Open Bug 619965 Opened 14 years ago Updated 2 years ago

<html:audio> elements play audio, inside of SVG-as-an-image


(Core :: SVG, defect)




Tracking Status
blocking2.0 --- -


(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)




(4 files)

html <audio> elements currently play audio, inside of svg-as-an-image. They should not.
blocking2.0: --- → ?
Attached file zipped testcase
Hmm, the testcase doesn't seem to trigger the bug when hosted on bugzilla. However, I can definitely reproduce it locally (with references in the files updated to use local versions rather than bugzilla-hosted versions). I've zipped up a folder of the "local version" of this bug's testcase, and am attaching it here.
Attachment #498378 - Attachment description: testcase → testcase (though it doesn't actually reproduce bug, with all files hosted on bugzilla)
Marek Raida mentioned this bug to me -- his blog* was hitting this bug because he'd included one of his demos** as an image on his blog front-page. * **
I'm not 100% sure this is a bug actually. Is there a reason why images shouldn't be able to play audio?
According to Marek, Opera does actually play audio in this case too (whereas Webkit and IE9 don't). It seems odd to me, but it's apparently not a 100% settled issue among other browsers. However, our current implementation has this additional issue: since the image persists in the image cache for an indefinite amount of time after it's been loaded, it continues to play audio indefinitely (even after the page has navigated away or its tab has been closed). I think the only way to silence it is to manually clear your cache (or quit Firefox). *That* definitely needs fixing. (whether it's through disabling audio entirely in images or making the audio stop more quickly) We do pause internal animations when the last observer stops watching the image (via Image::DecrementAnimationConsumers calling Image::EvaluateAnimation which calls Image::StopAnimation). If we want to allow audio in images, then we might want to treat it as a form of animation and stop it whenever animation stops.
According to SVG1.2T SVG <audio> elements play so <html:audio> should too and it should follow the same rules.
Maybe worth adding a mozDisableAudio="true/false"-like attribute for people to use while we wait for the specs to provide something?
I suppose an image containing an <audio> element should start playing an independent audio stream every time the image is loaded. That's not going to happen because of the way we share images. I suppose that the same problem occurs with animation. It seems to me we should ensure that vector image documents containing media elements or animation are never cached or otherwise reused in different contexts. I don't think this blocks though.
blocking2.0: ? → -
FWIW, if we were to disable media-autoplay in SVG-as-an-image, I think one reasonable place to do that would be here: > 1493 nsresult nsHTMLMediaElement::BindToTree(nsIDocument* aDocument, nsIContent* aParent, > 1494 nsIContent* aBindingParent, > 1495 PRBool aCompileEventHandlers) [...] > 1501 if (aDocument) { > 1502 mAutoplayEnabled = > 1503 IsAutoplayEnabled() && (!aDocument || !aDocument->IsStaticDocument()) && > 1504 !IsEditable(); It looks like it would be sufficient to add "&& !aDocument->IsBeingUsedAsImage()" after the IsStaticDocument check.
Severity: normal → S3
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