Closed Bug 665190 Opened 13 years ago Closed 11 years ago

cpu usage increases to 50 % if i make new post


(Firefox :: General, defect)

8 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: ambamb1402, Unassigned)



(2 files)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1

cpu usage increases to 50 % if i make a new post or tried to write a subject at forums (vBulletin) other broser i don't have this issue . i hope Mozilla team fix this like they always do :) .

Reproducible: Always
Component: Build Config → General
QA Contact: build.config → general
Does the issue still occur if you start Firefox in Safe Mode?

How about with a new, empty profile?
Version: unspecified → 4.0 Branch
yes it happen in safe mode too . the strange thing when i go to other tab while the tab with the new post with the issue . everything become fine ,when i come back to it again the cpu go 50% again . this issue happen when i make advance post or new subject . i faced this issue in firefox only . other browsers dosn't happen to have the issue .if u want i can make a video for the issue
Manu, can you please also try what Tim suggested and test it on a clean, empty profile?

started with a clean profile , there is no deference at all . the cpu usage is 30-50 %
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:8.0a1) Gecko/20110724 Firefox/8.0a1

Some performance improvements were done in the latest releases, so can you please verify this on the latest trunk?

Going to give it a try.. thx for the response..
Manu -> Any update?
(In reply to Tim (fmdeveloper) from comment #7)
> Manu -> Any update?

Hello Tim sorry i didn't post anything cause i was lil busy .. it have the same issue but there is Variation from site to another the normal web page when it finished loading it doesn't take more 2-5 from CPU , put as i said when i post a new subject in forums some site take 10 % from CPU and some take 30-40 % and some are normal .. i didn't know what the issue from. is it from sites when it uses more features like smiley  and other things ..but i don't see the issue in other browser using the same pages have the issue..may be there is something Firefox can do and other browser can't .
the same issue is present in Firefox 8 with clean install .no profile no addons ...
Please attach the contents from about:support as a text attachment to this report

Please provide a public URL or reduced test case that exhibits this issue.
Version: 4.0 Branch → 8 Branch
Attached file using open driver
i don't know but i think the issue present in firefox feature that related to copying and post from any site and pasting it it will get: colors fonts size  , align left or right  etc... ,,
Please provide a public URL or reduced test case that exhibits this issue.
im gonna post some url as u said put u need to register those sites :
Is this still an issue with current Firefox builds?
Flags: needinfo?(ambamb1402)
ahh i just waked up i was sleeping for 2 years . no the ussue have been resolved now, thank u for waking me up ..
Flags: needinfo?(ambamb1402)
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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