Closed Bug 681680 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Change Tinderbox from locking the entire directory to per-tree locking


(Webtools Graveyard :: Tinderbox, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: glob, Unassigned)


<justdave> it wouldn't take much to implement <justdave> we're talking about the mail handling. <justdave> the script that sendmail shells out to drops all the mail into a queue directory <justdave> tinderbox has a cron job that fires once per minute and starts processing that queue <justdave> the way it works now is when the cron job fires, it sets a lock on the entire queue, and then runs until the queue is empty <justdave> then it rebuilds the cache files for all of the trees that got touched by an incoming mail during that pass. <justdave> the envisioned idea to make that faster is to lock individual queue items instead of the entire queue <justdave> so if the cron job fired off again and the previous one hadn't exited yet, instead of just bailing it would grab an unhandled queue item and keep going <justdave> and removing the cache updating from the mail handling thread altogether <justdave> and make that a separate cron job <justdave> have the mail handling just drop a flag file somewhere that says that tree needs updating <justdave> is the queue handler cron job <justdave> although we probably want to keep track of how many runners are going and put some sane limit on it so we don't overload the cpu <justdave> is the one sendmail pipes into <justdave> and that's a pretty simple "generate a unique filename and dump it into the queue directory"
here's what i'm thinking on how to attack this; feedback appreciated :) update processbuild: - add a "tree" switch, to limit processing to the specified tree - when set, the lock filename will include the tree's name - add a "no_mail" switch, to skip processing mail - add a "no_build" switch, to skip building static pages - add a "build_static" switch, to build static pages for the specified tree create a new script, called from cron instead of processbuild: worker_count = 25 read pending mails extract tree from mail if (a lock file for this tree exists) worker_count-- else if (mail is older than the oldest mail we've seen for the tree) update the oldest mail timestamp sort trees by mail timestamp for 1..worker_count pop tree from tree list fork run processbuild -tree $tree -no_build touch build.$tree file foreach build.$tree files if (unlink build.$tree) fork run processbuild -tree $tree -no_mail -build_static
hrm, the build_static switch is not required; we just need -tree, -no_mail and -no_build.
Summary: Change Tinderbox from locking the entire directory to per-file locking → Change Tinderbox from locking the entire directory to per-tree locking
bug 659724 comment 30 indicates this is no longer required.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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