Closed Bug 668190 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Feature request: Turn off net-nanny


(Firefox :: General, defect)

5 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: spam, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.2; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0
Build ID: 20110615151330

Steps to reproduce:

Not playing net-nanny is way to show respect to developers. 

FF has grown into such a net-nanny. Changing config? I have to "promise I will be careful" [sic]. Checking out a forgery site? No. Only if Google allows it. Looking at a web page with old cert? I have to click on a dozillion of disclaimers that I "know what I am doing". Wanting to give my scripts more permission? NO. Can't do it. Need to consider all kinds of workarounds, extensions, greasemonkey add-ons.

FEATURE REQUEST: I want a "turn off net-nanny" mode with the semantics of "do exactly what you were ordered to, without whining, complaining, requiring promises of being careful, telling Google, throwing exceptions and refusing orders for the mere reason that someone thought it was not a good idea". It isn't exactly helpful to only think of John Doe users and **** off developers making them develop workarounds, extensions and stuff, just because Mozilla thought they should not be doing what they want to do.
See also bug 667312.
There's a checkbox in about:config so you don't see the warning a second time.
In the preferences, under security you can opt to not use the forgery and attack filters.
When there's a problem with a certificate you can use the checkboxes so that the same warning doesn't appear again. 
So your only real problem is that enablePrivilege is gone, like you stated in bug 667312
This is not an actionable bug.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
(In reply to comment #2)
> So your only real problem is 

Nope. The things I gave were just examples. There are more. The feature requested is about a single mode which empowers the user rather than restricts the user. Unix calls this thing "root" and it works nicely :-)

The current trend is to net-nanny the user, so it probably will not be fixed. Only individualists like me want the things their way, the majority is grateful to do the things the way they are told to ;-)
No, the bug as filed is invalid.  If you want prefs to turn things off that don't exist (though I believe they do for all of your examples) file bugs on those and they can be examined on their own merits.
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