you know?
Version: unspecified → Trunk
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