Closed Bug 618113 Opened 14 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[CLI] new command line needed to invoke firefox with mozmill extensions


(Testing Graveyard :: Mozmill, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: k0scist, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [CLI][mozmill-2.0-wanted][good first bug][mentor=jhammel])

Landing of bug 585106 on master deleted the ability to run mozmill
without tests.  A new command line entry point should be introduced
that will re-add this functionality.  It should inherit from the
mozmill CLI class but won't need much of the functionality from it.
The name of the command line needs to be decided.
Wasn't it our goal to get rid of all the existent mozmill commands and put everything into a single command (i.e. mozmill-restart). Can't we simply do this with a command line option for the mozmill script?
(In reply to comment #1)
> Wasn't it our goal to get rid of all the existent mozmill commands and put
> everything into a single command (i.e. mozmill-restart). Can't we simply do
> this with a command line option for the mozmill script?

We could add the command into the existing mozmill (suggestions are welcome for the name).  It doesn't share much intent with the existing mozmill command is the reason I would advocate having a separate command -- mostly only the jsbridge and mozrunner CLI arguments make sense for it.  I'm fine either way, though.
I haven't really heard agreement here on how we want to do this. Probably any solution is easy, but if we can't agree on what it looks like, its probably not worth doing
Summary: new command line needed to invoke firefox with mozmill extensions → [CLI] new command line needed to invoke firefox with mozmill extensions
Whiteboard: [CLI]
This is/was a totally helpful feature. I'm using it at least once each day to do some debugging on a fresh profile, without having to create a new static profile. Please don't drop the ball on that bug.
Whiteboard: [CLI] → [CLI][mozmill-2.0?]
I think I'd prefer to keep the mozmill command as the mozmill command, so let's do this with a switch on the one mozmill command, I recommend --do-nothing for the name as that's pretty applicable.

Another good name might be --launch-only.  

$>mozmill -b ../firefox/firefox.exe --do-nothing
and the browser launches.

I would not hold 2.0 for this, but if we can get it in, that'd be nice.
Whiteboard: [CLI][mozmill-2.0?] → [CLI][mozmill-2.0-wanted]
I would much prefer having this be its own script, as there are only a few options in common with Mozmill's CLI (although most in common with mozrunner's CLI).  


some-script-name -b ../firefox/firefox.exe

This is a very easy bug to do if we can think of what `some-script-name` should actually be.  I would have done it by now but have spent lots of time discussing this script name and other bikesheddy things related.  If we can agree on a script name, then that's probably sufficient if there aren't any other feature requests here
Whiteboard: [CLI][mozmill-2.0-wanted] → [CLI][mozmill-2.0-wanted][good-first-bug]
Whiteboard: [CLI][mozmill-2.0-wanted][good-first-bug] → [CLI][mozmill-2.0-wanted][good first bug]
Whiteboard: [CLI][mozmill-2.0-wanted][good first bug] → [CLI][mozmill-2.0-wanted][good first bug][mentor=jhammel]
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Testing → Testing Graveyard
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