Open Bug 622033 Opened 14 years ago Updated 3 years ago

Profile migration doesn't migrate news accounts properly (.newsrc.file-rel is ignored)


(SeaMonkey :: Startup & Profiles, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: mnyromyr, Unassigned)


Migrating my old SM1 profile to trunk, I noticed that some of my news accounts weren't properly transformed: the news account as such was created, including identities, mboxes and .msf files were copied - but no groups show up in the UI.
Looking on filesystem level, I noticed that the news rc file was missing for all broken accounts, hence I took a look at the original prefs:

user_pref("", "E:\\sichern\\Mozilla\\Users\\kd\\if93afhv.slt\\News\\");
user_pref("", "[ProfD]News/");
user_pref("mail.server.server9.hostname", "");
user_pref("mail.server.server9.newsrc.file", "E:\\sichern\\Mozilla\\Users\\kd\\if93afhv.slt\\News\\");
user_pref("mail.server.server9.newsrc.file-rel", "[ProfD]News/");
(The Mozilla profile got copied from Windows to Linux a couple of years ago, but that's not the real issue here.) 

Looking at the code in <>, it's using directory-rel to find the data files, but ignoring newsrc.file-rel when trying to find the news rc file...

(Glancing at nsSeamonkeyProfileMigrator.cpp, TB seems to be affected as well.)
We had a number of problems with -rel in the migration code, I guess we had a bit too few people testing, reporting and working on it...
Same symptoms occurred in Windows 7. It has happened with both 2.5 and 2.6.1. I don't know if cause is the same.
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