Closed Bug 630454 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Canvas defense game doesn't work in Minefield, throws "world is not defined"


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: English US, defect)

Windows 7
Not set


(blocking2.0 -)

Tracking Status
blocking2.0 --- -


(Reporter: matjk7, Unassigned)





(1 file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:2.0b11pre) Gecko/20110131 Firefox/4.0b11pre
Build Identifier: Built from

The canvas defense game ( doesn't seem to work in Minefield, but works just fine in IE9 and Chrome.

The game is updated fairly often, and I remember the first time I played it did work in Minefield, so I don't know if this a regression or simply a bug that always existed but the game simply wasn't hitting it.

The game also fails to work regardless of TM/JM being turned on/off.

Reproducible: Always
blocking2.0: --- → ?
Confirmed in latest nightly.
blocking2.0: ? → betaN+
Ever confirmed: true
Whiteboard: hardblocker
Attached file Test case
This alerts "object" in Chrome, "undefined" in FF 4. It works if I remove the doctype, which makes it unlikely to be a JS engine bug.
Sounds like evang, if I understand the HTML5 interaction here correctly.  Henri?
Assignee: general → nobody
Component: JavaScript Engine → HTML: Parser
QA Contact: general → parser
Whiteboard: hardblocker → hardblocker [not a bug?]
Actually, HTML5 specs this insane behavior for standards mode too, at the moment.

That said, I think that this is wrong and should change.

I assume the game is broken in Fx3.6 as well, right?
And in particular, my assumption is right this shouldn't be a blocker.
This isn't a parser bug. This is a DOM bug if we take the spec as being correct. This is an evang bug if we take the spec as being wrong.

IIRC, Brendan has previously argued pretty strongly that the spec is wrong here and Gecko should stay as-is.
Component: HTML: Parser → DOM: Core & HTML
QA Contact: parser → general
Depends on: 622491
Brendan and all of Ecma TC39 and a bunch of Mozillans including jst all object to this.

The originally-IE-only pollution of the global scope by any id'ed DOM element is a botch, and we emulated it only in quirks mode to grow Firefox market share starting in 2004. Standardizing it for standards mode is a worse botch, and unnecessary in our experience.

But now we're playing Prisoner's Dilemma round 2 and up-and-coming browsers are emulating it in standards mode as well as quirks mode documents, misleading content authors to expect us to do so as well. Time for a better game.

(In reply to comment #8)
> Brendan and all of Ecma TC39 and a bunch of Mozillans including jst all object
> to this.

jst and bz (I cited jst because he did the implementation work in 2004).

> But now we're playing Prisoner's Dilemma round 2 and up-and-coming browsers are
> emulating it in standards mode as well as quirks mode documents, misleading
> content authors to expect us to do so as well. Time for a better game.

So this should be a TE bug.

Brendan, did you mean to comment on the W3 bug?  ;)
Over to tech evang.
Assignee: nobody → english-us
Component: DOM: Core & HTML → English US
Product: Core → Tech Evangelism
QA Contact: general → english-us
Target Milestone: --- → Feb
This should come off the hardblocker list since it is no longer classified as a Firefox bug. If you have the authority and you disagree, just add the whiteboard back but I'm taking it off for now.
Whiteboard: hardblocker [not a bug?]
Assignee: english-us → nobody
Component: English US → General
Product: Tech Evangelism → Core
QA Contact: english-us → general
Target Milestone: Feb → ---
blocking2.0: betaN+ → -
Assignee: nobody → english-us
Component: General → English US
Product: Core → Tech Evangelism
QA Contact: general → english-us
I've been talking to some google people.  This is an agency demo and they are trying to get it updated.
Yep, they've fixed it.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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