Open Bug 650683 Opened 14 years ago Updated 2 years ago

after simple sharing is integrated in firefox, remove send-link


(Firefox :: Menus, defect)





(Reporter: eyalgruss, Unassigned)



after simple sharing is integrated in firefox, remove send-link from firefox menu, file menu and page context menu
This is a Firefox call, as I think unless/until we support generic email sending through this UI, Send Link is not quite replaced.
Component: Share: Firefox Client → Menus
Product: Mozilla Services → Firefox
QA Contact: share-fx-client → menus
Not a dependency of the first release of share. We'll have to examine this after the release.
No longer blocks: 642684
It doesn't block, however it actually does depend on that bug.
Depends on: 642684
see also bug 696993 for dealing with the "send link"/"send image" on right click on url/image
Severity: normal → S3
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