Closed Bug 654527 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

[Rapid Release] Add Mobile & Desktop Beta Download Link in Input Page


(Input Graveyard :: Frontend, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gjimenez, Assigned: davedash)



(Whiteboard: [comment-0, comment-2, comment-11])


(1 file)

Hi Aakash, 

As a follow up from our meeting last week, can we add a promo or link to promote mobile beta and desktop aurora/beta to the input thank you page -

The Desktop Beta/Aurora will need to link to
The Mobile Beta will need to link to the Android Market Mobile Beta page where they can directly download from the android market.

Copy can be around: (copying matej for review or recommendations)
Want to help test and provide feedback on the latest features before they go to final release? 

Live Date: May 17

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

If we're promoting Aurora, let's at least detect that they aren't already on Aurora.

"Want to help test and provide feedback on the latest features before they go to
final release?"

I think we could do this more concisely:

"Download Firefox Aurora to give input on the future of Firefox"

^^ call to action and I got to use "input" as a noun.
Hi Grace,

We're building out a new thanks page and we'd love to have the copy follow the new copy style that's going to implemented there. Could you reformat the copy to offer a short leading question with an action statement following it?

To give you some context, a screenshot of the new thanks page is attached to this bug. Thanks!
> If we're promoting Aurora, let's at least detect that they aren't already on

Sorry for the bug spam Dave, but yeah I totally agree. I'd also suggest taking into account users on the Beta channel too.
If we're linking to both desktop and mobile, can we call out Aurora specifically since mobile doesn't have that channel?

I'd suggest one of the following:

Want to help shape the future of Firefox? Provide feedback on the latest features before they go to final release.

Want to shape the future of Firefox? Help test the latest features.

Want to test the latest features? Provide feedback and help shape the future of Firefox.
thanks matej!

i'm fine with having one copy however maybe we can have two links, one for mobile and one for desktop. 

We can use: 
Want to help shape the future of Firefox? Provide feedback on the latest
features before they go to final release. 
[mobile link] Download Beta on Mobile [linking to android market]
[desktop link] Download and test the build that’s right for you [linking to /firefox/channel]

(In reply to comment #6)
> thanks matej!
> i'm fine with having one copy however maybe we can have two links, one for
> mobile and one for desktop. 
> We can use: 
> Want to help shape the future of Firefox? Provide feedback on the latest
> features before they go to final release. 
> [mobile link] Download Beta on Mobile [linking to android market]
> [desktop link] Download and test the build that’s right for you [linking to
> /firefox/channel]
> thanks!

Could we handle this with one link since the new Channels page will have mobile beta on it as well? In that case we should just use the second line of copy.

If not, I'd say "Download Beta for mobile."
Matej, Grace: Let's take this off the bug and come back once things are finalized as its making this bug confusing. I'll send an e-mail out to both of you with options and we can take it from there :)
Here is the final copy we want to use for the input page

Want to shape the future of Firefox?
Download and test the build that’s right for you [link to /firefox/channel page]

For the mobile version of the page

Want to shape the future of Firefox for Mobile?
Download beta for mobile and give us your feedback! [link to android market]

thanks again!
(In reply to comment #9)
> Here is the final copy we want to use for the input page
> Want to shape the future of Firefox?
> Download and test the build that’s right for you [link to /firefox/channel
> page]
> For the mobile version of the page
> Want to shape the future of Firefox for Mobile?
> Download beta for mobile and give us your feedback! [link to android market]
> thanks again!

hi aakash, 

do you have everything you need from us to update the page?
when is the live date for the new page?


Thanks for following up, Grace! Here are my comments in-line:

> Want to shape the future of Firefox?
> Download and test the build that’s right for you [link to /firefox/channel page]

> Want to shape the future of Firefox for Mobile?
> Download beta for mobile and give us your feedback! [link to android market]

Could we try making both shorter with something like this:

Want to shape the future of Firefox?
Download the build that’s right for you [link to /firefox/channel page]

Want to shape the future of Firefox?
Download the beta and give us your feedback! [link to android market]

If that's ok with you, we can slot this in for the 4.0 release.
Priority: -- → P2
I'm fine with those options, I just want to make sure they'll never be seen together. Otherwise I think it's important to call out mobile if that link will ever been seen by a desktop user.
> I'm fine with those options, I just want to make sure they'll never be seen together.

Yeah, they won't be. One will be shown on the desktop thanks page at

and the other on the mobile thanks page
Target Milestone: --- → 4.2
Target Milestone: 4.2 → 4.1
Component: Input → Frontend
Product: Webtools → Input
Version: Trunk → unspecified
Assignee: mozaakash → nobody
Assignee: nobody → tofumatt
Whiteboard: [comment-0, comment-11]
Target Milestone: 4.1 → 4.3
Bumping for now.
Target Milestone: 4.3 → 4.x
Target Milestone: 4.x → 4.4
Whiteboard: [comment-0, comment-11] → [comment-0, comment-2, comment-11]
Assignee: tofumatt → dd
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I tested this on stage and the new /thanks/ page looks fine. However the user cannot reach it. Checked on prod and this behavior does not exist.

Steps to reproduce:
1. goto /feedback/
2. submit a happy, sad, or an idea type of feedback

The workflow should bring the user to /thanks/

The user is brought back around to /feedback/
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Disregard the remarks in comment 17, bug 703433 has been spun off to account for the behavior introduced by funfactory.
Closed: 13 years ago13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Input → Input Graveyard
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