Bug 6189
Opened 26 years ago
Closed 26 years ago
PRE element: hard returns are not honored
(Core :: DOM: HTML Parser, defect, P3)
(Reporter: rubydoo123, Assigned: buster)
build: 199905108
platform: win95
other platforms tested: none
expected results: within the PRE element, when at the end of a line of text and
using the [ENTER] key should result in a forced linefeed within the browser.
what happened: the hard return entered at the end of the text line was not
honored, the next line of text continued on the first line.
steps to reproduce:
enter the following code, where the marker [return] is stated, replace with a
hard return, the enter key on a win machine, or return on a mac; and display
within the browser
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.[return]
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.[return]
All the King's horses and all the King's men,[return]
Couldn't put Humpty together again.[return]
Updated•26 years ago
Assignee: kmcclusk → rickg
Component: Compositor → Parser
Comment 1•26 years ago
Rick, possible parser problem, I'm marking the component as parser and
reassigning to you.
Kipp - the entities in pre need to get expanded. Nisheeth: this may be an easy
one for you.
PRE element newlines seem to work fine for me. The work with entities (as in
this bugzilla page) or with returns (using local test just like your
description). I'm not sure what you're saying the problem is. Is it that
there is no difference between
I think there shouldn't be, but...
Updated•26 years ago
Whiteboard: WORKSFORME?
Comment 5•26 years ago
See also bug 6199, where the bug occurs only if the hard returns are entered
as entities (" "), not if they are enterered directly ("
I cannot reproduce this problem using inline hard returns (U+0D). Could the
original reporter check that the problem still occurs, and if so, attach
a test case that can be examined?
Comment 6•26 years ago
FWIW, here is a test page containing pure U+0D characters (i.e., raw carriage
returns) with which Mozilla doesn't appear to have a problem:
Updated•26 years ago
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Whiteboard: WORKSFORME?
Comment 7•26 years ago
Marking WORKSFORME. If this is still a problem, then please reopen.
A copy of the test page you create would be useful in ascertaining what
the problem is.
Updated•26 years ago
Comment 8•26 years ago
In the latest build (6/02), the PRE element is displayed correctly.
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