Closed Bug 638468 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

[Fx4Launch] Global Map: Implement new graphic designs into Glow App


( :: General, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: lforrest, Assigned: potch)




Sean Martell is working on some visual flair for this page, including the social sharing components. This bug is to track the implementation of those visual designs once they're complete. 

Sean - please post designs here once they're ready for Potch. Thanks!
Thanks Laura. As a quick update, Sean, Potch & I met today to scope what can & can't be done. Should have some initial design work to review tomorrow.
Hey hey,

PSD of latest creative here:

Thanks Sean, lookin' good! 

Although he's well underway working on adding in this visual sweetness, I'm assigning this to Potch now.
Assignee: smartell → thepotch
Hey Potch. Checking in on this since code freeze is today. The page looks great except for the social media buttons that are still missing. What's the timeline for getting those added in?

Hey John,

Sean sent me the final designs for the buttons this morning, and if you can just confirm what the URLs need to be for those buttons I can have them in place ASAP. Thanks!


(William R, please correct me asap if these are wrong. I pulled them from bug 623804.)
(In reply to comment #6)
> (William R, please correct me asap if these are wrong. I pulled them from bug
> 623804.)

Those are correct. Thanks John!
Potch, got an eta for the buttons and any other final changes? Need to review and test today so we're ready to push live Monday.
Severity: normal → critical
Also, I'm a little confused about the l10n process for this page. We have the translations done in an etherpad, but how do those get implemented into the actual pages? Do we go back to the original localizers once the en-US version of the page is complete? (If so, that's another reason for urgency.)

Buttons should be present on stage in 5 minutes.
found a few bugs with the buttons, fixing them now.
nice! depending on your edits underway, my 2 comments:

- Can they be moved up to where they are in the mockup (in line with the download button)?

- Also, are we putting the same text as FR/WN for the two buttons?
Please note that for some languages, the buttons are now overlapping with the header:

Should we reduce the font size on a per-locale basis?
should be good to go!
(In reply to comment #13)
> Should we reduce the font size on a per-locale basis?

Seems prudent. Which locales are we encountering this under?
(In reply to comment #14)
> should be good to go!

Looks great, thanks Potch!
(In reply to comment #12)
> - Also, are we putting the same text as FR/WN for the two buttons?

No, not unless the strings are currently in our messages.po. Stas?

I committed some css to help us adjust for some of the lengthier localizations:

If you let me know the list of locale codes that currently overflow, I'll be glad to update that list, or you can feel free to update it in the CSS on your own, since you have commit access. Thanks!
(In reply to comment #15)
> (In reply to comment #13)
> > Should we reduce the font size on a per-locale basis?
> Seems prudent. Which locales are we encountering this under?

I have [de, es, it, pl] on my list so far, but would need to test more.  Testing is not easy as I need to change my lang prefs.

I was just going to ask if you would you mind if I push changes to your repo over the weekend if I find more of those, but bugzilla let me know about a mid-air comment of yours :)

(In reply to comment #17)
> (In reply to comment #12)
> > - Also, are we putting the same text as FR/WN for the two buttons?
> No, not unless the strings are currently in our messages.po. Stas?

They're not.  The workaround that we thing is good would be to use "Join the party" and "Facebook badges" in en-US, and "Twitter" and "Facebook" everywhere else.  Would that work for you?
Since we're well out of time, we're just going to ship with "Facebook" and "Twitter" for everyone, it saves confusion and complication.
This is not ideal.  Is there no way that we can do the right thing here?  This is not going to be effective from a marketing perspective, the generic strings will not compel people to engage.
I agree it's not ideal, but it's the situation we're in given the time constraints. Fortunately, it's only for this site. It's not impossible to fix in the future (post-launch), but there is much other work to be done by Tuesday, and this simply can't take a priority.
The process of implementing these designs is complete, we can continue discussion of other issues elsewhere.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified fixed
Component: →
Component: → General
Product: Websites →
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