Closed Bug 616048 Opened 14 years ago Closed 1 year ago

New Study: Firefox versions and upgrades/downgrades


(Mozilla Labs Graveyard :: Test Pilot Data Requests, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jono, Assigned: jono)


(Whiteboard: new data collection)

Requester: Christian Legnitto Christian asks: Not sure if this can be done with TestPilot, but similar to bug 575366... I'd like to know: 1) What version of FF users of the beta are installing over (previous beta? 3.0? 3.6?) 2) When a user downgrades within FF4 (they were on nightly and go back to beta7, they were on beta8 and go back to beta7, etc) 3) If users of the beta had a previous FF installed or if they are trying out FF for the first time (that is, is there an existing profile/install) 4) If FF is set as the default browser, if so what version (not sure it is acceptable to query this) 5) If FF is not set as the default browser, which is (not sure it is acceptable to query this) Most of these questions can likely be handled by collecting the same data. This will help us: a) Know if we have churn in our beta audience b) Know if we pushed out a beta that people can't use c) See if the FF4 features are compelling to users on unsupported FF releases and anticipate natural conversion rates d) If we are doing a big consumer push with engagement it'd be nice to have these sorts of metrics
Whiteboard: new data collection
Whiteboard: new data collection → new study request
Whiteboard: new study request → new data collection
Product: Mozilla Labs → Mozilla Labs Graveyard
Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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