Closed Bug 648967 Opened 13 years ago Closed 12 years ago

If 'Check for Updates' is clicked and fails to reach server, it will say Firefox is up to date


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: tonyb1234, Unassigned)



User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0
Build Identifier: Firefox 4.0

Firefox -> Help -> About Firefox -> Check for Updates
Checking for updates...
Firefox is up to date

Firefox has failed to check whether it is up to date while saying that it has.

Reproducible: Sometimes

Steps to Reproduce:
It happens when it fails to reach the server.

Expected Results:  
It should say that it has failed to reach the Update server, not say that it is up to date.
(In reply to comment #0)
> Steps to Reproduce:
> It happens when it fails to reach the server.

How do you know it *had to* fail so that above Assumption would be correct?
Version: unspecified → 4.0 Branch
I am watching the attempted HTTP connection on <a href="">HttpFox</a>, and I see that the request failed yet then the "About Mozilla Firefox" box displays <i>Firefox is up to date</i>
Hmm, ok.

Please set "app.update.log" to "true" in "about:config" and check the Error Console Output after the next Update Check what has to fail and post it here.
(In reply to comment #3)

AUS:SVC Checker:getUpdateURL - update URL:

AUS:SVC Checker:checkForUpdates - sending request to:

AUS:SVC Checker:onError - request.status: 2152398861

AUS:SVC getStatusTextFromCode - transfer error: Connection refused, code: 2152398861

UTM:SVC TimerManager:notify - notified;1
Component: General → Application Update
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
QA Contact: general → application.update
Version: 4.0 Branch → 2.0 Branch
The URL in comment #4 returns the correct empty update for me. Smells like a network/firewall issue on the machine running Firefox. 

That said, it seems strange that the about box says 'Firefox is up to date'.
I *might* be misremembering this but iirc beltzner wanted to go with the 'Firefox is up to date" when encountering errors when checking for updates in the about box.
(In reply to comment #6)
> I *might* be misremembering this but iirc beltzner wanted to go with the
> 'Firefox is up to date" when encountering errors when checking for updates in
> the about box.

I don't understand why this should be the case.
In UNIX, if everything is ok, you get no message.
With this feature, when an error occurs, you get a message saying everything is ok.
There are several cases where an error can occur with checking for an update and everything is actually fine due to the nature of the internet. Also, there is code that checks if the problem is re-occurring without ever being successful in which case the user is notified.
This decision by the UX team not to show an error message was intentional. Also, this UI is actually part of the Firefox product and changing the behavior would not be done in app update. Moving over to Firefox -> General
Component: Application Update → General
Product: Toolkit → Firefox
QA Contact: application.update → general
(In reply to comment #8)
> There are several cases where an error can occur with checking for an update
> and everything is actually fine due to the nature of the internet.

error means everything is fine?
nature of internet?

> Also, there is code that checks if the problem is re-occurring without ever 
> being successful in which case the user is notified.

I have never seen this, how do force this notification so I can see it?

Also, how many times does the error have to occur before the user sees that
there is a problem. The reason that the user would manually check if the
browser is up-to-date is because they want to make sure that they are running
the most up-to-date version so that their browser won't be exploited using a
publicly available security vulnerability.

(In reply to comment #9)
> This decision by the UX team not to show an error message was intentional.

I would really like to see the rationale behind this decision, was it discussed in a forum or blog post?

> Also, this UI is actually part of the Firefox product and changing the
> behavior would not be done in app update.

Not a problem, you can just include the fix in either Firefox 5, 6 or 7 this year.
Version: 2.0 Branch → 4.0 Branch
OS: Windows 7 → All
Hardware: x86_64 → All
Summary: Update check FAIL → If 'Check for Updates' is clicked and fails to reach server, it will say Firefox is up to date
Version: 4.0 Branch → 5 Branch
(In reply to comment #10)
> (In reply to comment #8)
> > There are several cases where an error can occur with checking for an update
> > and everything is actually fine due to the nature of the internet.
> error means everything is fine?
> nature of internet?

> > Also, there is code that checks if the problem is re-occurring without ever 
> > being successful in which case the user is notified.
> I have never seen this, how do force this notification so I can see it?
It isn't easily tested manually and we do have tests for this. The tests are available at:

I believe test_0121* through test_0151* are applicable

> Also, how many times does the error have to occur before the user sees that
> there is a problem. The reason that the user would manually check if the
> browser is up-to-date is because they want to make sure that they are running
> the most up-to-date version so that their browser won't be exploited using a
> publicly available security vulnerability.
When there are 5 background checks that fail in a row. It is reset if there is a successful background check.

> (In reply to comment #9)
> > This decision by the UX team not to show an error message was intentional.
> I would really like to see the rationale behind this decision, was it
> discussed in a forum or blog post?
I believe the bug is the only place it was discussed - bug 596813

> > Also, this UI is actually part of the Firefox product and changing the
> > behavior would not be done in app update.
> Not a problem, you can just include the fix in either Firefox 5, 6 or 7 this
> year.
It is up to the Firefox UX team or Firefox product drivers whether the behavior should change.
I have started to see this problem on Linux after FF 8.0, when it consistently failed to find the updates to 8.0.1 and 9.0. That can't possibly be an effect of network states or plugins, because I eg. today just immediately before update FF 3.6 to 3.6.25 and being greeted by a message that I should download 9.0 instead (= no network problems), and when checking for updates in FF 8.0.1, as root and after rm -fr ~/.mozilla (= no plugins), it still came up as saying that my 8.0.1 is up to date. I tried several times, then went for manually downloading and installing the 9.0 version. I'd prefer to see this bug re-opened, and/or app.update.log = 1 by default. Updates don't happen that frequently as to clutter my disk, do they?
I had the same problem on windows using FF 4,5,6,7,8,9. Finally I found the cause of the problem. Firefox tries to update using URL from app.update.url
In my case (

The problem is that my security settings requires that I always confirm untrusted https connection. Unfortunately was untrusted. I just needed to paste the address once in FF, add exception and check updates again. The new update was available in about box.
Reproduced (by putting "" in /etc/hosts, and also with an IP on the internet which is blocked by a firewall):
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20120222 Firefox/13.0a1
Version: 5 Branch → Trunk
Can someone please move the current bug to a suitable component so we get an authoritative decision whether Firefox should lie about its update status or not?
Ever confirmed: true
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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