Closed Bug 609901 Opened 14 years ago Closed 3 years ago

ZIP_IN/WIN32_INSTALLER_IN shouldn't include leading paths


(Firefox Build System :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bhearsum, Unassigned)



(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

Because of the way the wget-en-US target downloads builds (directly into dist/) it doesn't make sense for the unpack target to include $(PKG_PATH) or $(WIN32_INST_PATH) in these variables. In fact, it makes them usable for release builds where they are actually set. This patch worked fine on Linux, haven't tested elsewhere yet.
Attachment #488470 - Flags: feedback?(ted.mielczarek)
Attachment #488470 - Flags: feedback?(l10n)
Comment on attachment 488470 [details] [diff] [review] drop PKG_PATH/PKG_INST_PATH from variables Can you detail what that means in terms of the actual paths on all three platforms? I'm scared of anything that touches packager variables.
According to my reading of, PKG_PATH is empty in non-pretty cases and PKG_INST_PATH is install/sea. I'm not really sure how the latter even works for nightlies. I'll dig into this more. For the pretty names case PKG_PATH is $(MOZ_PKG_PLATFORM)/$(AB_CD)/ and PKG_INST_PATH is PKG_PATH.
One thing that I'd like to see continue to work is that you can just do a make package make -C browser/locales installers-x-test and repack your current build. That's partly what bug 525438 will do, and what developers in general should find easy to do.
I'll test scenario, too.
After some guidance from Axel and khuey this is what I came up with. It gets the unpack target working again, but seems to break installers-%, but only on Mac? Probably need to do some more quoting.
Attachment #488470 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #488470 - Flags: feedback?(ted.mielczarek)
Attachment #488470 - Flags: feedback?(l10n)
I'm having no luck getting past my current issue with this patch, which is the build system not recognizing concrete installers-% rules, such as: make: *** No rule to make target `installers-de'. Stop. khuey said he'd have a look at some point, so I'm punting on this for now and assigning it to him.
Assignee: nobody → khuey
I think this is the magic that khuey talked about, didn't test if it goes all the way we need. It does complain about make[1]: *** No rule to make target `bar tender', needed by `two'. Stop. though, which means that in this one-step case, it did get the ' ' carried over.
Did this get figured out? Should I still be the owner of record for this?
I ended up going a different route with the work that was wanting this, so it's not needed at this time, would still be nice though!
No longer blocks: 608004
Unowning this.
Assignee: khuey → nobody
Product: Core → Firefox Build System

This is probably not relevant anymore.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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