Open Bug 638993 Opened 14 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[Firefox 4 only] ctrl/shift/cmd key presses send incorrect keyCode 65 (A)


(Firefox :: Keyboard Navigation, defect)





(Reporter: smadayag, Unassigned)


ADBE#2809408 JIRA FP-6157 This is a Firefox 4 beta bug. Firefox 4 now uses cocoa events. When player receives event via NPP_HandleEvent from Firefox, it passes a NPCocoaEvent struct. When either shift, control, or command is pressed, Firefox4 is sending a keyCode of 0 from NPCocaEvent->key->keyCode. 1. open the attached swf in Firefox 4. 2. click the upper left flash movie to give it focus. 3. Press the following keys: "a" "ctrl" "shift" "cmd" Result: The trace results show the same keyCode = 65 Expected: The trace results show the different keyCode. Note: Works fine on Safari 5 and Firefox 4 for Windows...
Severity: normal → S3
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