Bug 644349
Opened 14 years ago
Updated 7 months ago
Somehow deal with stack overflow in JS_DeepFreezeObject
(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect, P5)
JavaScript Engine
(Reporter: billm, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
I ran into a problem with JS_DeepFreezeObject in bug 569422. The problem is that the testDeepFreeze_deep jsapi-test overflows the stack limit. The problem was triggered by my patch because it adds a GC point inside JS_DeepFreezeObject, and the GC asserts that we haven't overflowed the stack limit. As a quick fix, I changed the test to freeze a smaller tree.
I talked this over with Jeff and we're a bit unsure how to address it. I would like to add an assertion to JS_DeepFreezeObject to ensure that you don't pass it anything too big. But I don't know what this function is used for and whether this is really safe.
Igor, do you have any advice?
Comment 1•14 years ago
I'm inclined to say we should remove JS_DeepFreezeObject, or make it use a work list, or something. Freezing object graphs has bad corner cases like over-deep recursion (how deep is too deep? stack limit? &c.), cycles in the graph, and more. The policies for how these should be handled seem like things the JSAPI client should decide for himself. So I think the best choice is to remove JS_DeepFreezeObject and instead have the user write the loop-over-properties-and-recur code.
Comment 2•14 years ago
As a rule any function that can trigger recursion must check for the stack size using JS_CHECK_RECURSION macro. So we should either add JS_CHECK_RECURSION checks or implement a version of JS_DeepFreezeObject that avoids recursion.
Updated•11 years ago
Assignee: brendan → general
Updated•11 years ago
Assignee: general → nobody
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
Updated•1 year ago
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