Closed Bug 671433 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Add notOK() function to Assertions module


(Mozilla QA Graveyard :: Mozmill Tests, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: u279076, Assigned: whimboo)




(1 file)

To check if an Add-on is disabled we currently do:
> assert.ok(!("ACR" in controller.window), "The add-on is disabled");

It would be great if we could have notOK() so we can do:
> assert.notOk("ACR" in controller.window, "The add-on is disabled");

Same goes for expect.
Attached patch Patch v1Splinter Review
As discussed yesterday on IRC with Harth we want to add the notOk method to the Expect class. This patch is for our tests first. A port for Mozmill will happen once it has been checked-in.

Heather, please give feedback if that's ok. All tests are passing at least.
Assignee: nobody → hskupin
Attachment #545912 - Flags: review?(gmealer)
Attachment #545912 - Flags: feedback?(fayearthur+bugs)
Comment on attachment 545912 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch v1

I'm r+'ing because your code is fine, but this isn't a good change and I wish we wouldn't make it.

"ok" isn't a synonym for "true"; it means "as expected".

> assert.ok(!("ACR" in controller.window), "The add-on is disabled");

means "It's expected that ACR is not in the window". This is exactly what you mean.

> assert.notOk("ACR" in controller.window, "The add-on is disabled");

means, by extension, "It's unexpected that ACR is in the window". While this is true, it's indirect. 

Also, 'ok' is only really a good name because it's classically used in perl's test::more and others. notOk isn't, and strikes me as pretty weird.

Personally, I think both examples kind of suck for clarity, and would have suggested:

var addonDisabled = !("ACR" in controller.window);
assert.ok(addonDisabled, "The add-on is disabled);

That's how ok is really meant to be used, IMO. You determine a state, then verify that the state is expected. Combining those two into one statement is what's making this awkward-looking.

On a side note,

   let condition = !!aValue; ok() isn't a good construction, and I'd really like to see us not do that anymore pretty much ever. 

I don't want to send "foo" into the function and then have the thing claim that I sent "true" or "false," as it will right now. I want to know that I sent in "foo" so I can debug accurately.

Let the language determine truthiness. Don't sanitize things to true/false, and don't compare directly to true/false. It may not cause a code error, but it'll make things a royal pain to debug later.
Attachment #545912 - Flags: review?(gmealer) → review+
Hrm. I just rechecked the code, and it'll report accurately as aValue is used in the ok() message. So my bad on that rant. 

I still don't like that we're sanitizing native truth. It makes analysis and refactoring more complicated. If, for example, we moved reporting into the base comparison function it would've caused a wrong message.
(In reply to comment #2)
> I'm r+'ing because your code is fine, but this isn't a good change and I
> wish we wouldn't make it.

I'm struggling too as more as I think about it. There are no real complex use cases which would require such a method, and there are other ways of doing it more coherently.

> "ok" isn't a synonym for "true"; it means "as expected".
> > assert.ok(!("ACR" in controller.window), "The add-on is disabled");
> means "It's expected that ACR is not in the window". This is exactly what
> you mean.
> > assert.notOk("ACR" in controller.window, "The add-on is disabled");
> means, by extension, "It's unexpected that ACR is in the window". While this
> is true, it's indirect. 

Good feedback. I would second on it after reading.

> Personally, I think both examples kind of suck for clarity, and would have
> suggested:
> var addonDisabled = !("ACR" in controller.window);
> assert.ok(addonDisabled, "The add-on is disabled);

In this case I would even say we could abuse equal and use it that way:

expect.equal("ACR" in controller.window, false, "The add-on is disabled");

So I would vote to WONTFIX this bug. Heather and Clint, can you both give some additional feedback?
Geo raises a really good point. Going to WONTFIX.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Thanks all for the feedback. Lets go without this method.
Attachment #545912 - Flags: feedback?(fayearthur)
Product: Mozilla QA → Mozilla QA Graveyard
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