Closed Bug 673990 Opened 13 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Show Tasks and Calendar icons in the toolbar by default


(Calendar :: Calendar Frontend, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: andreasn, Unassigned)



In bug 667247 we would like to not show any tabs if there is only one tab visible, this has implications for Lightning as the calendar and taks icons would be hidden. Therefore I think it would be good if these icons were added to the toolbar by default instead.
Blocks: 667247
Thanks for filing this bug. What timeframe is that bug due in? Marking blocking to ensure we keep track.
Flags: blocking-calendar1.0+
We'd also like this for bug 582801, since the area where the Lightning buttons are right now is becoming a proper toolbar. It'll be an external toolbar pointing back to the main toolbar just like the Firefox tab bar, so the current Lightning buttons on the main toolbar palette could be used for the tab bar toolbar. This would allow people to keep things the old way by customizing the tab bar toolbar.
Blocks: 582801
It seems to me the mentioned bugs are all targeted to Thunderbird 8 or later, correct?
How does this bug change with the tabs on top proposal? If it doesent, whats the target here?
I would say, instead of using the tabmail-buttons hbox with the two buttons in it, the two toolbarbuttons #lightning-button-calendar and #lightning-button-tasks should be placed as default in the #tabbar-toolbar. Then the buttons are placed at the same place as before and the user can, if he like, move them to there he wants.
Component: Lightning Only → General
Component: General → Calendar Frontend
Severity: normal → S3

We've been shipping with the spaces toolbar visible by default since 102. The spaces toolbar includes a button to open the calendar and the tasks tabs.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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