Closed Bug 60910 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Downloads two copies of XPI file being installed


(Core Graveyard :: Installer: XPInstall Engine, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: richardbiddle, Assigned: dprice)




(Whiteboard: [xpibug] DPRICEFIX)


(12 files, 1 obsolete file)

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; m18) Gecko/20001113 BuildID: 2000111320 Adding a new theme (and maybe any new software install component) and the file begins to download immediatly. Next a dialog box appears asking if I want to download it. Then after saying yes, it begins to download the same file again and continues the first one. When the first one is completely downloaded it is ignored and the installer only operates when the second copy has finished Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Install a new skin, or maybe any component. I used the View/Apply Theme.../Get new Theme option to get to: Actual Results: The .xpi file was downloaded twice, but the first one ignored. Expected Results: Download only once. I am using a program called Naviscope which shows excatly what files I am receiving. It is transparent to applications.
Component: Themes → Installer: XPInstall Engine
Reporter, are you still seeing this in current builds? If so could you please post a log from your monitoring software so we can see what is going on? Changing component to installer.
Assignee: hangas → ssu
Component: Installer: XPInstall Engine → Installer
QA Contact: pmac → gemal
QA Contact: gemal → gbush
The same thing happens in build 2000121304. I will try and confirm that this truely is a bug with mozilla.
WORKSFORME Platform: PC OS: Linux 2.2.16 Mozilla Build: 2000122808 M18 Trunk Build
Tried this out, browser starts one download while asking whether I want to install the theme, then attempts to start a second when I confirm. The second download stalls, and the download dialog box claims to be attempting to resolve the hostname. The machine's resolver is perfectly able to resolve the hostname, as is the proxy cache's resolver, which is to be expected since the proxy cache is busy downloading the xpi file. Relevant cache logs: 978509388.479 143101 TCP_MISS/000 41239 GET - DIRECT/ - 978509406.178 122976 TCP_HIT/200 307340 GET - NONE/- application/x-xpinstall
Attached file Browsing activity log
Attached file HTTP Request Log
Attached file HTTP Request Log
Attached file HTTP Request Log
Attached file HTTP Request Log
Attached file HTTP request log
Marking NEW a lot of people on #mozillazine saw this one after we worked on it. Whether or not its Mozilla's problem is up for debate.
Ever confirmed: true
Attached file HTTP response log
I attached Browsing activity log, HTTP Request log (sorry for multiple files) and HTTP response log from Naviscope 8.70. Mozilla 2000123120 on Windows 2000. It looks like Mozilla really downlods two files instead of just one.
Naviscope also shows that Mozilla appears to download shockwave files twice. For example at: Shockwave splash file loads twice. I do feel that the problem may caused by naviscope but I've never seen this happen in IE.
adding dveditz and dbragg to the CC: list.
We'll want to fix this one. Adding dougt for Necko wisdom, we're probably doing something wrong, like our observer shouldn't be opening its own file we should somehow be able to get it from Necko.
Keywords: mozilla1.0, nsbeta1
Priority: P3 → P1
Over to Don, who has other bugs dealing with the download stuff. The site referenced appears to simply serve a page with the correct MIME-type, which might have completely different behavior than a javascript call to InstallTrigger.install() where the XPInstall backend initiates the Necko request. In other words, test by clicking on .xpi links on sweetlou rather than by using QA's javascript-based test harness.
Assignee: ssu → dbragg
Whiteboard: [xpibug]
Correcting component
Component: Installer → Installer: XPInstall Engine
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9
p2 tasks
Priority: P1 → P2
Richard Biddle, Jure Repinc, Matt Beauregard, I need some clarification here. Either this has been fixed or I'm not understanding the problem. When I tried this with a build I made on 2/1/2001 I'm not seeing 2 download dialogs no matter how I try to get an .xpi file. I do see that the browser's progress bar (this is the progress bar at the bottom of the browser window itself, NOT the one in the download dialog) is in the undetermined stage with the "Items to Install" dialog is up but there is no download going on at this stage. As soon as I click "OK" the download dialog comes up and the install completes correctly. The clarification I need is whether you're actually seeing 2 download dialogs or if the "first" download is somehow happening in the background without any UI?
Only one download dialog box ever appeared but Naviscope ( showed that two copies of the file were being downloaded. One was ignored.
Keywords: mozilla1.0, nsbeta1nsbeta1+
I need some more information. I've got Naviscope in my system now but it doesn't recognize Netscape 6. I've done some other investigation and can't see any double downloading. Richard, Does Naviscope give you any information on where this first download is going? Is it to your %TEMP% directory? Is it to your profile somewhere? I need something I can see without Naviscope. Is it possible this is Naviscope's prefetch feature or something like that?
Attached file Naviscope Browsing log
Richard, I thank you for posting more Naviscope reports but I'm afraid this doesn't really help to distinguish whether this is a Naviscope related problem or a Mozilla problem. I'm very sorry if I haven't been clear on what I need. I will try to clarify... I need the following: When you get the Confirm dialog on Mozilla (the one that says: "Items to Install" and lists the .xpi file) don't click OK. While that modal dialog is on the screen can you get a Naviscope report? According to the first report a download is happening at this time. I see no evidence of this. I have looked all over my system and I've traced through the code in the debugger and can find no case where a double download is happening. In the initial bug report it was stated "Adding a new theme (and maybe any new software install component) and the file begins to download immediatly." I need to know if the real file completes a download or if this is based on a Naviscope report. If you are getting an actual file downloaded, to what location is it being downloaded? Our code downloads .xpi files to the system temp directory only.
Hello, sorry I haven't replied sooner but I only yesterday got access to a Windows PC. I installed Mozilla 0.8, and Naviscope 8.70 (from download page (it said it was 8.6 something but it installed 8.70)). Disabled all Naviscope functions. (no precaching etc). Enabled Traceroute (Right click 'N'. Select Traceroute). Set Mozilla HTTP proxy to Port 81. And set Naviscope proxy to your previous Mozilla HTTP proxy (if you had one). This is the whole sequence: From Menu: View, Apply Theme, Get New Themes. Find desired theme, Click Quick download/install. Naviscope shows that the .xpi file begins downloading immediately. (Shown in Browsing log at time 17:12:07) And the Items to Install dialog comes up. I waited 20 seconds before clicking OK. This then began downloading a second copy of the .xpi file. (Shown in Browsing log at time 17:12:26). And the dialog changed to a dialog showing downloading progress bar. This progress bar matched the progress of the second downloading file. The first file has completed downloading by this time and is ignored. Second file continues and is then installed. Does this help? I'll try it again and see where the first file is put.
OK, I just tried it on a Linux box using tcpflow to see exactly what I'm getting/sending. Same bug!! (almost) It begins downloading the first .xpi file immediately but stops after receiving 66608 bytes. Clicking OK begins the download of the second .xpi file and this time the whole file is received.
OS: Windows 95 → All
Ok, NOW I see what's going on. The sight is using the mime-type "triggering" mechanism instead of javascript triggering. This is a known issue. Reassigning to mscott per discussion with dougt. mscott: to test this just click on an .xpi file in some test URL. (but you'll probably mark this as a duplicate ;-)
Assignee: dbragg → mscott
I'm not sure I understand why this is assigned to me? What do you mean by mime type triggering vs. js triggering? the uriloader and exthandler don't do anything special with regards to "triggering"........
Actually Dougt told me to assign this to you, Scott. He said this was a known problem. See, if the site uses a javascript trigger in their .html file (InstallTrigger.install(xpifilename)) to download and run an .xpi file the problem doesn't happen but if the user just clicks on an .xpi file, a little bit of it starts to download immediately. This is what the site is really doing with their download button. Now I don't know if this is really a bug or if a little bit of the file is being downloaded on purpose for information reasons or whatever but xpinstall doesn't actually start any explicit downloading until the Confirm dialog is dismissed.
moving to mozilla0.9.1
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9 → mozilla0.9.1
moving to 0.9.2
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.1 → mozilla0.9.2
moving to 0.9.3
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.2 → mozilla0.9.3
moving to 0.9.4
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.3 → mozilla0.9.4
moving to 0.9.5
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.4 → mozilla0.9.5
Blocks: 46318
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.5 → mozilla0.9.6
Keywords: nsbeta1+
Well... This bug is no longer appearing in mozilla build 2001102808. Someone please mark it as fixed.
moving to 0.9.9 but if it's believe to be fixed, please mark it as such.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.9
marking fixed per the reporters comments.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I'm still seeing this.... :-(
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Assignee: mscott → dveditz
What method are you using to detect it?
--> dprice
Assignee: dveditz → dprice
Whiteboard: [xpibug] → [xpibug] DPRICEFIX
I tested by going to and downloading browser.xpi I saw a download happening in the browser window. When I stopped that one, the download started in the confirm dialog.
I can't speak for the solution, but I am wondering if we need to do a check to make sure the request interface that Cancel() is being invoked off of is actually non-NULL. Is it guaranteed this interface is passed in by the caller?
> if (!request) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; is already in the code, scroll up :-)
Comment on attachment 69168 [details] [diff] [review] Patch to cancel the first request. could you move the cancel higher up? We want to Cancel the request regardless of all the early returns, otherwise some potentially big file will still get downloaded into your cache, wasting user bandwidth and flushing more useful stuff from it. I think you could do it any time after you get the URI from the channel. Certainly you want to do it before StartSoftwareUpdate() because then it'll still be downloading stuff the whole time the user is looking at the confirm dialog.
Comment on attachment 69168 [details] [diff] [review] Patch to cancel the first request. > if (uri) { > char* spec; > uri->GetSpec(&spec); Oh, as long as you're here... please make spec a nsXPIDLCString rather than manually freeing. That way it doesn't get leaked if for some reason you can't get the globalObjectOwner or globalObject, and it'll be more robust in the face of future people adding more early returns for whatever reason.
Comment on attachment 69168 [details] [diff] [review] Patch to cancel the first request. r=gagan
Attachment #69168 - Flags: review+
Attached patch new patchSplinter Review
New patch cancels the request as soon as we get its uri and changes spec from a char* to a nsXPIDLCString
Attachment #69168 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 69371 [details] [diff] [review] new patch sr=dveditz
Attachment #69371 - Flags: superreview+
checked in
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Reassigning QA Contact to me. I have time to take this on.
QA Contact: gbush → jimmylee
Build: 2002-03-19-10-trunk(WIN),2002-03-20-08-trunk(MAC),2002-03-20-08-trunk(LINUX) Looks good to me. I am not seeing multiple downloads. Marking Verified.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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