Closed Bug 613724 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Incorrect default switches to handle mailto: links / new message window will not open


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Composition, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mlueck, Unassigned)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101027 SeaMonkey/2.0.10

I am running the official builds of Firefox and SeaMonkey on my machine installed via UbuntuZilla. I recently switched email from Thunderbird 2.x to SeaMonkey. 

After making that switch, Firefox encountering links in the "mailto:" format would no longer open a new email message window, however I would see SeaMonkey flash in the bottom Gnome Panel where running programs show up.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. In Firefox, click on a mailto: link that should open a new email message window

Actual Results:  
SeaMonkey only flashes in the bottom Gnome Panel

Expected Results:  
A new SeaMonkey message window to open and be correctly addressed.

With the assistance of Daniel of the UbuntuZilla project, the correct command line syntax to launch a SeaMonkey new message window is as follows:

seamonkey -compose %s

The default after SeaMonkey installed was:
seamonkey -mail %s
which seems to be incorrect.

What ever told Gnome's Preferred Applications applet that incorrect command line syntax needs to be adjusted.
IMO this bug report is invalid and has nothing to do with SeaMonkey, but instead with the OP's linux desktop preferences options and environment.

Further, the recommended "fix"/instruction is incorrect; for example I use both GNOME and SeaMonkey, but my SeaMonkey installs vary, and currently I have my GNOME system preferences set to send email via SeaMonkey from 'seamonkey2 -mail'. Sometimes I have a full path to ~/home/<username>/<seamonkeyfolder>/seamonkey etc.
That thought had occurred to me... however I thought to start with logging it against SeaMonkey as I assumed SM is suppose to set such settings within Gnome.

How could Gnome be expected to know about every possible web browser and email client? Thus I assume that something done during installation adds the email client to the pick list available in the Gnome Preferred Applications list.

If it is indeed handled by Gnome, that needs to be specifically stated, then I will open a bug with the Gnome project.
Invalid. Not related to SeaMonkey.
Michael, you can fix it on gnome.

I'm not fluent in English, see your system menu and "application préférées" preferred programs.

@NoOp: Please stop having a bad / unhelpful attitude.

@Stéphane: Yes I have the issue corrected now via configuring a custom execution string shown in my original post.

@both: If Gnome really "magically" comes up with syntax to launch email / web browser clients on its own, please articulate that fact.
It's not a bad / unhelpful attitude. Your issue is not a bug in SeaMonkey. If you need help with configuring your desktop please use the thread that you opened on & I'll be more than happy to discuss/explain there.
@NoOp: Could you please re-read my OP. I have already found a work-around using an alternate command line switch.

I am seeking to get someone to update the default command line switch... be it in SeaMonkey, or if not then Gnome, or... WHERE EVER IT COMES FROM!!! As-is, the default for SeaMonekey DOES NOT WORK and I think people do not need to know command line switches to SeaMonkey... IT SHOULD JUST PLAIN WORK.

You still give no evidence that Gnome is responsible for coming up with the correct command line to execute. So please just let this issue rest for now, and allow Mozilla folks an opportunity to respond as to who's bug it actually is.

Thank you!
Not a SeaMonkey bug, resolving accordingly.

Ubuntu Bug:

Other distros' (SuSE etc.) gnome-default-applications.xml may be affected, too, and in that case similar bugs would have to be filed there, but this one is done.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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