Closed Bug 636048 Opened 14 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Firefox 4 nightly build frequently terminates abnormally


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: bj, Unassigned)


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:2.0b12pre) Gecko/20110221 Firefox/4.0b12pre Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:2.0b12pre) Gecko/20110221 Firefox/4.0b12pre I recently set Firefox to restore previous sessions by default, and it regularly can't restore the previous session of "about:blank". I thought this was a bug in session restore and reported bug 631882. The response was "Firefox is working correctly, probably an abnormal termination". Since then I've been verifying that the firefox-bin process actually goes away before I shut down my computer (just in case it was exiting too slowly and being killed by the shutdown). but I still keep seeing the messages. Is any information saved about the nature of the abnormal termination that I can recover to assist in figuring out the problem at exit? Reproducible: Sometimes Steps to Reproduce: 1.Set Firefox to restore previous sessions at startup. 2.Close all tabs. 3.Exit Firefox. 4.Verify the firefox-bin process has exited. 5.Reboot computer. 6.Restart Firefox. Actual Results: Sometimes a session restore error is shown, Firefox is "embarrassed" it can't restore about:blank. Expected Results: about:blank displayed.
Component: General → Session Restore
QA Contact: general → session.restore
Version: unspecified → Trunk
My bad, re-read the bug properly this time, likely not session restore, moving back to general. Sorry for the bugspam.
Component: Session Restore → General
QA Contact: session.restore → general
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0b12) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0b12 I am unable to reproduce issue. B.J. can you please try reproducing it using a clean profile, it may be extension related.
OK, I finally reproduced this. I started with a clean profile, made as few changes as possible, and exited and restarted frequently. The changes I made were: o Basic state preparation: - Turned off primary browser startup check. - Sync setup, copy everything but preferences from previous profile. - Home page about:blank. - Start with pages from previous session. - Don't close window when last tab closes. o After frustration with ads, installed Adblock Plus 1.3.3. o Turned off warning about opening multiple tabs. o After frustration with Facebook, installed Better Facebook 5.2. I am not aware of making other configuration changes, and there was a delay between starting the experiment and each extension install. So Better Facebook is a candidate. (I also saw the error with Better Facebook 5.3 on my other profile.) I will uninstall Better Facebook and keep monitoring, and contact the extension author.
It looks like Better Facebook is not the problem. I uninstalled BetterFacebook on the 25th and now run System Monitor to verify that firefox.bin has exited before I shut down the computer. The only other change I made in my configuration (that I remember) since comment 3 is to configure the tool bars and move some components around. I am still seeing situations where closed tabs from previous sessions are ignored when I restart, and twice I have started Firefox to see the message: Well, this is embarrassing. Minefield is having trouble recovering your windows and tabs. This is usually caused by a recently opened web page. You can try: o Removing one or more tabs that you think may be causing the problem o Starting an entirely new browsing session Restore Windows and Tabs window:1 about:blank
BJ are you still able to reproduce this issue on the latest trunk?
I've been using the nightly builds, which have been stuck at 20110303 Firefox/4.0b13pre for a week, and still seeing the issue. I'll be updating to RC1 in a few seconds.
This morning I got an unable to restore message (from 20110310 Firefox/4.0b13pre) that said it couldn't restore Google News. That was probably the last tab I closed, but i closed my session down to a blank tab before I exited last night.
B.J., are you still seeing this issue?
Yep. I'm running yesterdays nightly (today's wasn't ready when I left for work this morning) and I just came home from work, started Firefox, and found the message below. Well, this is embarrassing. Minefield is having trouble recovering your windows and tabs. This is usually caused by a recently opened web page. You can try: Removing one or more tabs that you think may be causing the problem Starting an entirely new browsing session Restore Windows and Tabs (check) Window 1 (check) about:blank Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:2.2a1pre) Gecko/20110407 Firefox/4.2a1pre
I also have this kind of behaviour on Windows 7 Pro 64b with FF 4.0.1 (trunk). I have browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab set to false (as mentioned in bug 636053). Usually I close all tabs before exiting FF. The next time I start FF it comes up with the message from comment 9 (and by now I start to feel it is really embarrassing, since FF is unable to restore about:blank) Expected result: Just open my home page as set in the options.
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:8.0a1) Gecko/20110711 Firefox/8.0a1 Setting status to New as I've seen this issue several times. It is mostly reproducible when the OS is shut down without first closing Firefox.
Ever confirmed: true
I have not seen this issue in over a year.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
(In reply to B.J. Herbison from comment #12) > I have not seen this issue in over a year. Actually I'm looking at the apology right now. For my feeling I haven't seen it in quite a while, but it started showing up again a couple of times in the few last weeks. Today I started FF by clicking the link to this bug from TB.
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