Closed Bug 618479 Opened 14 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Firefox freezes on various pages (unresponsive script)


(Core :: XPCOM, defect, P2)






(Reporter: vincent-moz, Assigned: bzbarsky)




(Keywords: perf)


(3 files, 3 obsolete files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10.4; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10.4; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.1 Firefox freezes on various pages, and during this time one cannot use it at all. Under Mac OS X, a dialog box appears after several seconds, saying "Unresponsive script". If I click on "Continue", same problem. I need to click on "Stop script". This is always reproducible. Safari (on the same machine) doesn't have any problem. Thus it looks like more a Firefox bug than a problem with the web site (in any case, freezing the whole UI is not acceptable). Debian's Iceweasel 3.5.16 on a Linux machine also sometimes freezes for a few seconds (this is not always reproducible), then it is OK (without getting the dialog box). On the same Linux machine, I don't have any problem with chromium-browser. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open Actual Results: Firefox freezes for several seconds, then a dialog box appears, saying "Unresponsive script". Expected Results: The page should be loaded and Firefox shouldn't freeze (like with the other browsers).
Note: the Build Identifier should be: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10.4; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13 (the last character was missing - bad copy-paste...).
> in any case, freezing the whole UI is not acceptable Sure, but that's a consequence of having the web page and UI on the same thread. The relevant part of the script looks like this: var millisec = 5000; var speed = Math.round(millisec / 100); var timer = 0; var id = "backgrounddiv"; if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") == -1) { for (k = 0; k <= 30; k++) { for (j = 0; j <= 2; j++) { for (i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { setTimeout("changeOpac(" + i + ",'" + id + "'," + j + ")", (timer * speed)); timer++; } for (i = 100; i >= 0; i--) { setTimeout("changeOpac(" + i + ",'" + id + "'," + j + ")", (timer * speed)); timer++; } } } } which sets up 30 * 2 * 200 = 12,000 timers to run this function: function changeOpac(opacity, id,CurrentPic) { var object = document.getElementById(id).style; object.backgroundImage = Pic[CurrentPic][0]; object.opacity = (opacity / 100); object.MozOpacity = (opacity / 100); object.KhtmlOpacity = (opacity / 100); object.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity + ")"; } Most of these (if not all) fire before the div is actually in the DOM, thus throwing an exception when trying to get .style in changeOpac. In any case, I don't get the slow script dialog in either 3.6 or current trunk, though 3.6 does have a slightly longer pause. I did profile the pageload on trunk, and about 50% of pageload is spent in TimerThread::AddTimerInternal; that's something we should fix.
Assignee: general → nobody
Component: JavaScript Engine → XPCOM
Ever confirmed: true
Priority: -- → P2
QA Contact: general → xpcom
Attached file testcase for that
Output in a vanilla build: 90 ms to set 5000 timers 490 ms to set 10000 timers 1751 ms to set 15000 timers 7482 ms to set 20000 timers Output in a build with my upcoming patch: 28 ms to set 5000 timers 64 ms to set 10000 timers 92 ms to set 15000 timers 139 ms to set 20000 timers
Attachment #497018 - Flags: review?(brendan)
Comment on attachment 497018 [details] [diff] [review] Witness the power of the logarithm. cjones pointed out we have this in nsTArray already.
Attachment #497018 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #497018 - Flags: review?(brendan)
Attachment #497022 - Flags: review?(jones.chris.g)
Whiteboard: [need review]
Comment on attachment 497025 [details] [diff] [review] part 2. Use binary, not linear, search to determine timer insertion locations. >- // XXXbz why? Given our definition of overdue in terms of >- // mTimeoutAdjustment, aTimer might be overdue already! Why not >- // just fire timers in order? >- >- // XXX does this hold for TYPE_REPEATING_PRECISE? /be >- >- if (now < timer->mTimeout + mTimeoutAdjustment && >- aTimer->mTimeout < timer->mTimeout) { >- break; >- } >+ PRBool LessThan(nsTimerImpl *fromArray, nsTimerImpl *newTimer) const { >+ NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(newTimer == timerToInsert, "Unexpected timer ordering"); >+ >+ // Skip any overdue timers. >+ >+ // XXXbz why? Given our definition of overdue in terms of >+ // mTimeoutAdjustment, aTimer might be overdue already! Why not >+ // just fire timers in order? >+ return now >= fromArray->mTimeout + timeoutAdjustment || >+ fromArray->mTimeout <= newTimer->mTimeout; >+ } Moving the code and inverting the (&&) condition to get (||), and using >= instead of >, is cool, but I'd want both disjuncts to use the same "number line" order, so newTimer->mTimeout >= fromArray->mTimeout. Is the XXXbz really a FIXME citing a filed bug? If not, file and cite. r=me with these picked. /be
Attachment #497025 - Flags: review?(brendan) → review+
Comment on attachment 497022 [details] [diff] [review] part 1. Clean up the nsTArray binary-insert code a little bit. Yeah, this code needed some love :). Thanks. I think we agreed what we want here is the index i where, if x were inserted at i, the array would stay sorted and x would be appended to all elements == to x. A reasonable name for such a function seems to be IndexOfFirstElementGt(x): with a comment about how ties are broken for == elements. The current algorithm gives us the tie-breaking behavior opposite to what we want. The algorithm below is the one we want, I think. (Worth double checking!) // Find the smallest i for which x < E[i]. while (hi > lo) { mid = (lo + hi) / 2 if (<(x, E[mid])) hi = mid else lo = mid + 1 } It would also be nice to add a test for sorted insert of == elements.
Attachment #497022 - Flags: review?(jones.chris.g) → review-
> I think we agreed what we want here is Well, we hadn't gotten that far. ;) But those are reasonable semantics, yes. > The algorithm below is the one we want, I think. Agreed, for the append behavior.
Oh. Guess we discussed your use case, and didn't get past trying to reconstruct wtf the original author was thinking :).
is this issue worse for v3.6 (gecko 1.9.2) vs v3.5 (gecko 1.9.1)?? The reason I ask, is we have way more script timeout reports in thunderbird 3.1 (1.9.2) vs TB3.0 (1.9.1). FWIW, windows isn't mentioned in this bug - I can't reproduce timeout on windows with trunk with URL or testcase. Although I didn't try in safe mode.
Assignee: nobody → bzbarsky
(In reply to comment #12) > is this issue worse for v3.6 (gecko 1.9.2) vs v3.5 (gecko 1.9.1)?? I don't know. With v3.5 under Linux, I notice a very short freeze (compared to other web sites), but the machine is much faster than my 6-year old Mac OS X machine. BTW I can reproduce the timeout on this Linux machine with cpulimit -p <pid_of_firefox-bin> -l 20 (i.e. to use 20% of the CPU). If you want to be able to reproduce the timeout, I suggest that you try on a "slow" machine (but note that rendering usual web sites is still very fast) or use some tool to limit the CPU usage.
bz, chris, is an updated patch needed? or is this good for checkin?
Keywords: perf
Wayne, this needs an updated patch. What made you think this could possibly be good for checkin?
Whiteboard: [need review]
Matthew, could you take a look at the WebMBufferedParser changes, please? The only other thing that worries me here is the behavior change for RemoveElementSorted...
Attachment #703482 - Flags: review?(kinetik)
Attachment #703482 - Flags: review?(jones.chris.g)
Attachment #497022 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #497025 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 703482 [details] [diff] [review] Part 1 updated to comments Review of attachment 703482 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ::: content/media/webm/WebMBufferedParser.cpp @@ +141,5 @@ > // duplicate WebMTimeDataOffset entries. > { > ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(aReentrantMonitor); > + uint32_t idx = aMapping.IndexOfFirstElementGt(mBlockOffset); > + if (idx == 0 || !(aMapping[idx-1] == mBlockOffset)) { aMapping[idx-1] != mBlockOffset
Attachment #703482 - Flags: review?(kinetik) → review+
> aMapping[idx-1] != mBlockOffset That's what I first wrote, yes, but aMapping[idx-1] has an operator== that takes an int, but has no operator!=. Want me to define one?
Oh, silly me, I looked at the type of mBlockOffset but not aMapping[idx-1]. The current way is fine with me, in that case.
Sounds good. Try run is green, for what that's worth.
Whiteboard: [need review]
Attachment #703482 - Flags: review?(jones.chris.g) → review?(justin.lebar+bug)
OOC what made you come back to this bug?
Trying to clean out my inbox and coming across the old r-. ;)
Comment on attachment 703482 [details] [diff] [review] Part 1 updated to comments Not to revive years-old bikeshedding on this interface, but ISTM that it would be helpful to have an InsertElementSortedIfNotPresent() method, since that's what a majority of these callers are (clunkily) doing. Although really, we should probably be using heaps for this stuff... Just a thought; r=me with or without that change. >diff --git a/xpcom/glue/nsTArray.h b/xpcom/glue/nsTArray.h >--- a/xpcom/glue/nsTArray.h >+++ b/xpcom/glue/nsTArray.h >@@ -855,88 +855,65 @@ public: > if (!this->EnsureCapacity(Length() + 1, sizeof(elem_type))) > return nullptr; > this->ShiftData(index, 0, 1, sizeof(elem_type), MOZ_ALIGNOF(elem_type)); > elem_type *elem = Elements() + index; > elem_traits::Construct(elem); > return elem; > } > >- // This method searches for the least index of the greatest >- // element less than or equal to |item|. If |item| is inserted at >- // this index, the array will remain sorted. True is returned iff >- // this index is also equal to |item|. In this case, the returned >- // index may point to the start of multiple copies of |item|. >+ // This method searches for the smallest index of an element that is strictly >+ // greater than |item|. If |item| is inserted at this index, the array will >+ // remain sorted and |item| would come after all elements that are equal to >+ // it. >+ // >+ // Note that consumers who want to know whether there are existing items equal >+ // to |item| in the array can just check that the return value here is > 0 and >+ // indexing into the previous slot gives something equal to |item|. >+ // > // @param item The item to search for. > // @param comp The Comparator used. >- // @outparam idx The index of greatest element <= to |item| >- // @return True iff |item == array[*idx]|. >+ // @return The index of greatest element <= to |item| > // @precondition The array is sorted I think it would be helpful if we explicitly indicated what we return when |item| is greater than all elements in the array. We should also say that this method assumes that the list is sorted. :) > template<class Item, class Comparator> >+ index_type >+ IndexOfFirstElementGt(const Item& item, >+ const Comparator& comp) const { >+ // invariant: low <= [idx] <= high > index_type low = 0, high = Length(); > while (high > low) { > index_type mid = (high + low) >> 1; I know it's not your problem here, but this (and probably other TArray code) is incorrect if high + low overflows. It looks to me like we're safe because EnsureCapacity bails if we try to alloc more than 2GB of memory, but I'd appreciate if you could double-check this. > template<class Item, class Comparator> > bool RemoveElementSorted(const Item& item, const Comparator& comp) { >- index_type index; >- bool found = GreatestIndexLtEq(item, comp, &index); >- if (found) >- RemoveElementAt(index); >- return found; >+ index_type index = IndexOfFirstElementGt(item, comp); >+ if (index > 0 && comp.Equals(ElementAt(index-1), item)) { >+ RemoveElementAt(index-1); >+ return true; >+ } >+ return false; > } I don't care myself, but I think style is |index - 1|?
Attachment #703482 - Flags: review?(justin.lebar+bug) → review+
> We should also say that this method assumes that the list is sorted. :) Is the @precondition there not enough? > but I'd appreciate if you could double-check this. You're right that EnsureCapacity saves us here. That said, I could switch to uint64_t for all the indices if you'd like. > I don't care myself, but I think style is |index - 1|? Done.
Flags: in-testsuite?
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: PowerPC → All
Whiteboard: [need review]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla21
> Is the @precondition there not enough? Apparently I tend to ignore those. Yes, that's fine. > That said, I could switch to uint64_t for all the indices if you'd like. What we're doing is fine with me. We can pretend it's for efficiency. :)
Depends on: 841381
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