Open Bug 681174 Opened 13 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Intermittent test_restrequest.js | Test timed out


(Firefox :: Sync, defect)






(Reporter: philor, Unassigned)



(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

This has actually happened several times already, but a timeout in xpcshell, where you have to open the log and then manually copy-paste instead of clicking on things, is only slightly less likely to be ignored than a Talos failure. One possibility (that I don't know how to evaluate) is that this is just yet another for the pile in bug 604565. Rev3 MacOSX Leopard 10.5.8 mozilla-inbound opt test xpcshell on 2011-08-22 15:05:30 PDT for push 0812db89f2f2 TEST-INFO | /Users/cltbld/talos-slave/test/build/xpcshell/tests/services/sync/tests/unit/test_restrequest.js | running test ... command timed out: 1200 seconds without output, attempting to kill
Depends on: 684894
(In reply to Phil Ringnalda (:philor) from comment #0) > One possibility (that I don't know how to evaluate) is that this is just yet > another for the pile in bug 604565. So far this bug only seems to happen on OSX 10.5.8 opt builds, where as far as I can work out, the bug 604565 hangs happen mostly on OSX debug builds (or even exclusively if the few starrings against opt builds are mis-starrings.) I always suspected the nested event loop spinning might've been the cause for an event deadlock in bug 604565. test_restrequest.js doesn't do any event loop spinning (RESTRequest is the new order async goodness), but perhaps the problem runs deeper than that. I do notice irregularities in the test's runtime which I also noticed for some tests in bug 604565 comment 27, though with test_restrequest.js the deviation is much smaller. In order to debug the issue better, I wonder if we could kick off a timer at the beginning of the test and fail hard from within the test after just 30 seconds or so. We could then potentially print more state than the xpcshell test harness and see where it's stuck.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Whiteboard: [orange]
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Summary: Intermittent "command timed out: 1200 seconds without output" during test_restrequest.js → Intermittent test_restrequest.js | command timed out: 1200 seconds without output, attempting to kill
Summary: Intermittent test_restrequest.js | command timed out: 1200 seconds without output, attempting to kill → Intermittent test_restrequest.js | Test timed out
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Component: Firefox Sync: Backend → Sync
Product: Cloud Services → Firefox
Severity: normal → S3
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