Closed Bug 652095 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

ru Contributors page on


(Websites Graveyard ::, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Milos, Assigned: Milos)



(Whiteboard: [l10n])


(7 files)

Mozilla Europe website is soon going to present its contributors on a separate page. Contributors' short bios and pictures are going to be shown in native language. Please attach your pictures(100x100px) and a short texts about most active contributors in your community. Text should be maximum 500 characters long. Preferably, write the text in your language using HTML code. If you don't think you can do that, just attach plain/text document in this bug, and I'll be happy to do that for you. Also, a translation of short bio text in English would be appreciated.
Attached image 100px LAKostis
Konstantin Lepikhov 100px photo
Russian version of Konstantin Lepikhov bio: Координатор проекта; человек, адаптировавший код punbb под нужды форума Mozilla Россия. Занимается развитием программной части форума. Состоит в ALTLinux Team, занимается поддержкой сборок Firefox и переводов к нему в дистрибутивах ALTLinux. Участвует в различных СПО конференциях, выступает с докладами о OpenWeb технологиях и Mozilla. Хочет сделать Firefox самым популярным браузером в мире ) English version of Konstantin Lepikhov bio: Project Coordinator; adapted PunBB forum code to the needs of Mozilla Russia. He improves forum code, participates in ALTLinux Team, supports Firefox builds and localizations in ALTLinux distributions. Promote OpenWeb and Mozilla technologies at FOSS conferences and meetups in Eastern Europe. Wants to make Firefox most popular browser in the world )
Russian version of Alexander Slovesnik bio: Координатор проекта; переводчик Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey и ChatZilla; администратор форума и сайта Mozilla Россия. English version of Alexander Slovesnik bio: Project Coordinator; localizer of Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey and ChatZilla; administrator of the forum and site Mozilla Russia.
I have pushed the page in r89280. Now, I didn't know how to write your names in your native language script, but I guessed. So, please revise the page, and fix names and contributing areas as you wish. Also, if you wouldn't like to include anyone else on that page, please close the bug, and we can add more ppl later, if you wish.
Russian version of Nikolay Frantsev (Николай Францев) bio: Технический администратор, модератор форума; профессиональный разработчик ПО, разработчик расширений. Занимается развитием сайта и форума сообщества. English version of Nikolay Frantsev bio: Technical Administrator, forum moderator; a professional software developer, extensions developer. Engaged in development of community site and forum.
Attached image Photo of Alexey Gubanov
Алексей Губанов Администратор проекта, вебмастер, переводчик Lightning и HTML-редакторов на основе Mozilla (Nvu, KompoZer), администратор веб-проектов Mozilla Россия Alexey Gubanov Project administrator, webmaster, translater of Lightning and HTML editors based on Mozilla (Nvu, KompoZer), Mozilla Russia web-projects administrator
The page has been updated in r89311 and r89312
Attached image Photo of Michael S.
Russian version of Michael S. (Михаил С.) bio: Модератор форума Mozilla Россия; переводчик и разработчик расширений. Занимается развитием форума и сообщества. English version of Michael S. bio: Moderator of the forum Mozilla Russia; extensions translater and developer. Engaged in development of community and forum.
The page has been updated in r89361 and r89362
Attached image Photo of Alexey Gladkov
Алексей Гладков Профессиональный разработчик ПО. Администратор bugzilla, jabber сервера и списков рассылки. Занимается сборками продуктов в дистрибутивах ALTLinux. Alexey Gladkov A professional software developer. Administrator of bugzilla, jabber server and mailing lists. He creates builds of Mozilla's products for ALTLinux distributions.
The page has been updated in r89473 and r89474
Attached image Photo of Yury Merkulov
Yury doesn't have bugzilla account, so I've put his photo and bio on his behalf. Russian version of Yury Merkulov bio: Модератор форума, автор текстов сайта Mozilla Россия. Занимается технической поддержкой пользователей по электронной почте. Автор книги «Самоучитель Firefox и Thunderbird».
The page has been updated in r89544 and r89545 I think we are done here.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Looks great!!! Thanks people and sorry for lag on responding to this one.
Product: Websites → Websites Graveyard
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