Closed Bug 648705 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Possible security sensitive crash [@ mozilla::WebGLProgram::DetachShaders() ]


(Core :: Graphics: CanvasWebGL, defect)

Windows 7
Not set



Tracking Status
firefox5 + fixed
blocking2.0 --- -
status2.0 --- wanted
status1.9.2 --- unaffected
status1.9.1 --- unaffected


(Reporter: bas.schouten, Assigned: posidron)




(Whiteboard: [sg:critical?])


(1 file)

When playing with possible infinite loop shaders I hit a crash that appears like it might be dangerous: Crash Reason EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_WRITE Crash Address 0x253e70fc 0 xul.dll mozilla::WebGLProgram::DetachShaders content/canvas/src/WebGLContext.h:1313 1 xul.dll mozilla::WebGLContext::UseProgram content/canvas/src/WebGLContextGL.cpp:3573 2 xul.dll nsIDOMWebGLRenderingContext_UseProgram obj-firefox/js/src/xpconnect/src/dom_quickstubs.cpp:31987 3 @0x47ef8b 4 mozjs.dll CheckStackAndEnterMethodJIT js/src/methodjit/MethodJIT.cpp:778 5 mozjs.dll js::mjit::JaegerShot js/src/methodjit/MethodJIT.cpp:802 6 mozjs.dll js::RunScript js/src/jsinterp.cpp:646 7 mozjs.dll js::Invoke js/src/jsinterp.cpp:740 8 mozjs.dll js::ExternalInvoke js/src/jsinterp.cpp:863 9 mozjs.dll JS_CallFunctionValue js/src/jsapi.cpp:5173 10 xul.dll nsJSContext::CallEventHandler dom/base/nsJSEnvironment.cpp:1914 11 xul.dll nsGlobalWindow::RunTimeout dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp:9107 12 xul.dll nsGlobalWindow::TimerCallback dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp:9452 13 xul.dll nsTimerImpl::Fire xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp:425 14 xul.dll nsTimerEvent::Run xpcom/threads/nsTimerImpl.cpp:517 15 xul.dll nsThread::ProcessNextEvent xpcom/threads/nsThread.cpp:633 16 xul.dll mozilla::ipc::MessagePump::Run ipc/glue/MessagePump.cpp:134 17 xul.dll xul.dll@0xb367c7 18 xul.dll MessageLoop::RunInternal ipc/chromium/src/base/ 19 xul.dll MessageLoop::RunHandler ipc/chromium/src/base/ 20 mozcrt19.dll _VEC_memzero 21 xul.dll xul.dll@0x35d7cd 22 firefox.exe firefox.exe@0x1bb7 23 ntdll.dll WinSqmSetIfMaxDWORD 24 ntdll.dll _RtlUserThreadStart 25 firefox.exe firefox.exe@0x186f 26 firefox.exe firefox.exe@0x186f 1311 void DetachShaders() { 1312 for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < mAttachedShaders.Length(); ++i) { 1313 mAttachedShaders[i]->DecrementAttachCount(); 1314 } 1315 mAttachedShaders.Clear(); 1316 }
I can see this bug, but can't see any of the comments. Do I need more permissions?
No, we just need to un-double-hide the initial description: done.
Whiteboard: [sg:critical?]
Bas, when you can reproduce this bug, can you print the values of: i mAttachedShaders.Length() Also, a test-case would greatly help.
(In reply to comment #3) > Bas, when you can reproduce this bug, can you print the values of: > i > mAttachedShaders.Length() > > Also, a test-case would greatly help. What I was doing was playing around with for (float i = 0.0; i < a; i += 1.0); Where I was varying the output colors and 'a' between 10 and 100000. On the ShaderToy site.
@ Christoph: could you please try to find a test-case for this, based on the description given in comment 4?
Of course.
Over to Christoph to get a testcase.
Assignee: nobody → christoph.diehl
The crash location void DetachShaders() { for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < mAttachedShaders.Length(); ++i) { mAttachedShaders[i]->DecrementAttachCount(); } mAttachedShaders.Clear(); } and the fact that it's an invalid write at a random address means that the mAttachedShaders[i] pointer is stale. This is a plain pointer, not a refptr, so one can be tempted to replace that by a refptr, but I don't understand how this pointer can have gone stale, as the WebGLContext keeps refptrs to all the shaders. As long as the WebGLContext is live, all shaders should be, and therefore pointers to them should stay valid.
Ah, WebGLContext::DeleteShader() causes the reference count to be decremented, so it's conceivable that calling UseProgram() after DeleteShader() would crash in this way. For this reason I think that we should let WebGLProgram store refptrs instead of plain ptrs to the attached shaders.
Some people have written to us about their intention to release a blog post about a WebGL security flaw we allegedly have on Monday, without giving us any usable information to start fixing it. In anticipation of that, I will implement comment 9.
This should fix it --- although I can't be sure, as I have yet to find a test case for this bug. I tried first using WebGLObjectRefPtr, but got assertions (pasted below) so used nsRefPtr instead, as that's really just what I want: #0 0x00007fe5c58db78d in nanosleep () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:82 #1 0x00007fe5c58db600 in __sleep (seconds=<value optimized out>) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sleep.c:138 #2 0x00007fe5c7713e40 in ah_crap_handler (signum=11) at /home/bjacob/mozilla-central/toolkit/xre/nsSigHandlers.cpp:119 #3 0x00007fe5c77193e7 in nsProfileLock::FatalSignalHandler (signo=11, info=0x7fff8c63c2f0, context=0x7fff8c63c1c0) at /home/bjacob/build/firefox/toolkit/profile/nsProfileLock.cpp:226 #4 <signal handler called> #5 0x00007fe5c7e6096b in mozilla::WebGLObjectBaseRefPtr::Zero (this=0x282bb30) at /home/bjacob/mozilla-central/content/canvas/src/WebGLContext.h:121 #6 0x00007fe5c7e60c35 in mozilla::WebGLZeroingObject::ZeroOwners (this=0x2adaed8) at /home/bjacob/mozilla-central/content/canvas/src/WebGLContext.h:605 #7 0x00007fe5c7e60db5 in mozilla::WebGLShader::Delete (this=0x2adaed0) at /home/bjacob/mozilla-central/content/canvas/src/WebGLContext.h:1236 #8 0x00007fe5c7e6826e in mozilla::WebGLContext::DeleteShader (this=0x7fe5985185c0, sobj=0x2adaed0) at /home/bjacob/mozilla-central/content/canvas/src/WebGLContextGL.cpp:1037 #9 0x00007fe5c87149ed in nsIDOMWebGLRenderingContext_DeleteShader (cx=0x2b5cd20, argc=1, vp=0x7fe5b56ed248) at /home/bjacob/build/firefox/js/src/xpconnect/src/dom_quickstubs.cpp:29672 #10 0x00007fe5c92ed564 in js::CallJSNative (cx=0x2b5cd20, native=0x7fe5c871489b <nsIDOMWebGLRenderingContext_DeleteShader>, argc=1, vp=0x7fe5b56ed248) at /home/bjacob/mozilla-central/js/src/jscntxtinlines.h:277 #11 0x00007fe5c954a972 in js::Interpret (cx=0x2b5cd20, entryFrame=0x7fe5b56ed048, inlineCallCount=2, interpMode=js::JSINTERP_NORMAL) at /home/bjacob/mozilla-central/js/src/jsinterp.cpp:4664
Attachment #530639 - Flags: review?(joe)
Attachment #530639 - Flags: review?(joe) → review+ With that in, I really don't think that this bug could still happen; but without anyone being able to reproduce this bug, I don't know if/how I can close it. Should this be a WORKSFORME?
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
OK, I'm feeling confident enough to mark this fixed. Reopen if needed.
Does this impact Firefox 5 (aurora)? Should we consider taking the fix there?
I would say that's a good idea. Also in Firefox 4 if there will be another release of it. Just wait until TBPL shows a green mochitest-1, to be sure.
To be clear: yes, this impacts Firefox 4 and 5 in exactly the same way.
It's green on TBPL. Recommend backporting this to Firefox 4 and 5. Changeset link:
Attachment #530639 - Flags: approval2.0?
Attachment #530639 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
blocking2.0: --- → -
status2.0: --- → wanted
Attachment #530639 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora? → approval-mozilla-aurora+
Please land for Aurora by Monday May 16 or the approval will potentially be lost. Please mark as status-firefox5 fixed when you do.
Please land this on releases/mozilla-aurora TODAY or approval will be rescinded.
Comment on attachment 530639 [details] [diff] [review] fix dangling pointers by making them nsRefPtrs Approved for the mozilla2.0 repository, a=dveditz for release-drivers if Cameron needs this for TenFourFox (although that may not support WebGL). When landed please add a link to the changeset and flip the status2.0 field to ".x-fixed". If you don't need this on the 2.0 branch please unset the approval requests so we don't have an unfixed approval to track in bug triage.
Attachment #530639 - Flags: approval2.0? → approval2.0+
It doesn't, but I certainly wouldn't mind it landed just in case. Thanks very much!
Group: core-security
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