Closed Bug 670137 Opened 13 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Remember password popup goes away if new window is open


(Toolkit :: Password Manager, defect)

5 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: memotype, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [closeme 2016-07-01])

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0
Build ID: 20110615151330

Steps to reproduce:

My workplace uses a boundary firewall to reach internal webpages. When going to an internal webpage, you are first presented with a form-based login page. On successful login to the boundary firewall/proxy, a popup window is created which notifies you of success (which is mandatory, popup blockers prevent login). Once the popup verifies login, the main page is redirected to where you were trying to go. 

Actual results:

In firefox 5 this seems to not be the case. I see the "remember password" thing come up for a second, but goes away when the authentication popup goes away and the page is redirected. I have an old password saved in firefox for this firewall but am unable to tell it to change the saved password because it goes away too quickly.

Unfortunately, since this is an internal page, and most sites don't use popups like this when logining in (at least that I know of) I'm not sure how you would reproduce this except for trying to replicate the behavior with a test page, and I'm no web developer so I don't think I'd be able to replicate this myself. Let me know if there's anything else I can provide or clarify to help you try to reproduce this.

Expected results:

In older versions of firefox (specifically 3.5) the "remember password" toolbar would survive both the popup and page redirection and allow you to save the password or change the saved password.
Sorry, just to clarify, when I say "this seems to not be the case" I meant that the "remember password" dialog which survived these steps in older versions no longer do. The login process still works fine. (I had reordered the sentences but didn't realize it confused that first part)
Thinking about it a bit more, I suspect the problem is that the authentication popup window "opens a url" in the main window and that the main window isn't an actual redirection, so firefox thinks a new page was opened and assumes you didn't want to remember the password.. just a guess.
Component: Account Manager → Password Manager
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
QA Contact: account.manager → password.manager
I have similar problems. On the websites which open a new window when you click submit the form based authentication, password manager does not offer to save the password. I cannot see the "remember password" toolbar at all, but maybe it's because it disappears too quickly.

Again the problem is mainly on intranet/private websties, but I found a public one that has the same problem:
(In reply to Krzysztof Dubowik from comment #3)
> I cannot see the "remember password" toolbar at all,

We don't show a toolbar anymore. We use "doorhanger notifications", which hang off the location bar.

For those seeing this problem, is there still a "key" icon in the left area of the location bar? If so you can click on that to bring up the doorhanger, which gets hidden perhaps a bit too easily.

Maybe we shouldn't hide it on new windows opening...
Well, whatever it's called, its' not showing. BTW: forgot to mention, I'm using FF 11.0 on Ubuntu

The key icon is not shown on either the old or the new window.
Do you still see this problem when using a current version?
Flags: needinfo?(memotype)
Whiteboard: [closeme 2016-07-01]
I no longer work at the company which had the problematic web page, so I can't confirm, but I don't recall having this problem in a long time, so unless someone else is seeing this problem, I suppose this bug can be closed.
Flags: needinfo?(memotype)
thanks for the update
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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