Bug 627591
Opened 14 years ago
Closed 14 years ago
preload dlls on windows
(Core :: XPCOM, defect)
Tracking | Status | |
blocking2.0 | --- | - |
(Reporter: taras.mozilla, Assigned: taras.mozilla)
(Keywords: perf, Whiteboard: [ts] )
(2 files, 6 obsolete files)
3.21 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
2.64 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
We page in most of xul.dll and mozjs.dll. So i figured why not try lazy-linking libxul and preloading it. Turned out lazylinking didnt make any difference, but preloading seems to consistently shave up 2seconds of startup on my profile(40%).
I'm going to doublecheck on my favourite user's slow computer. Here is the patch in meantime.
Basic idea is that the sequential flag + bullshit read tricks windows into reading xul in 2mb chunks instead of stupid 32k(or smaller) ones. Have to do it this way because there is no fadvise() on Windows(that I know of)
A big sequential read cuts down on a lot of seeks.
Comment 1•14 years ago
I love you a little.
Only a little?!
Comment 3•14 years ago
Maybe a moderate amount. Fine.
Comment 4•14 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 505620 [details] [diff] [review]
I just confirmed, this also works wonders on slow harddrives. Shaved around 50% off cold startup on my reference slow system. This patch works better than I expected. Not only does it trade random xul.dll io for faster sequential io. It also reduces the amount of seeks later on(ie no need to seek for xul bits), which significantly speeds up io on other files.
There are some tricky refinements that can be done here, such as trying to count pagefaults in order to detect warm startup and checking the amount of ram available, but I think this patch as is is simple and low risk so the rest can be done as followups.
@shaver, I guess there is a fine line between hatred and love :) was regarding a similar trick on linux(the improvement there wasn't as huge on linux as it is on windows)
Attachment #505620 -
Flags: review?(benjamin)
Attachment #505620 -
Flags: approval2.0?
This patch greatly reduced my cold startup time so requesting blocking. See below for the cold startup numbers with facebook and gmail app tabs loaded along with the about:home mozilla google search page loaded from previous session:
Taras build with patch applied:
main 5070
sessionRestored 7083
firstPaint 7239
main 5428
sessionRestored 6958
firstPaint 7067
main 5382
sessionRestored 6881
firstPaint 7021
Latest trunk:
main 2294
sessionRestored 16179
firstPaint 16787
main 2325
firstPaint 16646
sessionRestored 17614
main 2777
firstPaint 18331
sessionRestored 19455
blocking2.0: --- → ?
Updated•14 years ago
Assignee: nobody → tglek
Comment 7•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 505620 [details] [diff] [review]
Would it work better to preload separately in two threads? I'm of two minds: on the one hand you're making the drive seek more, given that we defragment on update now, but on the other you can sometimes win by keeping the I/O queue full so that the head can pick up data more often during its rotation. Maybe worth trying as an experiment later, though as I type this I think the first hand is the right hand.
{ /* nothing */ } instead of the hard-to-see semi, and let's land this bad boy for Monday's nightlies.
Attachment #505620 -
Flags: review?(benjamin)
Attachment #505620 -
Flags: review+
Attachment #505620 -
Flags: approval2.0?
Attachment #505620 -
Flags: approval2.0+
Assignee | ||
Comment 8•14 years ago
Actually there is one issue here, the preload happens in firefox and plugin-container. What's the best way to only run this for firefox? Is there a define or a global variable I can use?
Comment 9•14 years ago
I thought it was intentional to do it in plugin-container too, oh.
XRE_GetProcessType is probably what you want?
Comment 11•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 505620 [details] [diff] [review]
Shaver's flirting and { /* nothing */ } got me into drive-by-nit mode.
>+static void preload(const char *dll) {
{ on new line.
>+ return;
>+ char buf[64*1024];
>+ DWORD dwBytesRead;
>+ while(ReadFile(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), &dwBytesRead, NULL) && dwBytesRead == sizeof(buf));
Rather than braces and /* nothing */, just
.. continue;
on its own line.
>+ CreateThread( NULL, 0, preload_thread, NULL, 0, NULL);
Leading space before first NULL.
Comment 12•14 years ago
Small issue: CreateThread is returning a handle that is not freed until the process dies. You should CloseHandle on it. (MSVS2008 at least should pick this up with code analysis)
Updated•14 years ago
Updated•14 years ago
OS: Windows 7 → All
Updated•14 years ago
blocking2.0: ? → -
Comment 14•14 years ago
Comment 13 hidden, due to suspicious executable attachment.
Comment 16•14 years ago
While this isn't a blocker, it's approved and I would be sadfaces if we neglected to check it in and make go faster now please k thx bye.
Keywords: checkin-needed
Whiteboard: [ts] → [ts][can land]
Comment 17•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 505620 [details] [diff] [review]
withdrawing review given the desire to not have it affect plugin-container, and I guess the thread handle leak too I suppose maybe.
Attachment #505620 -
Flags: review+ → review-
Comment 18•14 years ago
Did I miss where it was explained why we don't want this to affect the plugin-container?
Comment 19•14 years ago
I don't think it was explained, but the way I undrestand it, plugin-container.exe is launched by firefox, and if firefox is already running, the dlls are already preloaded, so it would be counterproductive to "preload" them again
Comment 20•14 years ago
Couple of notes: If in ccomment #17 the review was revoked, shouldn't the keyword 'check-in needed' be removed ?
In respect to comment #19, the plugin-container.exe is not launched when Firefox starts if you only open a blank tab. Plugin-container.exe only seems to start when there is say something on the page that uses a plugin, Flash of course being the predominate user. So, unless the dll's are loaded even though the 'container' is not running, I don't understand.
If Firefox is 'already running' - then the whole preload stuff is moot anyhow, no?
Comment 21•14 years ago
oops, also the 'whiteboard' needs to be changed I would think.
Updated•14 years ago
Keywords: checkin-needed
Whiteboard: [ts][can land] → [ts]
Comment 22•14 years ago
What if the homepage contains plugins, would having the plugin-container included in the preload be a good thing in this instance?
Comment 23•14 years ago
No, once it's loaded it's off disk, and reading it again isn't going to help. Also, plugin-container uses much less of libxul than the main process. We should just do it for the main process for now.
Comment 25•14 years ago
Not to drive by, but as I understand from [1] and [2], the patch currently in the bug would help only on Vista and newer. Is that right?
[2] Search for function PreReadImage in
Comment 28•14 years ago
I may be totally wrong, but wouldn't the patch fail to preload if the current directory isn't the Firefox directory?
This could cause problems when external applications launch Firefox, for example. The user would see inconsistent startup performance and would have no idea why.
Comment 29•14 years ago
How can I apply the patch in the attachement in order to test it ?
Comment 30•14 years ago
BTW, you don't have to to this if there is a try build available. So, to the others: is there a try build somewhere with this patch?
Assignee | ||
Comment 31•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #30)
> apply:
> compile:
> BTW, you don't have to to this if there is a try build available. So, to the
> others: is there a try build somewhere with this patch?
Nothing you'd want to use yet.
Thanks for all of the drive-by reviews. Turned a large part of the speed up was depending on remnants in my builds from my previous experiment. I'm reworking the patch at the moment. I'll post a better one soon.
Assignee | ||
Comment 32•14 years ago
This took me way too long. Spent half a week rebooting my windows laptop to find what kind of a change can cut our startup by 50% vs slowing us down by 50%(the difference in code is as little as one line of code).
As I understand it, the key to good io perf is to win the race to open xul.dll with sequential_io flag and then preload the file. Normally the linker beats us to that and performance goes to the crapper.
Took me a while to realize that linking against xpcom.dll was dragging in xul.dll early.
I'm running this patch through try now. Hopefully I got my linker magic right.
Oh and turned out preloading on a thread was a bad idea. That gets us into a nondeterministic race with the linker as to who opens xul.dll first.
This patch also fixes relative paths, handle leakage. I haven't looked at how this behaves under xp. Had a hard enough time getting numbers out of my win7 box. My approach is different than that of chrome preload, they seem to prefer loading via sequential page faults, whereas file io seems to perform better for me.
Attachment #505620 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee | ||
Comment 33•14 years ago
Got rid of debug leftovers. Tested, this is indeed 2x faster to start.
Attachment #507271 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #507298 -
Flags: review?(shaver)
Assignee | ||
Comment 34•14 years ago
Comment 35•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #34)
> here is a try build
A total bust on XP. My numbers:
1. about:startup
main: 1344
SessionRestored: 10813
firstPaint: 13719
2. manual timing (stop watch)
chrome appears: 9 sec
chrome painted: 13 sec
1. about:startup
main: 2265
SessionRestored: 10093
firstPaint: 11453
2. manual timing (stop watch)
chrome appears: 9 sec
chrome painted: 12 sec
Comment 36•14 years ago
Just to be clear. In my previous post:
Unpatched = January 26 nightly build
Patched = Try server build of comment 34
All timings are for cold startup after system restarted and hard drive allowed to settle (no more indication of post windows startup activity).
Comment 37•14 years ago
I see no improvement :(
Jan 26 build:
main 3400
sessionRestored 7130
firstPaint 8534
Patched build:
main 3448
firstPaint 7458
sessionRestored 7770
Comment 38•14 years ago
Csaba, what version of Windows are you running?
Comment 39•14 years ago
Just put it in nightly, so everybody can test.
Comment 40•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #38)
> Csaba, what version of Windows are you running?
Windows 7 x64.
Comment 41•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #34)
> here is a try build
windows xp sp3 / core 2 duo E6550, I don't see any different on my machine.
Comment 42•14 years ago
Windows 7 64bit, a bit slow HDD, latest nightly vs. try build
Cold start (latest nightly):
main 2937
sessionRestored 6421
firstPaint 6909
main 2284
sessionRestored 6239
firstPaint 6507
main 2193
sessionRestored 5071
firstPaint 5330
main 1662
sessionRestored 3499
firstPaint 3800
main 1989
sessionRestored 3393
firstPaint 3506
Cold start (try build):
main 1700
firstPaint 5612
sessionRestored 9993
main 4015
sessionRestored 5189
firstPaint 5562
main 3274
sessionRestored 4154
firstPaint 4275
main 3457
sessionRestored 4367
firstPaint 4492
main 3575
sessionRestored 4771
firstPaint 4880
main 3400
sessionRestored 4780
firstPaint 4900
Warm start (nightly):
main 10
sessionRestored 531
firstPaint 635
main 16
sessionRestored 498
firstPaint 589
main 16
sessionRestored 489
firstPaint 601
main 11
sessionRestored 503
firstPaint 616
main 33
sessionRestored 523
firstPaint 602
Warm start (try build):
main 56
sessionRestored 1360
firstPaint 1473
main 58
sessionRestored 797
firstPaint 905
main 27
sessionRestored 495
firstPaint 596
main 37
sessionRestored 613
firstPaint 725
main 39
sessionRestored 494
firstPaint 600
Comment 43•14 years ago
Netbook - Win 7 Pro - tested 2x
main 2324
sessionRestored 19033
firstPaint 19392
build with patch
main 3011
sessionRestored 14681
firstPaint 15086 (still very bad, Chrome's cold startup time is ~6s)
Desktop - Win 7 Ultimate - tested 2x
main 2300
sessionRestored 3821
firstPaint 3911
build with patch
main 2530
sessionRestored 4201
firstPaint 4281
Comment 44•14 years ago
Some other numbers from MozillaZine:
Comment 45•14 years ago
I can confirm
XP SP3 32bit - zip builds - old profile - no session restore - home=(default)about:home - 4 tests average - cold start:
Nightly Build 20110127
main 1422
sessionRestored 18235
firstPaint 19094
Try Build
main 2531
sessionRestored 18640
firstPaint 19125
No real Cold start improvement seen for WinXp or Win7/Vista users that I can see.
Comment 46•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 507298 [details] [diff] [review]
ready to go
Seems like we should only do this on Vista and up, like Chrome found too -- can you add that check, Taras?
> // we want to use the DLL blocklist if possible
Comment here.
>+static void preload(LPCWSTR dll) {
>+ char buf[64*1024];
>+ if (fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
>+ return;
>+ }
>+ DWORD dwBytesRead;
>+ DWORD total = 0;
>+ while(ReadFile(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), &dwBytesRead, NULL)
>+ && dwBytesRead == sizeof(buf)) {
>+ total+= dwBytesRead;
>+ }
Why do we want to stop on a short read?
>+//Populate the windows page cache
>+static DWORD WINAPI preload_libs(LPCWSTR appPath)
>+ wchar_t msg[MAX_PATH];
>+ size_t pathlen = wcslen(appPath);
>+ for(;pathlen && appPath[pathlen] != L'\\'; pathlen--);
>+ if (pathlen)
>+ pathlen++;
>+ if (pathlen + 10 > MAX_PATH) {
>+ return 0;
>+ }
>+ wcsncpy(msg, appPath, pathlen);
>+ size_t remaining = sizeof(msg)/sizeof(msg[0]) - pathlen - 1;
>+ wcsncpy(msg + pathlen, L"xul.dll", remaining);
>+ preload(msg);
>+ wcsncpy(msg + pathlen, L"mozjs.dll", remaining);
>+ preload(msg);
>+ return 0;
> int wmain(int argc, WCHAR **argv)
Blank line after #endif
> {
>+ preload_libs(argv[0]);
> mozilla::NS_SetDllDirectory(L"");
> #endif
Attachment #507298 -
Flags: review?(shaver) → review-
Assignee | ||
Comment 47•14 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. I'm guessing the optimization gains are cancelled out by losses due to directwrite/d2d/etc.
Please try setting:
gfx.direct2d.disabled -> true
gfx.font_rendering.directwrite.enabled -> false
in your normal build.
then verify that when you go to about:support direct2d and directwrite are disabled.
Then compare this build vs nigtlies in that setting. Sorry, this isn't a magic bullet that can fix all startup issues, this fix is aimed solely at eliminating the overhead of loading our libraries(which is the slowest part of startup unless we are running into d2d bugs)
See bug 602792 for the directwrite-related slowdown info. I'm investigating other direct* slowdowns.
Comment 48•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #47)
I've already logged the DW fontcache loading times as described in Bug 602792 Comment 110. I'm not hitting the DW fontcache slowdown. But i'll test with DW disabled to be sure.
Comment 49•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #47)
> I'm guessing the optimization gains are cancelled out
> by losses due to directwrite/d2d/etc.
Not on XP. I've long had hardware acceleration disabled.
Comment 50•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #48)
> (In reply to comment #47)
> I've already logged the DW fontcache loading times as described in Bug 602792
> Comment 110. I'm not hitting the DW fontcache slowdown. But i'll test with DW
> disabled to be sure.
Okay, here are the new numbers. I disabled D2D and DW, and waited much longer after reboot to let *every* I/O get finished.
Cold startups, Win7 x64, 5 tabs.
Jan 27:
main 3135
sessionRestored 5523
firstPaint 6256
main 2761
sessionRestored 6038
firstPaint 6459
Assignee | ||
Comment 51•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #50)
> (In reply to comment #48)
> > (In reply to comment #47)
> >
> > I've already logged the DW fontcache loading times as described in Bug 602792
> > Comment 110. I'm not hitting the DW fontcache slowdown. But i'll test with DW
> > disabled to be sure.
> Okay, here are the new numbers. I disabled D2D and DW, and waited much longer
> after reboot to let *every* I/O get finished.
> Cold startups, Win7 x64, 5 tabs.
> Jan 27:
> main 3135
Your main numbers are beyond bad, esp for win7. It would be very helpful if you could do an xperf profile of your nightly cold startup and email it to me. See instructions in.
Sounds like something is hurting your startup more than xul loading.
Comment 52•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #51)
> (In reply to comment #50)
> > (In reply to comment #48)
> > > (In reply to comment #47)
> > >
> > > I've already logged the DW fontcache loading times as described in Bug 602792
> > > Comment 110. I'm not hitting the DW fontcache slowdown. But i'll test with DW
> > > disabled to be sure.
> >
> > Okay, here are the new numbers. I disabled D2D and DW, and waited much longer
> > after reboot to let *every* I/O get finished.
> >
> > Cold startups, Win7 x64, 5 tabs.
> >
> > Jan 27:
> >
> > main 3135
> Your main numbers are beyond bad, esp for win7. It would be very helpful if you
> could do an xperf profile of your nightly cold startup and email it to me. See
> instructions in.
> Sounds like something is hurting your startup more than xul loading.
It would be interesting to see if the results from others using Win7/Vista following Csaba Kozák [:WonderCsabo] testing process with disabling DirectWrite or HWA with both todays Nightly Build and the TryServer Build. To just to rule out bug 602792 has the culprit of small improvements seen by bug 627591.
Comment 53•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #47)
> Thanks for the feedback. I'm guessing the optimization gains are cancelled out
> by losses due to directwrite/d2d/etc.
> Please try setting:
> gfx.direct2d.disabled -> true
> gfx.font_rendering.directwrite.enabled -> false
> in your normal build.
> then verify that when you go to about:support direct2d and directwrite are
> disabled.
> Then compare this build vs nigtlies in that setting. Sorry, this isn't a magic
> bullet that can fix all startup issues, this fix is aimed solely at eliminating
> the overhead of loading our libraries(which is the slowest part of startup
> unless we are running into d2d bugs)
> See bug 602792 for the directwrite-related slowdown info. I'm investigating
> other direct* slowdowns.
tried again with these settings:
main 4844
sessionRestored 21453
firstPaint 22657
unpatched: (better)
main 2281
sessionRestored 16906
firstPaint 18015
I don't know why my firefox is so slow..
Comment 54•14 years ago
I'm on Windows 7 64bit and my numbers are very close to my original comment 4. I think some of you might not be testing this right so here is detailed description on how to test this.
1) Install latest nightly and start it up a few times (Make sure about:startup is not loaded when you shutdown firefox...causes slow startup times for some reason)
2) Shutdown the system and then restart
3) Wait a minute, two or three minutes after windows starts then start Firefox (Time it so you start firefox at the same point for the test build)
4) load about:Startup and save the numbers somewhere
5) Get the build that Taras linked to in comment 34
6) Install it and start the build a few times with the same profile as before VERY IMPORTANT
7) repeat steps 2-4 (Again make sure you don't have about:Startup loaded before rebooting
Comment 55•14 years ago
I spent some time with Taras yesterday profiling my startup with xperf and testing his variants of the patch.
I was consistently getting rather poor results (~3500-4500 for main) no matter from which build (nightly or the one from taras).
Since the profile was showing a lot of loading from c:\$MFT I did some googling and found out that it's a Master File Table that stores data on all files on the hard drive (sec privs, settings, etc.). Which probably means that the more files we load, the more MFT is accessed.
I did several things:
* I checked my hard drive for errors - none found
* I defragmented it
* I installed Puran Defrag Free which has an on-boot defrag option that also defrags MFT table.
* I booted from Samsung HD tools CD, checked it (one again, it's all fine), and tuned it to be less noisy.
Since then I'm getting significantly better results. My average main dropped to ~1000-1500ms.
My total Disk utilization time before the defrag (numbers are from launching try build):
Service time: 4702288
Size: 18524672
Service time: 3354041
Size: 14980608
Chrome Canary build:
Service time: 2897334
Size: 11442176
So I do see a major improvement and the perceived startup time of chrome and fx is now very close.
I'll try to compare 5 cold starts of try vs nightly now.
Also, during testing, we had a problem to trigger readahead and it only started working after Taras suggested me to delete data from c:\windows\prefetch.
Comment 56•14 years ago
I did another round of tests. Windows 7 64bit, Direct2d turned on (yeah, forgot to turn it off).
I decided to follow the path of prefetch and test both builds with and without prefetch. First scenario (removed prefetch) means that I deleted a content of the c:\windows\prefetch directory before each reboot. In the second scenario, I did not touch the prefetch directory at all.
Normal nightly:
Prefetch deleted:
main 729
sessionRestored 3398
firstPaint 4091
main 754
sessionRestored 3476
firstPaint 4127
main 680
sessionRestored 3331
firstPaint 3946
Prefetch preserved:
main 1476
sessionRestored 2063
firstPaint 2207
main 1830
sessionRestored 2390
firstPaint 2536
main 1577
sessionRestored 2162
firstPaint 2297
Latest build from Taras (from his directory):
Prefetch deleted:
main 573
sessionRestored 2950
firstPaint 3315
main 644
firstPaint 3212
sessionRestored 3245
main 680
firstPaint 3183
sessionRestored 3224
main 619
firstPaint 4123
sessionRestored 4165
Prefetch preserved:
main 2090
sessionRestored 3264
firstPaint 3411
main 2257
sessionRestored 2928
firstPaint 3071
main 2336
sessionRestored 3032
firstPaint 3175
Comment 57•14 years ago
So what's going on with this, is it still the plan to get this working for the majority and get it in?
Assignee | ||
Comment 58•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #57)
> So what's going on with this, is it still the plan to get this working for the
> majority and get it in?
Good question. I'm a bit stuck. Been analyzing user profiles for the past week. Seems that this is a significant win for people with non-broken harddrives. Ie if a harddrive can read at > 20mb/s(most modern non-broken drives should start at 50mb/s), then this is a win. Otherwise it is a regression.
Seems like the easiest thing to do is to add a commandline -preload option and have users opt-in to that, but that clearly isn't the correct way to go.
I could also benchmark startup times and measure preloading throughput, but then that data has to be stored somewhere and there is a risk of measuring wrong (ie mistaking 1 case of slow startup due to an abnormally high disk load).
There is also the option of landing this as is and hoping that more users benefit than those who regress from this. But this has the downside of increasing the rift between well-performing firefox and slow firefox.
Perhaps the best option would be an escape hatch that measures amount of time spent in the preload() and aborts after a second or two.
Comment 59•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #58)
> I could also benchmark startup times and measure preloading throughput, but
> then that data has to be stored somewhere and there is a risk of measuring
> wrong (ie mistaking 1 case of slow startup due to an abnormally high disk
> load).
As unhelpful as the Windows Experience Index the rest of the time, how about utilising it in this instance, on just the first run of Fx4, to set a preload=true flag for subsequent instances, if say the primary hard disc score was above whatever value equates to 20mb/s ?
It would avoid the issues of Fx trying to benchmark on first run (which as you say, might lead to a false positive if disk load was abnormally high at that moment), as well as the complexities of trying to come up with an accurate benchmarking system. If no WEI scores had been calculated yet, then the true/false flag could say just be rechecked in X days time, once the user has run the OS long enough for the WEI test to run.
Obviously the WEI score system only exists for Vista/7 - but if Mike's assessment in comment 46 is correct, then this patch doesn't benefit XP anyway - so the lack of WEI wouldn't matter.
Anyway, hope you don't mind the drive-by comments - the above is just something that occurred to me and thought it wouldn't hurt to mention...
Assignee | ||
Comment 60•14 years ago
The windows experience index crossed my mind. Problem is that at least on gandalf's system above the index is out of date and the harddrive performed significantly worse than indicated.
I'll experiment with a few solutions, but given the complexity of heuristics mentioned so far, this will take at least another week to figure out.
I checked on XP. The speed doubles there too(from 10s to 5s on Kurt's system). Chrome's use of pagefaults to preload stuff might be why our approaches differ on XP.
Assignee | ||
Comment 61•14 years ago
Another look at xperf traces (and gandalf's startup measurements above) suggest a bad interaction with windows prefetch. In Csaba's profile a full second is spent on IO before my preload code even runs.
So I might just be able to disable preload if prefetch took forever.
Comment 62•14 years ago
Why don't add an option at about:config? this way everybody can switch it on or off at will, no way you can satisfy anybody due to the complexity, even eventually you find a way you think is perfect, you might still need add this option, somenoe at some times just want to turn it off, you never know.
Comment 63•14 years ago
It may happens before FF read prefs, but you can mark it at startupCache or somewhere when people change it at about:config. it's better than -preload because everybody knows how to customize at about:config, it's the first thing you learn as a FF user.
Comment 64•14 years ago
What does the "main" property mean?
Assignee | ||
Comment 65•14 years ago
.main marks when the platform-independent bits of firefox start running. It's useful for developers to gauge library/other-platform-overhead.
Would be useful to have people compare startup of
Also tell me what the messagebox in the first build says. I added a heuristic to disable preload if we seem to be executing with hot cache or if Windows prefetch has spent a long time caching before the preload code runs.
Comment 66•14 years ago
latest nightly:
main 680
sessionRestored 8461
firstPaint 8681
latest nightly 2.test:
main 480
sessionRestored 8731
firstPaint 9001
build with patch:
main 680
sessionRestored 4431
firstPaint 4571
build with patch 2.test:
main 990
sessionRestored 4521
firstPaint 4681
D2D/DW/D3D10 - enabled
looks good :)
Comment 67•14 years ago
Netbook - Win 7 Pro
main 1482
firstPaint 22107
sessionRestored 25508
build with patch:
main 5007
sessionRestored 13822
firstPaint 14165
D2D/DW/D3D - disabled
Assignee | ||
Comment 68•14 years ago
Thanks for the tests, keep it up please. I need more stats.
It's not clear what people are comparing. I specifically need
compared to
I would also like to knows what the messagebox on startup of says.
Comment 69•14 years ago
Notebook, Win 7 Pro 32bit, D2D/DW/D3D - disabled, clean new profile
with patch(
main 2855
sessionRestored 5289
firstPaint 5508
with patch2:
main 3651
firstPaint 6538
sessionRestored 6647
with patch3:
main 3994
firstPaint 6007
sessionRestored 6085
main 1669
firstPaint 7692
sessionRestored 7785
main 2637
firstPaint 7989
sessionRestored 8082
main 3651
firstPaint 6818
sessionRestored 6912
With patch it's better but not significantly...
err, I see no messagebox on startup of
Assignee | ||
Comment 70•14 years ago
Eddward, looks like was a slightly stale version. Fixed that now, sorry & thanks for catching the problem. Can you retest it?
Comment 71•14 years ago
Okay, so this is now correct link yes?
1. cold startup
2900ms since start. Things seems to be cached.
main 3151
sessionRestored 5991
firstPaint 6428
2. cold startup
2900ms since start. Things seems to be cached.
main 3260
firstPaint 6958
sessionRestored 7083
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Comment 72•14 years ago
Ok thanks Eddward, looks like on your system windows prefetch does a lot of io similarly to gandalf's.
Anyone else?
Comment 73•14 years ago
Results from another system (desktop) Win 7 Ultimate 32bit D2D/DW/D3D10 - enabled. (with patch)
1. cold startup
800ms since start. Optimizing
main 1280
sessionRestored 2551
firstPaint 2741
2. cold startup
1400ms since start. Things seems to be cached.
main 1540
sessionRestored 2491
firstPaint 2611
3. cold startup
1300ms since start. Things seems to be cached.
main 1430
sessionRestored 2811
firstPaint 2961
results very similar; first paint ~2600-2700ms
Comment 74•14 years ago
System: laptop Vista Home 32bit - D2D/DW blocked/disabled
Test: 3 runs / only tab about:home / working offline
Vanilla version:
main 46
sessionRestored 2060
firstPaint 2153
main 62
sessionRestored 2060
firstPaint 2154
main 156
sessionRestored 2201
firstPaint 2294
Patched version firefox-4.0b11pre.en-US.win32:
0 ms since start. Things seem to be cached
main 94
sessionRestored 2136
firstPaint 2370
0 ms since start. Things seem to be cached
main 63
sessionRestored 2123
firstPaint 2388
0 ms since start. Things seem to be cached
main 125
sessionRestored 2190
firstPaint 2439
Assignee | ||
Comment 75•14 years ago
Sorry for delays. I was triplechecking that prefetch was screwing me. Turns out windows prefetch spends a lot of time prefetching before executable code is even run making any optimization within firefox impossible. Time to give up on approach in the patches.
Instead I moved prefetching into a separate executable. Please copy into your firefox directory and try running firefox by launching wrapper.exe. Use any nightly build to test.
i need about:startup times after reboot(as before) + the message that is shown after firefox exits. I also need about:startup numbers when running firefox.exe directly.
Here I see 1.5-2x speeds ups without any/much prefetch slowdown. Would like to see that confirmed.
Comment 76•14 years ago
I was hoping to help test this, but about:startup doesn't exist in this nightly build. When I run your wrapper and let Minefield startup and then exit it, I get 100ms to preload. This is w/o rebooting the computer, which I can't do right now.
Assignee | ||
Comment 77•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #76)
> I was hoping to help test this, but about:startup doesn't exist in this nightly
> build. When I run your wrapper and let Minefield startup and then exit it, I
> get 100ms to preload. This is w/o rebooting the computer, which I can't do
> right now. for about:startup extension.
I need people to reboot the computer for this.
Comment 78•14 years ago
Okay, here we go...
Ran w/ the wrapper:
main 3109
sessionRestored 14469
firstPaint 15360
700ms to preload
*rebooted again*
Ran w/o the wrapper:
main 3203
sessionRestored 14704
firstPaint 17063
System specs: Intel i7-920 @ 4.2ghz, 6GB DDR3 @ 1600mhz, Gigabyte X58A-UD7 motherboard, 4x250GB Western Digital Enterprise drives in RAID0+1, etc etc.
Build I'm using is built from
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Comment 79•14 years ago
Brian, that's horrible given your specs. Can you try deleting files(either all of them or just wrapper* and firefox*) from c:\windows\prefetch and rebooting again?
Comment 80•14 years ago
Ok, deleted the contents of the prefetch directory. Also, those numbers in Comment 78 reflect Minefield loading 4 app tabs and another 3 or 4 regular tabs.
These numbers were run after I rebooted, with the wrapper, and only opening about:home.
main 523
sessionRestored 15173
firstPaint 16360
500ms to preload
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Comment 81•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #80)
Brian, your startup is the worst I've ever seen on a high power system. Would you mind rebooting and then recording an xperf trace? See email me a a link to it.
Looks to me like wrapper.exe is working great on your system(ie main time is decreased correctly), but the rest of your disk IO is killing startup.
Comment 82•14 years ago
Okay, I disabled direct*, rebooted windows, disabled the realtime scanner on my AV and here is what I get:
main 2031
sessionRestored 6016
firstPaint 6298
800ms to preload
Comment 83•14 years ago
Direct* still disabled, av scanner is enabled this time, no wrapper:
main 6515
sessionRestored 9970
firstPaint 10673
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Comment 84•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #83)
> Direct* still disabled, av scanner is enabled this time, no wrapper:
> main 6515
> sessionRestored 9970
> firstPaint 10673
cool so looks like wrapper shaved 4seconds here. Not sure things are still slow with directwrite off. Perhaps a defrag will take care of that.
Assignee | ||
Comment 85•14 years ago
source for wrapper.exe
Attachment #507298 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment 86•14 years ago
Ok, just to make sure there were no filesystem errors, I rebooted, forced a chkdsk on C:, ran a boot time defrag and then boot into windows and ran the wrapper again and got this:
main 4593
sessionRestored 8469
firstPaint 8579
900 ms to preload
Direct* is still disabled, AV was enabled.
Comment 87•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #80)
> Ok, deleted the contents of the prefetch directory. Also, those numbers in
> Comment 78 reflect Minefield loading 4 app tabs and another 3 or 4 regular
> tabs.
> These numbers were run after I rebooted, with the wrapper, and only opening
> about:home.
> main 523
> sessionRestored 15173
> firstPaint 16360
> 500ms to preload
Brian, with Direct* enabled, could you attach the info below for
your cold startup times?
1. DirectWrite version and font cache size (see about:support)
2. Output of enabling the startup logging described in bug 602792, comment 110
I'm guessing your font cache file is fairly large, I would also
suggest testing again after deleting that file. See instructions
on bug 602792, comment 103.
Comment 88•14 years ago
I haven't had a chance to get to the logging portion yet, I apologize, however, here is the other info from about:support
DirectWrite Enabled true (6.1.7601.17514, font cache 8.05 MB)
Comment 89•14 years ago
Here is the fontlog.txt:
0[82d140]: InitFontList
0[82d140]: Start: 02/10/2011 03:28:53
0[82d140]: Uptime: 30882.671 s
0[82d140]: dwrite version: 6.1.7601.17514
0[82d140]: Total time in InitFontList: 0.018 ms
0[82d140]: --- gfxPlatformFontList init: 0.006 ms
0[82d140]: --- GdiInterop object: 0.012 ms
0[82d140]: DelayedInitFontList
0[82d140]: Start: 02/10/2011 03:28:54
0[82d140]: Uptime: 30882.906 s
0[82d140]: dwrite version: 6.1.7601.17514
0[82d140]: Total time in DelayedInitFontList: 0.960 ms (families: 196, gdi table access)
0[82d140]: --- GetSystemFontCollection: 0.036 ms
0[82d140]: --- iterate over families: 0.923 ms
I didn't reboot before running this. If you want me to do that, I will, and then I will also delete the font cache and retest the other scores as well if need be.
Comment 90•14 years ago
And here is the fontlog.txt after removing the fontcache files:
0[72d140]: InitFontList
0[72d140]: Start: 02/10/2011 03:37:54
0[72d140]: Uptime: 31423.343 s
0[72d140]: dwrite version: 6.1.7601.17514
0[72d140]: Total time in InitFontList: 0.019 ms
0[72d140]: --- gfxPlatformFontList init: 0.006 ms
0[72d140]: --- GdiInterop object: 0.013 ms
0[72d140]: DelayedInitFontList
0[72d140]: Start: 02/10/2011 03:37:54
0[72d140]: Uptime: 31423.796 s
0[72d140]: dwrite version: 6.1.7601.17514
0[72d140]: Total time in DelayedInitFontList: 0.956 ms (families: 196, gdi table access)
0[72d140]: --- GetSystemFontCollection: 0.015 ms
0[72d140]: --- iterate over families: 0.941 ms
DirectWrite Enabledtrue (6.1.7601.17514, font cache n/a)
Comment 91•14 years ago
Unfortunately i can no longer test with my laptop, but here are the numbers with my PC (Win7 x64, AMD Phenom X3 8450, 4GB DDR2 RAM, 5.7 WXPI for HDD):
Cold startup times with 2011-02-11 build, D2D DW off, 2 tabs restored
w/out wrapper
main 1232
firstPaint 13027
sessionRestored 14509
w/ wrapper
main 1107
firstPaint 6756
sessionRestored 7910
500 ms to preload
Comment 92•14 years ago
Intel Atom N450, 2GB RAM, Win 7 Pro 32bit, D2D,D3D,DW off, clean new profile.
Nightly (2011-02-11) without wrapper:
main 2043
firstPaint 8050
sessionRestored 8487
main 2637
firstPaint 7989
sessionRestored 8082
Nightly (2011-02-11) with wrapper:
main 952
firstPaint 3823
sessionRestored 4073
2200ms to preload
main 889
firstPaint 3792
sessionRestored 4088
1900ms to preload
Comment 93•14 years ago
Windows XP laptop, Core2 Duo T7200 @ 2GHz, 2GB RAM, 7200RPM, no AV.
D2D, DW off.
== No wrapper ==
main 1093
firstPaint 6062
main 1297
firstPaint 7031
sessionRestored 7281
== Wrapper ==
900ms to preload
main 2672
firstPaint 7079
sessionRestored 7297
500ms to preload
main 1047
firstPaint 5844
sessionRestored 6094
Assignee | ||
Comment 94•14 years ago
Ok, thanks for the testing guys. Sounds like this approach doesn't get annihilated by windows prefetch as badly. There is a small issue in windows throwing away the cache too soon(due to me indicating sequential IO). Thus there is potential for better perf.
Comment 95•14 years ago
Here are my numbers after a defrag.
== No wrapper ==
main 922
firstPaint 5125
sessionRestored 5672
== Wrapper ==
300ms to preload
main 953
firstPaint 4750
sessionRestored 4984
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Comment 96•14 years ago
I think I fixed the cache issue I was seeing before by mmap()ing the area
Here are new versions of wrapper. The first one is threaded, to see if keeping cpu into lower power state helps(ie lower frequency resulting in lower IRQ handling), .
This one is the same as before but with mmap.
Justin could you try these to see if your numbers get better?
Comment 97•14 years ago
Is there any way we can get this in nightlies and/or run A/B testing for the various options (using Test Pilot)? I'm worried that ad-hoc testing may not give us the best outcome across millions of devices. Even running this on all the machines in the QA labs would give us additional clarity via more data points...
Assignee | ||
Comment 98•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #97)
> Is there any way we can get this in nightlies and/or run A/B testing for the
> various options (using Test Pilot)? I'm worried that ad-hoc testing may not
> give us the best outcome across millions of devices. Even running this on all
> the machines in the QA labs would give us additional clarity via more data
> points...
I'm not too worried about testing this. I'm just making sure that preloading doesn't make things slower for people. As far as testing goes we can turn it on in a nightly(assuming the wrapper approach will fly) and then use our startup reporting mechanism( to see if our startups decrease.
Comment 99•14 years ago
Sorry, Taras; not much movement.
== Wrapper 2 ==
preload 400ms
main 1360
firstPaint 6032
sessionRestored 6704
== wrapper_threaded ==
preload 500ms
main 1625
firstPaint 5594
Comment 100•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #91)
With same spec:
main 796
firstPaint 11998
sessionRestored 14322
400ms to preload
main 858
firstPaint 9985
sessionRestored 10952
500ms to preload
Comment 101•14 years ago
Using Windows 7 x64 and Firefox latest nightly 20110212(32 bits), the first time I run FF4 once I turn on the laptop, varies from 200ms to 500ms, with no changes to anything, I even have disabled autoupdate of addons, FF and search engines.
Comment 102•14 years ago
Some numbers on my system, an almost 4 years old Intel Q6600@2.8ghz 4gb on Windows 7 64 bits. Prefetch info was cleared before each reboot.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0b12pre) Gecko/20110214 Firefox/4.0b12pre with 19 extensions.
D2D and DW enabled
GPU Accelerated Windows: 1/1 Direct3D 10
w/o wrapper before deleting Prefetch:
main 1320
firstPaint 7061
sessionRestored 7251
w/ wrapper before deleting Prefetch (threaded):
300ms preload
main 3910 (weird)
firstPaint 6561
sessionRestored 6661
w/ wrapper, before deleting Prefetch (mmap):
200ms preload
main 710
firstPaint 6371
sessionRestored 6531
w/ wrapper, after deleting Prefetch (mmap):
300ms preload
main 180
firstPaint 6331
sessionRestored 6531
w/ wrapper, after deleting Prefetch (threaded):
100ms preload
main 140
firstPaint 2921
sessionRestored 3011
Comment 103•14 years ago
AMD Athlon 4800+ X2 2.5GHz, 1GB DDR2, Seagate ST3160815A 7200 RPM ATA/100 on Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit.
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:2.0b12pre) Gecko/20110216 Firefox/4.0b12pre with 2 add-ons (AdblockPlus and about:startup)
Hardware acceleration on. (installed hotfix from MS - KB2467023)
With HWA:
main 109
firstPaint 1655
sessionRestored 1717
With HWA and wrapper_mmap
main 62
firstPaint 1483
sessionRestored 1545
100 ms to preload
With HWA and wrapper_threaded
main 62
firstPaint 1655
sessionRestored 1717
Comment 104•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #103)
> With HWA and wrapper_threaded
> main 62
> firstPaint 1655
> sessionRestored 1717
200 ms to preload
All with prefetch deleted before.
Font cache 1,71 MB
Assignee | ||
Comment 105•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #104)
> (In reply to comment #103)
> > With HWA and wrapper_threaded
> > main 62
> > firstPaint 1655
> > sessionRestored 1717
> 200 ms to preload
> All with prefetch deleted before.
> Font cache 1,71 MB
ok thanks. How about with prefetch?
For everybody else, thanks for the feedback. Due to having to move to a separate binary to avoid windows prefetch penalty this is too complex to release as part of firefox 4. We are considering options for releasing it this after ff4.
My least bad option at the moment is to install a helper that wipes firefox prefetch entries on windows startup and do prefetch within the firefox executable as before. The other option is to teach firefox that it's being launched from a wrapper and deploy the wrapper(this is tricky to get right for integration into windows, etc).
Comment 106•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #105)
> ok thanks. How about with prefetch?
With HWA:
main 109
firstPaint 1685
sessionRestored 1732
With HWA and wrapper_mmap:
main 78
firstPaint 1545
sessionRestored 1607
200 ms to preload
With HWA and wrapper_threaded
main 78
firstPaint 1655
sessionRestored 1733
200 ms to preload
Sometimes numbers are much higher like 1500 (main) .
But after restart it gets lower.
This is without deleting prefetch.
Comment 107•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #105)
> My least bad option at the moment is to install a helper that wipes firefox
> prefetch entries on windows startup and do prefetch within the firefox
> executable as before.
One of the ideas I heard floated a while back was to switch to a new background automatic updates system, possibly run as a Windows service. (I think Google Chrome does something like this) If this becomes a reality for Firefox, it would make sense to merge this sort of preloader concept with the background auto-updater into one Firefox background service. You could probably even go further and have it preload a fair bit during idle time if there's enough memory free.
![]() |
Comment 108•14 years ago
To avoid needing to runas or the UAC prompt the service will be running as the system account (default for services) which is privileged. I would very much prefer not preloading anything since it would add a potential attack vector.
Assignee | ||
Comment 109•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #108)
> To avoid needing to runas or the UAC prompt the service will be running as the
> system account (default for services) which is privileged. I would very much
> prefer not preloading anything since it would add a potential attack vector.
Preloading as in populating the file cache doesn't add any attack vectors.
![]() |
Comment 110•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #109)
> (In reply to comment #108)
> > To avoid needing to runas or the UAC prompt the service will be running as the
> > system account (default for services) which is privileged. I would very much
> > prefer not preloading anything since it would add a potential attack vector.
> Preloading as in populating the file cache doesn't add any attack vectors.
The summary "preload dlls" is what threw me off and it is definitely safer from the service's point of view.
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Comment 111•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #108)
> To avoid needing to runas or the UAC prompt the service will be running as the
> system account (default for services) which is privileged. I would very much
> prefer not preloading anything since it would add a potential attack vector.
is there a bug for implementing this service?
![]() |
Comment 112•14 years ago
![]() |
Comment 113•14 years ago
Couple of quick notes about the service.
1. it will start during OS startup before any users logon.
2. not all users will be able to install it since it requires admin privs to install.
3. there will likely be an opt-out option in the installer.
Comment 114•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #107)
> (In reply to comment #105)
> > My least bad option at the moment is to install a helper that wipes firefox
> > prefetch entries on windows startup and do prefetch within the firefox
> > executable as before.
> One of the ideas I heard floated a while back was to switch to a new background
> automatic updates system, possibly run as a Windows service. (I think Google
> Chrome does something like this) If this becomes a reality for Firefox, it
> would make sense to merge this sort of preloader concept with the background
> auto-updater into one Firefox background service. You could probably even go
> further and have it preload a fair bit during idle time if there's enough
> memory free.
I don't see any windows services for Chrome. Google does have added some Scheduled Tasks for update, but no service or task for preload.
Comment 115•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #114)
> I don't see any windows services for Chrome. Google does have added some
> Scheduled Tasks for update, but no service or task for preload.
I think you need to watch two things:
* gpedit.msc
* services.msc
Comment 116•14 years ago
Isn't a better idea to simply add this ddl's to SuperPrefetch windows folders ?
We can add this on installation and next Firefox will be checking on start that this ddls still exist, because can be deleted by some software. And if not Firefox will add it. Checking need to be wise implanted to not burden slow cold start.
Comment 117•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #116)
> Isn't a better idea to simply add this ddl's to SuperPrefetch windows folders ?
> We can add this on installation
Will this work for portable Fx too?
> and next Firefox will be checking on start that this ddls
> still exist, because can be deleted by some software. And if not Firefox
> will add it. Checking need to be wise implanted to not burden slow cold start.
E.g. this dll will be copied to SuperPrefetch after 1st Fx run and won't get loaded for the 1st run? Or it is still planned to be done while Windows is loading?
Comment 118•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #117)
> Will this work for portable Fx too?
No, because portable is like name means portable. It shouldn't add or leave any files & keys in system (except buggy portable "shells") and as far I remember we don't support officially portable Firefox.
(In reply to comment #117)
> E.g. this dll will be copied to SuperPrefetch after 1st Fx run and won't get
> loaded for the 1st run? Or it is still planned to be done while Windows is
> loading?
Files should be added to SuperPrefetch folders after installation/upgrade or when Firefox check they're missing, so Windows will be preload this ddls on next startup.
Regarding first run with cold-start I have idea, that we can called some process that will be preloaded this ddls, before seeing latest installation screen with "Finish / OK" button or if it's possible preload only ddls to memory without it.
So Firefox will be loading much faster with this :)
I'm not a programmer so it's only theoretical discussion.
What devs thing about it ? It's possible ?
![]() |
Comment 119•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #118)
> (In reply to comment #117)
> > E.g. this dll will be copied to SuperPrefetch after 1st Fx run and won't get
> > loaded for the 1st run? Or it is still planned to be done while Windows is
> > loading?
> Files should be added to SuperPrefetch folders after installation/upgrade or
> when Firefox check they're missing, so Windows will be preload this ddls on
> next startup.
Prefetch is managed by the OS so we can't add files directly.
> Regarding first run with cold-start I have idea, that we can called some
> process that will be preloaded this ddls, before seeing latest installation
> screen with "Finish / OK" button or if it's possible preload only ddls to
> memory without it.
This would only slightly improve first run after an install since we have to generate our own cache, etc. after installing a different version
Comment 120•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 505620 [details] [diff] [review]
Attachment #505620 -
Flags: approval2.0+
Assignee | ||
Comment 121•14 years ago
I wrote an extension (source to deal with the "slow windows prefetch" problem.
The extension is a) wrapper around a service .exe that deletes firefox prefetch files and b) wrapper .exe that preloads firefox in a more efficient manner than windows does by default.
The extension installs a "Firefox Service" and removes it on uninstall. It also adds a 'faster firefox' shortcut to the desktop. In theory having this extension installed + launching via the "faster firefox" shortcut should result in the 2x speedup that this bug aims for.
Comment 122•14 years ago
AMD Athlon 4800+ X2 2.5GHz, 1GB DDR2, Seagate ST3160815A 7200 RPM ATA/100 on
Windows 7 SP1 Ultimate 32bit.
5 extensions installed (AdblockPLus, GreaseMonkey, F1, startup, startup service) + 1 userscript and active persona.
HWA on.
Before startup service add-on:
main 1638
firstPaint 13354
sessionRestored 13448
With startup service add-on:
main 858
firstPaint 7848
sessionRestored 7988
So here are my numbers:
Maybe cold/warm? (This is what about:startup showed initially after I installed it. Don't remember if this was for the first time I started Firefox after rebooting the system, the session was left running over the weekend.)
main 4661
firstPaint 12132
sessionRestored 14184
Warm (with extension) (After installing the startup service addon, I shut down Firefox and started it with the "faster firefox" shortcut.)
main 3631
firstPaint 9751
sessionRestored 13391
Cold (with extension) (I shut down everything and restarted my system completely, then used the "faster firefox" shortcut to launch the browser.)
main 3761
firstPaint 10314
sessionRestored 12202
Installed/enabled extensions:
Add-on Compatibility Reporter
JS Deminifier
RT Site Extender
Adblock Plus
Bugzilla Tweaks
Add-on Builder Helper
Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus
DOM Inspector
I have 7 open tabs, including Gmail, about:addons and Facebook.
(Just out of curiosity, do the startup numbers take the time spent in the profile manager's UI into account?)
Comment 124•14 years ago
I tested extension on other computer on Windows 7 SP 1.
AMD Athlon 2800+ 2.0 GHz, 1GB DDR RAM, HDD - Western Digital Caviar Blue WD800JD 7200 RPM SATA150
HWA off.
Extensions installed: Adblock Plus, GreaseMonkey (one usersript) , about startup, startup service and active persona theme.
Cold without startup service:
main 2015
firstPaint 4110
sessionRestored 4235
Cold with startup service:
main 688
firstPaint 3251
sessionRestored 3548
Comment 125•14 years ago
I don't know if it's meant to, but the extension doesn't appear to work in Windows XP (at the very least, it complains that CompareStringEx can't be located in kernel32.dll, there may be other issues).
Assignee | ||
Comment 126•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #125)
> I don't know if it's meant to, but the extension doesn't appear to work in
> Windows XP (at the very least, it complains that CompareStringEx can't be
> located in kernel32.dll, there may be other issues).
thanks. I'll fix that in the next rev.
Comment 127•14 years ago
- Win7 x64 ; Minefield x86 opt 2011-03-03
- Core 2 Duo 2.4; WD Raptor 10000 RPM SATA150 WD1500ADFD
- H/W accel disabled (both layers and D2D)
- Session with 5 tabs open; 8 addons + flash
cold: (after waiting 60 secs for win services to finish loading)
main 2652
firstPaint 4977
sessionRestored 5164
main 62
firstPaint 1779
sessionRestored 1935
with new wrapper from comment 121...
cold: (after waiting 60 secs for win services to finish loading)
main 546
firstPaint 4540
sessionRestored 4837
main 172
firstPaint 1920
sessionRestored 2092
Comment 128•14 years ago
Gecko/20110308 Firefox/4.0b13pre
Windows 7 sp1 32bit
GPU: 1/1 direct3 d9
DirectWrite: off
HDD: 5400 rpm laptop drive WDC WD3200BEVT
2 Gb RAM
31 extensions
Restored session with: 510 tabs
(entry in about:config browser.sessionstore.max_concurrent_tabs=0, see also Bug 632012, still have a hope that Bartab extension will be updated to fully unload tabs in Firefox 4.0 like it worked in Firefox 3.6 = session restore should be much more faster)
about one month old profile
+ database vacuum=after use SpeedyFox from
+ 1Gb readyboost= using old (slow) 1 gb flash drive as readyboost cache in Windows 7
Without Installed startup.service.xpi:
Cold boot
main 2730
firstPaint 5414
sessionRestored 14946
Hot boot
main 125
firstPaint 2076
sessionRestored 11217
+ 1 Gb readyboost flash drive
Cold boot
main 78
firstPaint 3527
sessionRestored 12981
Hot boot
main 78
firstPaint 2200
sessionRestored 11389
+ database vacuum
Cold boot
main 93
firstPaint 3776
sessionRestored 13073
Hot boot
main 125
firstPaint 2060
sessionRestored 10905
+ database vacuum + 1Gb readyboost
Cold boot
main 93
firstPaint 2793
sessionRestored 12215
Hot boot
main 63
firstPaint 1998
sessionRestored 10953
With Installed startup.service.xpi, start by desktop shortcut:
Cold boot
main 546
firstPaint 4010
sessionRestored 13277
Hot boot
main 140
firstPaint 2091
sessionRestored 11389
+ 1 Gb readyboost flash drive
Cold boot
main 484
firstPaint 3480
sessionRestored 12715
Hot boot
main 140
firstPaint 2107
sessionRestored 11404
Assignee | ||
Comment 129•14 years ago
by the way, once is installed, keeping directwrite ON should result in faster startups(ie the opposite of before this microsoft released this patch).
Thanks for the benchmarks. I have enough data now.
Assignee | ||
Comment 130•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #125)
> I don't know if it's meant to, but the extension doesn't appear to work in
> Windows XP (at the very least, it complains that CompareStringEx can't be
> located in kernel32.dll, there may be other issues).
Uploaded a new version to . Would be nice if someone could test it on xp.
Comment 131•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #130)
> (In reply to comment #125)
> > I don't know if it's meant to, but the extension doesn't appear to work in
> > Windows XP (at the very least, it complains that CompareStringEx can't be
> > located in kernel32.dll, there may be other issues).
> Uploaded a new version to
> . Would be
> nice if someone could test it on xp.
I tried to access it using the new link above, but it has me log-in to and then loads a blank page with this Url:
No download or install of the extension occurs.
Assignee | ||
Comment 132•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #131)
> I tried to access it using the new link above, but it has me log-in to
> and then loads a blank page with this Url:
> No download or install of the extension occurs.
Comment 133•14 years ago
I'm using the addon on XP and it seems to make startup faster. However, an error shows up on install.
svc.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point GetUserDefaultLocaleName could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll.
Comment 134•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #130)
> Uploaded a new version to
> . Would be
> nice if someone could test it on xp.
I think you should write a more detailed description for the extension. Check out review #1 on the addon's page.
Comment 135•14 years ago
- i got this error (picture) and i believe it is related to the followings:
Extension8=C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 8\extensions\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0022-ABCDEFFEDCBA}
Extension0=C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta 8\extensions\{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}
FYI: I'm not a programmer but i would like to help out, also i can't install this addon anymore after uninstalling it this morning (now it is at night 11ish pm)
Comment 136•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #135)
> - i got this error (picture) and i believe
> it is related to the followings:
> [ExtensionDirs]
> Extension0=C:\Users\FaTe\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rgn4r093.default\extensions\{D4DD63FA-01E4-46a7-B6B1-EDAB7D6AD389}.xpi
> Extension1=C:\Users\FaTe\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rgn4r093.default\extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}.xpi
> Extension2=C:\Users\FaTe\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rgn4r093.default\extensions\{b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}.xpi
> Extension3=C:\Users\FaTe\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rgn4r093.default\extensions\{1018e4d6-728f-4b20-ad56-37578a4de76b}
> Extension4=C:\Users\FaTe\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rgn4r093.default\extensions\{e4a8a97b-f2ed-450b-b12d-ee082ba24781}.xpi
> Extension5=C:\Users\FaTe\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rgn4r093.default\extensions\{46551EC9-40F0-4e47-8E18-8E5CF550CFB8}.xpi
> Extension6=C:\Users\FaTe\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rgn4r093.default\extensions\
> Extension7=C:\Users\FaTe\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\rgn4r093.default\extensions\{EF522540-89F5-46b9-B6FE-1829E2B572C6}.xpi
> Extension8=C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta
> 8\extensions\{CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0022-ABCDEFFEDCBA}
> [ThemeDirs]
> Extension0=C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Beta
> 8\extensions\{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}
> FYI: I'm not a programmer but i would like to help out, also i can't install
> this addon anymore after uninstalling it this morning (now it is at night 11ish
> pm)
> thanks!
Win 7 (no SP1) x64
- this error occurs when installation was completed and i try faster firefox still slow i believe it is because the installation was not successful
Assignee | ||
Comment 137•14 years ago
Guess it's broken on xp and 64bit windows. Thanks
Comment 138•14 years ago
Taras, v0.1 WFM using Win 7 x64 and x86 Minefield; so unless 0.2 regressed x64...
Comment 139•14 years ago
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:2.0b13pre) Gecko/20110309 Firefox/4.0b13pre with Start Faster 0.2
I get a dialog titled "mozjs.dll" that says "Could not open" when running Faster Firefox. It loads once I hit OK.
Assignee | ||
Comment 140•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #139)
> I get a dialog titled "mozjs.dll" that says "Could not open" when running
> Faster Firefox. It loads once I hit OK.
Thanks. That's a bug, I'll fix that in next rev.
Shandy, in your screenshot, I can't see the end of the title in the message box. it should end in a number. Would be handy to know what the number is.
Comment 141•14 years ago
Extension activated, running Fx after the OS restart:
main 508
sessionRestored 11493
firstPaint 12212
Extension deactivated, running Fx after the OS restart:
main 3375
sessionRestored 10407
firstPaint 11079
P4 3.0Ghz, hwa=on.
Assignee | ||
Comment 142•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #141)
> Extension activated, running Fx after the OS restart:
> main 508
> sessionRestored 11493
> firstPaint 12212
> Extension deactivated, running Fx after the OS restart:
> main 3375
> sessionRestored 10407
> firstPaint 11079
> P4 3.0Ghz, hwa=on.
Is this via faster firefox shortcut?
Comment 143•14 years ago
tried to install ff4 xp sp3 turned off all addons before, on install get the following: svc.exe entry point not found
the proceedure entry point GetUserDefaultLocaleName could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll
addon appears to install but no short cut is created on desktop
Comment 144•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #140)
> (In reply to comment #139)
> >
> > I get a dialog titled "mozjs.dll" that says "Could not open" when running
> > Faster Firefox. It loads once I hit OK.
> Thanks. That's a bug, I'll fix that in next rev.
> Shandy, in your screenshot, I can't see the end of the title in the message
> box. it should end in a number. Would be handy to know what the number is.
i can't do anything about it =( caz it doesn't let me expand it >.<
sorry & hope you will get this fix soon <3
Comment 145•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #142)
> Is this via faster firefox shortcut?
Sorry, didn't notice that shortcut. But I've tried it now and it opens new profile, instead of my. I'm using firefox portable, and probably that's the reason. Not going to test not on my profile.
Comment 146•14 years ago
FYI: the addon was ok until is installed
Win 7 (no sp1) x64
Comment 147•14 years ago
How about installing SP1 with all patches ? Still the same ?
Comment 148•14 years ago
My Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0b13pre) Gecko/20110311 Firefox/4.0b13pre
I have win 7 x64 with sp1 with the mentioned patch installed, and the add-on seems to work fine.
Comment 149•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #148)
> Hi,
> My Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0b13pre)
> Gecko/20110311 Firefox/4.0b13pre
> I have win 7 x64 with sp1 with the mentioned patch installed, and the add-on
> seems to work fine.
i'm on Firefox RC1 and installed SP1 (took me long time) reinstalled the addon v0.2 still getting same error
Assignee | ||
Comment 150•14 years ago
there are some problems with reinstalling/upgrading. I'll see about fixing them in next version.
Comment 151•14 years ago
another 2 weeks of ignorance, nice.
Comment 152•14 years ago
Taras, any news on this bug?
Assignee | ||
Comment 153•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #152)
> Taras, any news on this bug?
Nothing atm. I have a good idea of how to implement it, but we need a windows updating service before I can implement it(which is being worked on)
Comment 154•14 years ago
Do you have a bug number we can follow?
Assignee | ||
Comment 155•14 years ago
wait on progress in bug 481815
![]() |
Comment 156•14 years ago
I think with the current method to solve this bug being to just delete the firefox.exe prefetch files it would be simpler to just use a scheduled task. Taras, would this be acceptable?
Assignee | ||
Comment 157•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #156)
> I think with the current method to solve this bug being to just delete the
> firefox.exe prefetch files it would be simpler to just use a scheduled task.
> Taras, would this be acceptable?
Yes. I think a scheduled task + code in firefox.exe that checks for the firefox.exe* prefetch files before using our own prefetch logic would solve the after-reboot slowness.
![]() |
Comment 158•14 years ago
Threw together a hacky vbscript as a proof of concept. You can save it to your filesystem, in the task scheduler create a new task, change the user account to run the task to SYSTEM, set the trigger to At system startup, and set the action to Start a program with the vbs file containing the following for the program / script.
On Error Resume Next
Dim wmi, fso, shell, prefetchdir, querydir, query, monevts, evt
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
prefetchdir = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%") & "\Prefetch"
If fso.FolderExists(prefetchdir) Then
fso.DeleteFile prefetchdir & "\FIREFOX.EXE*", True
querydir = Replace(prefetchdir, "\", "\\\\")
Set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
query = "SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE " & _
"Targetinstance ISA 'CIM_DirectoryContainsFile' and " & _
"TargetInstance.GroupComponent= " & _
"'Win32_Directory.Name=""" & querydir & """'"
Set monevts = wmi.ExecNotificationQuery(query)
Set evt = monevts.NextEvent
If fso.FolderExists(prefetchdir) Then
fso.DeleteFile prefetchdir & "\FIREFOX.EXE*", True
End If
End If
Assignee | ||
Comment 159•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #158)
> Threw together a hacky vbscript as a proof of concept. You can save it to your
> filesystem, in the task scheduler create a new task, change the user account to
> run the task to SYSTEM, set the trigger to At system startup, and set the
> action to Start a program with the vbs file containing the following for the
> program / script.
What does the part part "Set wmi" do? Is this to keep deleting firefox.exe* if it appears?
The only hard part left is registering this script with the task scheduler during Firefox update/install. Is that something that can be done for Firefox 6?
Comment 160•14 years ago
I assume this will fail gracefully and not crash if the user is not using prefetch? My boot drive in Windows 7 is a 120GB SSD and I've turned off Superfetch and deleted the prefetch directory.
![]() |
Comment 161•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #159)
> (In reply to comment #158)
> > Threw together a hacky vbscript as a proof of concept. You can save it to your
> > filesystem, in the task scheduler create a new task, change the user account to
> > run the task to SYSTEM, set the trigger to At system startup, and set the
> > action to Start a program with the vbs file containing the following for the
> > program / script.
> >
> What does the part part "Set wmi" do? Is this to keep deleting firefox.exe* if
> it appears?
It is a reference to windows management instrumentation. monevts.NextEvent will wait for the next create file event in the prefetch dir and then delete any FIREFOX.EXE* prefetch files.
> The only hard part left is registering this script with the task scheduler
> during Firefox update/install. Is that something that can be done for Firefox
> 6?
(In reply to comment #160)
> I assume this will fail gracefully and not crash if the user is not using
> prefetch?
Updated•14 years ago
Whiteboard: [ts]
Assignee | ||
Comment 162•14 years ago
Here is another WiP. Turns out we can detect prefetch.
Attachment #511223 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee | ||
Comment 163•14 years ago
Lets land a conservative version of this and track progress via our startup-speed tracking.
This uses GetProcessIOCounters as an indicator whether prefetch is ruining our startup or whether we still have room to optimize it ourselves. This only preloads xul.dll and mozjs.dll(if it exists) because each of these has more overhead than the other files combined.
This will make startup faster for everybody who has broken windows prefetch(which seems relatively common), is running on ssd or uses another method to opt out (ie Rob's script).
Then as step two we can install Rob's script from the installer and enjoy awesomer startup times on every machine.
Attachment #530115 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee | ||
Updated•14 years ago
Attachment #530119 -
Flags: review?(shaver)
Comment 164•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 530119 [details] [diff] [review]
detect when prefetch is off(for whatever reason) and preload our way
Review of attachment 530119 [details] [diff] [review]:
::: toolkit/xre/nsWindowsWMain.cpp
@@ -93,1 +93,13 @@
+static void
... 9 more ...
pick a style for bracing single-line consequents, and stick to it please. (I think the rest of this file doesn't brace single lines, but I'm sure you can tell at a glanc
@@ +104,5 @@
+ return;
+ }
+ DWORD dwBytesRead;
+ DWORD total = 0;
total appears to not be used other than to accumulate read sizes and then be discarded.
@@ +108,5 @@
+ DWORD total = 0;
+ // Do dummy reads to trigger kernel-side readhead via FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN.
+ // Abort when underfilling because during testing the buffers are read fully
+ // A buffer that's not keeping up would imply that readahead isn't working right
+ while (ReadFile(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), &dwBytesRead, NULL)
this would fit on one line, no?
with the total-addition removed, you'd want something like /*nothing*/; as the one-line body I think.
Assignee | ||
Comment 165•14 years ago
Attachment #530119 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #530154 -
Flags: review?(shaver)
Attachment #530119 -
Flags: review?(shaver)
Assignee | ||
Comment 166•14 years ago
These are a bit ugly since we need to capture the stats early during startup(before xul.dll is loaded) and pass em into xul.dll.
Attachment #530687 -
Flags: review?
Comment 167•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 530154 [details] [diff] [review]
style fixes
Review of attachment 530154 [details] [diff] [review]:
I gave you r+ before, didn't need to re-review! But while I'm here...
::: toolkit/xre/nsWindowsWMain.cpp
@@ +117,5 @@
> +{
> + wchar_t buf[MAX_PATH];
> + size_t pathlen = wcslen(appPath);
> +
> + for(;pathlen && appPath[pathlen] != L'\\'; pathlen--);
this is pretty opaque, can you switch to something that's not pure side-effect, like:
while (pathlen && appPath[pathlen] != L'\\')
r+ with that, or without if you feel strongly.
Attachment #530154 -
Flags: review?(shaver) → review+
Assignee | ||
Comment 168•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 530687 [details] [diff] [review]
telemetry probes
Benjamin, requesting your review here since you might have a suggestion on how to better pass the startup io data into xul.dll
Attachment #530687 -
Flags: review? → review?(benjamin)
Assignee | ||
Comment 169•14 years ago
Comment 170•14 years ago
hi, my last build takes ages to start, so I investigated the latest changesets and found this one. Is it possible that this is the reason for the huge delay (~7sec)? My OS is Win7 64bit.
I am now building two firefox versions. One short before this patch landed and the other with this patch. How do I compare these versions best? After a reboot with the about-startup extension?
Assignee | ||
Comment 171•14 years ago
(In reply to comment #170)
> hi, my last build takes ages to start, so I investigated the latest
> changesets and found this one. Is it possible that this is the reason for
> the huge delay (~7sec)? My OS is Win7 64bit.
> I am now building two firefox versions. One short before this patch landed
> and the other with this patch. How do I compare these versions best? After a
> reboot with the about-startup extension?
yes it's possible. That's the way to test.
Comment 172•14 years ago
No, it is not this patch:
before patch:
main sessionRestored firstPaint
483 2341 2138
477 2759 2493
452 2684 2435
main sessionRestored firstPaint
718 2450 2232
702 2387 2169
736 2569 2351
The reason must be somewhere else. My latest build gave me this results:
main sessionRestored firstPaint
3508 10566 10359
7399 17492 17088
3591 19871 19510
Assignee | ||
Comment 173•14 years ago
Try capturing an xperf profile. See for instructions, then email it to me.
I can take a look at it. I wonder if we hit a font-enumeration regression.
Comment 174•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 530687 [details] [diff] [review]
telemetry probes
As noted in IRC, I'd prefer a little bit that this all live in libxul: we can avoid passing the static from firefox.exe in by moving recordstartupcounters into XRE_main and calling GetProcessIoCounters again. remark r? if that's not a good idea for some reason.
Attachment #530687 -
Flags: review?(benjamin) → review-
Assignee | ||
Comment 175•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 530687 [details] [diff] [review]
telemetry probes
(In reply to comment #174)
> As noted in IRC, I'd prefer a little bit that this all live in libxul: we
> can avoid passing the static from firefox.exe in by moving
> recordstartupcounters into XRE_main and calling GetProcessIoCounters again.
> remark r? if that's not a good idea for some reason.
This patch reports data that we base our decision to preload xul.dll on.
We can't move the GetProcessIoCounters. It has to happen early on in firefox.exe before other .dlls started loading.
Attachment #530687 -
Flags: review- → review?(benjamin)
Assignee | ||
Comment 176•14 years ago
Comment on attachment 530687 [details] [diff] [review]
telemetry probes
Looks like the way forward is to incorporate this into Mike Hommey's xpcomglue preload
Attachment #530687 -
Flags: review?(benjamin)
Comment 177•14 years ago
Let's say this is closed by the landing. The patch from here will be backed out before landing bug 552864 and bug 632404. The latter will reintroduce the windows dll preloading.
I'll file a new bug for the telemetry probes.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Assignee | ||
Comment 178•14 years ago
backed out this preload
bug 552864 has a better approach
Comment 179•13 years ago
>while (ReadFile(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), &dwBytesRead, NULL) && dwBytesRead == sizeof(buf))
shouldn't be dwBytesRead < sizeof
Comment 180•13 years ago
Code like this:
+ while (ReadFile(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), &dwBytesRead, NULL) && dwBytesRead == sizeof(buf))
+ /* Nothing */;
Is a very bad practice in Windows development, despite the new way to do threading Windows has.
First of all current thread is locked until while loop ends. I do not know if this is done in a separated thread or in main one. If it is in main, it locks all UI and message loop until it finishes. Being in a separated thread it locks the thread and dramatically slow down program performance because CPU goes to 100%.
Best way to solve this is using Completion Ports ( and/or Overlapped CreateFule way to read a file (
Only if code is in a different thread than main one, it is necessary to add a Sleep(0) or Sleep(1) into the loop (or another value, but those have special meaning in Win32).
If yo specify Sleep(0) you are telling Windows do only the most urgent tasks and return to the loop. Win Sleep(1) you tell Windows: do all the urgent tasks and process some thread message loop messages.
This is a server performance problem. If you intend to preload some DLL into memory, you are locking Firefox until all the files are loaded if this code is in main thread, and dramatically slow down it if it is in a secondary one. This code is inefficient and forces Windows not use its internal DLL and file caching schemes.
Comment 181•13 years ago
(In reply to RFOG from comment #180)
> Code like this:
> + while (ReadFile(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), &dwBytesRead, NULL) && dwBytesRead
> == sizeof(buf))
> + /* Nothing */;
> Is a very bad practice in Windows development, despite the new way to do
> threading Windows has.
> First of all current thread is locked until while loop ends. I do not know
> if this is done in a separated thread or in main one. If it is in main, it
> locks all UI and message loop until it finishes. Being in a separated thread
> it locks the thread and dramatically slow down program performance because
> CPU goes to 100%.
Please understand the context of the code before commenting on it. This runs right at startup (notice the wmain?) on the main thread before any UI is displayed.
> This is a server performance problem. If you intend to preload some DLL into
> memory, you are locking Firefox until all the files are loaded if this code
> is in main thread
Yes, that is the point of the code.
> This code is inefficient and forces Windows not use its internal DLL
> and file caching schemes.
We've found that Windows' file caching is broken. Please read <> and all of Taras's other posts before commenting again.
Assignee | ||
Comment 182•13 years ago
(In reply to Daniel Gutson from comment #179)
> >while (ReadFile(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), &dwBytesRead, NULL) && dwBytesRead == sizeof(buf))
> shouldn't be dwBytesRead < sizeof
> ?
This is intentional. This loop exists solely to populate the windows filesystem cache. Typically this loop succeeds(ie does full reads for the whole file). Assumption is that if there is an under-read, then something weird is going on and we should abort our heuristic to not risk introducing a slowdown.
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