Closed Bug 642236 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

ECMA spec not followed on comparisons


(Tamarin Graveyard :: Virtual Machine, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: virgilp, Unassigned)


Ecmascript goes to great lengths to ensure that operands of comparisons are evaluated in-order, introducing even the "LeftFirst" flag in section 11.8.5. Tamarin, however, doesn't seem to pay attention to the rules. Try this example: //======================================= function MyValueAlteringObject(value) { this.value = value; this.valueOf = function(){ return ++this.value; }; } var nvo = new MyValueAlteringObject(1.0); trace(nvo>nvo); // returns true; should really return false! //======================================= The reason is that in implementation, the evaluation order is reversed. E.g. in interpreter: INSTR(lessthan) { // Ok, core->compare evaluates first ToPrimitive(a1), then ToPrimitive(a2) CMP2(<, core->compare(a1,a2) == trueAtom); NEXT; } INSTR(greaterthan){ // See? no "leftfirst" flag!!! ToPrimitive(a2) will be evaluated first!!! CMP2(>, core->compare(a2, a1) == trueAtom); NEXT; } Final note: This applies to JIT as well - because JIT-ed code will call compare() too, in a similar fashion.
This might be a dupe of: bug 640052 Could you take a look and see if you agree with my conclusion that the JIT and Interpreter agree with either, even though they both get the evaluation order wrong in 1/2 the cases?
Yes, from what I saw I'm pretty sure your conclusion is correct; unfortunately I *really* have to leave now (and I'll be away for 3 days) - I can only do an in-depth/exhaustive check on Tuesday, earliest.
I checked, JIT is *mostly* in agreement with interpreter. What I mean is that, strictly speaking, the JIT-ed code may have different evaluation order than the interpreted code - but only when the values being compared are primitives (numbers, strings - i.e., in cmpOptimization ). While strictly-speaking the evaluation order is different than the interpreter, I can't think of a single example where it would make a (visible) difference in the end result. And I agree, this bug is a dupe of 640052. Will mark as such.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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