Bug 652478
Opened 14 years ago
Closed 14 years ago
When Does Firefox Come Out Of The Basement ?
(Firefox :: General, defect)
of bug 447581
(Reporter: mailonthego, Unassigned)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.5 Safari/534.30
Build Identifier:
And what that means is, in only 2 1/2 years Google Chrome now has 17% of market share. Firefox is at 30% and dropping like a 'lead' weight in water.
I want to use Firefox, but am force into using Chrome. Why ? Start up time ! Firefox is a dog. Always has been, but it wasn't that noticeable until Chrome came along. And no browser out there even comes close to Google's Chrome start up time, NONE..
In Firefox 4 I can actually get more screen estate on my netbook than in Chrome, putting everything I use on the title bar,,,that is to cool. That's the big reason why I want to use Firefox. Not to mention I don't trust Google spying on me. But the start-up time is killing me, I can do the laundry and make breakfast before it's ready to start surfing.
And before anyone out there comes with this tweak and that add on for quicker start-ups, NONE of them work ! And why should we have to tweak a browser so radically out of the box to get simple performance. We shouldn't have to.
What say ye Mozilla ?
Living in denial doesn't help. What part do you people not understand ?
Maybe, just maybe if someone concentrates on the basic's and less on the eye candy, and trying to catch (I won't mention names) we might be able to save Firefox before it goes the way of Netscape. And at the rate it's going the only ones that will be left using it are those who can't think outside the box.
Reproducible: Always
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE < Just 10 extensions will increase your startup time 500% -- perhaps you should cut back. Fasterfox will actually slow your startup times by 30-some percent, don't use it.
(BTW, this doesn't even account for extensions like Greasemonkey which load a whole library of scripts when it launches or Adblock plus which loads a blocklist and it doesn't include things that aren't hosted on AMO so stuff like norton toolbar (which is vicious) and various toolbars which are notoriously bad.
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