Closed Bug 67547 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Better context menu for when rightclicking on images


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: bryner)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


When you click on image on webpage you get the following context menu: ---------------------------- Back Forward Reload Stop - View Page Source View Image Block Image from Loading - Bookmark this page - Save As... Save Image... -- Select All Copy Copy Image Location -- Save As... ---------------------------- Why not change this into a more specific image context menu: ----------------- View Image in new window Block Image from Loading -- Save Image... Email Image... Print Image... -- Copy Copy Image Location -- Bookmark this Image --------------------------------
Because sometimes it's impossible to click on a part of the page that's not an image? So the page context menu options should arguably still be in the image context menu.
See also bug 26939, where mpt has attached a new spec for context menus. Unfortunately he keeps "back" and "forward" at the top of all context menus, making it hard to use context menus for "open link in new window" and "open frame in new window".
I'm operating under the assumption that context menus will eventually become a lot easier to open than they are now, so that choosing `Back' and `Forward' from the context menu will be considerably faster than going to the Back or Forward button in the toolbar. See bug 16766, bug 18726, bug 49844, and bug 36029. But as shown in my spec, I agree that the other non-context-specific items -- `Reload', `Stop', `View Page Source', `Bookmark This Page', `Save As ...', and `Select All' -- should be removed.
I don't think the speed with which context menus appear affects which items should be at the top. Only the first few items in a context menu can be used in a single gesture, and many users want to reserve that speed for commands that refer to a part of the page (link, image, frame) and therefore already require the use of a mouse for good speed.
Depending on where in the page one right-mouse-clicks, which constains the context menu to appear with the cursor over some item other than the first, Back and Forward won't necessarily be "be considerably faster than going to the Back or Forward" toolbar buttons. Ultimate speed in going back is achieved using a keyboard shortcut, and forward isn't common enough in my opinion to justify much concern, but it has a fine shortcut too. Open (link|image|...) in new window, OTOH, has been first in context menus where relevant for as long as I've worked on Navigator (since Netscape 1.1), IIRC. Someone correct me if my memory is wrong. I use this feature a lot, and even when the first item in the context menu can't be the one under the cursor (because the link is too near the bottom of the page, e.g.), I know where to "reach" to get this item. It's the most frequently used item for me. Why should we move it down, for any reason? Never mind to give Back and Forward primacy that they don't merit, in my experience? /be
Netscape 4.75 for Windows keeps back/forward/reload/stop at the top of the context menu for non-link images. My guess for why NS4 works that way is that you can tell when your cursor is over a link ("hand" cursor) and can usually tell when you're in a frame, but you can't always tell when you're over an image.
Depends on: 75338
Jesse, you can't always tell when you're in a frame
When I right-click in one of the maps produced by Mapsonus or Mapquest, I don't get the same menu you show here. I get: Open Frame in New Window Show Only This Frame Back Forward Reload Frame Stop View Page Source View Frame Source View Page Info View Frame Info Bookmark This Page Save As... Save Frame As... Select All Copy View Image and Save Image are missing. Spurious View Frame and Frame Info are included; I don't think there are any frames on the page. However, everything works fine if I right-click in the Mozilla image at the top of this Bugzilla page. Build 2001071604, Win2K.
Depends on: 103591
Context Menu cleanup/enhanced image features.
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.7
Merry Christmas, Brian.
Assignee: ben → bryner
Blake says he'd like to collapse this into one context menu bug. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 75338 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
vrfy dupr
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → UI Design
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