Closed Bug 620256 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

genxref function/get/set/let/const/var code need guards for the average case and regexp improvements


(Webtools Graveyard :: MXR, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: philor, Assigned: timeless)



From last night: [10:01pm] <justdave>: and the cron job has been stuck for 3 days 14 hours. [10:02pm] <justdave>: on mozilla-central [10:02pm] <justdave>: 6402 3-12:15:10 | | \_ /usr/bin/perl /var/www/webtools/mxr/genxref /data/mxr-data/mozilla-central/mozilla-cen ... [11:02pm] <justdave>: but yeah, mxr had hung jobs, I killed them off, and stuff should fix in a few hours But 11 hours later, it still hasn't updated, according to my handy check of "does include the '#ifdef LINUX' which landed in it with last Wednesday night?"
Assignee: server-ops → justdave
I believe this applies to comm-central as well.
i think this is bug 614207. justdave: to confirm this, you should be able to remove -cron from one of the's (or from What you should see is it getting stuck at: (Pass 1 JS) js/src/tests/js1_5/Regress/regress-229006.js (67973), file 3444 of 7277... The stuff after file may vary a bit from tree to tree.
Depends on: 614207
Yep, we had jobs stuck again. comm-1.9.1 is consistently one of them. I'm running that one by hand without -cron right now to see what output I get.
<justdave> (Pass 1 JS) mozilla/js/tests/js1_5/Regress/regress-229006.js (68010), file 2910 of 6182... <justdave> that's the last line justdave applied a patch for bug 614207 and it seemed to resolve the issue, so i pushed it.
Still not updating, and somebody's going to land something busted based on an mxr search (and the odds favor it being me).
Severity: major → blocker
Which tree, specifically?
OK, I see hung processes again, all in the "projects-central" tree this time. Killed them off, running that one by hand now to get debug output.
mozilla-central, I'm still on comment 0, not having the #ifdef LINUX that was added by the Places branch merge on the evening of December 15th, since I very nearly slightly broke the tree on December 19th before I realized why my build wasn't quite acting like the stuff I was seeing in mxr.
timeless: looks like the same error in a different part of the tree. projects-central dies on: (Pass 1 JS) kraken/tests/kraken-1.1/ai-astar-data.js (466626), file 40771 of 52984...
hrm. there's a line numbering change for js, lemme try to dig it out
timeless: anything else to try? Getting complaints about this still.
sorry, i was away for a wedding. lemme dig this up..
Whiteboard: [waiting for timeless?]
ok, the kraken test and a working nytprof made my life much better.
Assignee: justdave → timeless
Component: Server Operations → MXR
Product: → Webtools
QA Contact: mrz → mxr
Summary: hasn't updated for days → genxref function/get/set code test needs a guard for the average case
Whiteboard: [waiting for timeless?]
ok, and running nytprof on the original problem case and then thinking about it a bit more, i think i got both of them to be not stupid.
Summary: genxref function/get/set code test needs a guard for the average case → genxref function/get/set/let/const/var code test need guards for the average case and regexp improvements
Summary: genxref function/get/set/let/const/var code test need guards for the average case and regexp improvements → genxref function/get/set/let/const/var code need guards for the average case and regexp improvements please file a new bug with the path for the next unhappy file if you hit this again. oh, i'll want to remove the bandaid at some point.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
A fix, woot! Does it get auto-deployed to mxr.m.o or do we need a bug for that ?
Blocks: 632643
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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