Closed Bug 65747 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

[FIX][MF][IMG]<input type="image"> works only if the image can be loaded


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: st.n, Assigned: rods)



(Keywords: dataloss, relnote, testcase)


(5 files)

I've seen this for quite a while now, both on Linux and on NT4. Within a <form>, <input type="image"> works only if the image can be loaded actually. If it can't (because of a 404 or something), then you can't submit the form. To Reproduce: Open the attached test case with Mozilla. It contains a <form> with two <imput type="image">s. The first one (Mozilla banner) is there and can be clicked on. The second one can't be loaded, and so the alt-text is shown. The cursor changes to a hand when moving over it, indicating that it is clickable, but nothing happens if you click. Expected: submit the form.
Attached file test case
Adding keywords: 4xp since this works with NS 4.x correctness dataloss because I have to switch to another browser and type in the whole form again testcase
yep, <input type="image"> also do not work when image loading is disabled or that particular image has been blocked. i think it is related to bug 41924, if not dupe.
I found bug 41924, too, when looking before filing this bug. But that bug has many more issues open, this one is much more specific. Marking this bug as (yet another) dependency of bug 41924, which is the IMHO better than dup'ing it and then it gets lost. And by the way, the bug I'm describing here isn't even mentioned in bug 41924.
Depends on: alttext
Sounds like there is something common with the notorious PowerPC-only bug 63846.
The bug 63846 is fixed now, but this is not working.
Will have to take a look
Summary: <input type="image"> works only if the image can be loaded → [IMG]<input type="image"> works only if the image can be loaded
nominating for mozilla 0.8, since today is the last day, and this one definitely deserves a relnote.
Keywords: mozilla0.8
Whiteboard: critical for 0.8
Drivers determine .8 criticality.
Keywords: relnote
Whiteboard: critical for 0.8
Setting target to mozilla0.9.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9
Summary: [IMG]<input type="image"> works only if the image can be loaded → [MF][IMG]<input type="image"> works only if the image can be loaded
Keywords: patch
Summary: [MF][IMG]<input type="image"> works only if the image can be loaded → [FIX][MF][IMG]<input type="image"> works only if the image can be loaded
Attached patch patch fileSplinter Review
Is there still a diff in nsHTMLInputElement::HandleDOMEvent with the new patch to fix this bug? All of the changes in nsHTMLInputElement.cpp in the first patch looked fine, except the LEFT_BUTTON_UP should probably be LEFT_BUTTON_CLICK so that if the button is depressed on another control and dragged into the image input before being released, a submit will not be triggered. r=pollmann for all of the changes in the new patch. These changes are a nice refactoring and make me think that we should probably move the OnSubmit() and OnReset() calls in DoManualSubmitOrReset() to nsHTMLFormElement::HandleDOMEvent() at some point so they parallel how all other form events are processed - but that can wait... :)
No, there will be no changes to nsHTMLInputElement until we can factor that also.
Attached file a different testcase
For whatever reason the first testcase still work with my fix because the <p> tags are causing problems when inside the form, this is certainly a different bug, and I don't know if it is a know bug. The orginal patch I attached had a lot of code factoring and it shared it between the frames lib and the content lib. Now that the content lib has been broken out on it's own I had to redo both parts of my fix. attinasi sr'ed the first part, the factoring of the code in the frames sections. This next patch is more factoring and the actual fix. Both patch do contain the same method implmemntation which in the future we need to figure out how to put the code in a single spot so they both can call it.
Boy do I need to review what I type more carefull, that comment is terrible, and I meant to say that the the original testcase still "doesn't" work, but like I said that is a different bug. The only method that is duplicated in nsHTMLInputElement and nsFormControlHelper is "DoManualSubmitOrReset" myself or pollmann will open a bug to track that we merge those two impls.
In the second patch, shouldn't NS_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP be NS_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_CLICK to make the behaviour consistent with when the image can be loaded? Otherwise r=pollmann - this is refactoring that needed to be done, great! :) (I have a few ideas on how to combine the content and frames DoManualSubmitOrReset methods - later work)
Set milestone to mozilla0.8.1
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9 → mozilla0.8.1
Keywords: mozilla0.8
try this again - fixed
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Testcase still doesnt work for me on build 2001-03-08-04-Mtest, reopening
Resolution: FIXED → ---
My testcase dated "2001-02-22 17:59" works fine and I am marking this bug fixed once again. The original testcase still does not work because of a different bug. My understanding of the intent of this bug was that the alt text frames were not properly processing the event for the submit, which is what I fixed. I have opened Bug 71476 for the problem with the <p> tag which is a core layout issue.
remarking as fixed
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Ok, the second testcase works, verifying fixed.
No longer depends on: alttext
Component: HTML: Form Submission → DOM: Core & HTML
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