Closed Bug 674875 Opened 13 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Blinking cursor vanishes when tap-hold and swipe down action is performed on URL bar


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect, P5)

Firefox 8


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: xti, Unassigned)


Build id : Mozilla/5.0 (Android;Linux armv7l;rv:8.0a1)Gecko/20110727 Firefox/8.0a1 Fennec/8.0a1 Device: HTC Desire Z OS: Android 2.2.1 Steps to reproduce: 1. Open Fennec App 2. Open a new tab 3. Tap on URL Bar 4. Tap again and perform a scroll down action Expected result: After step 4, nothing happens. URL Bar is focused and the cursor is fully visible. Actual result: The URL Bar is scrollable. The cursor scrolls up until it won't be visible anymore. Note: I was able to reproduce this issue on the latest builds for: Fennec 7 - Aurora, Fennec 6 - Beta.
Summary: URL Bar is down scrollable when it is blank → Blinking cursor vanishes when tap-hold and swipe action is performed on URL bar
Summary: Blinking cursor vanishes when tap-hold and swipe action is performed on URL bar → Blinking cursor vanishes when tap-hold and swipe down action is performed on URL bar
I can reproduce the bug, but it's not a serious bug. As soon as you type something, the cursor comes back.
Priority: -- → P5
Closing all opened bug in a graveyard component
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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