Closed Bug 610165 Opened 14 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Page info statistic on how much memory a tab is using


(Firefox :: Page Info Window, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: k0scist, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


It would be nice to see how much memory a tab was using.  This should be the real time statistic, although graphs over time would be nice too
What I think we'd want is an api on something (docshell maybe?) that gets the size of the heap for the appropriate JSCompartments (that may require cooperation from Spidermonkey beyond what it provides at the moment)
> What I think we'd want is an api on something (docshell maybe?) that gets the
> size of the heap for the appropriate JSCompartments (that may require
> cooperation from Spidermonkey beyond what it provides at the moment)

This would probably depend on Electrolysis landing on mozilla-central. Other things besides JS do take up memory.
Severity: normal → enhancement
xref Bug 400120 - Add CPU and RAM monitor on a per-tab basis.
one should be a dup?
Yep - I can see a lot of request mostly related - so I'll just mention here 'a bonus' feature request here from my report -

I see tracking memory usage over the time as an important part of it - as often it could happen that just some visited page starts to trigger some JS bug - and I'd have no clue after a day - which page might have started this.

So keep some limited logs of resource tracking should not be forgotten together with a real-time statistic.
No longer blocks: DarkMatter
Depends on: DarkMatter
Bug 661474 added per-compartment reporters.

Bug 472209 is open to add graphs to about:memory of memory usage over time.

Bug 662814 is open to add a log of resource tracking.

So I think I can close this bug as a duplicate!
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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