Closed Bug 68193 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Document.write method is not functioning in XHTML


(Core :: XML, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: chrispetersen, Assigned: hjtoi-bugzilla)



(Keywords: xhtml)


(4 files)

Build: 2001020804 Platform: All Expected results: Document.write should function and a text string should appear in browser window. What I got: The document is empty. Steps to reproduce: 1) Open test case. 2) Instead of text appearing, the document window is empty.
Adding xhtml to keywords
Keywords: xhtml
amm... it's correct that no content gets displayed because you need any element around the text. e.g <p> mozilla makes it right.
Attached file working example
I agree with Martin, marking as INVALID.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
marking verified.
If I use the same working example but change the file extension to .xml, the script script tag won't function.I realize N6 uses strict layout for xml document but these documents are valid and conform to the specifications.
Resolution: INVALID → ---
If I missing something here, let me know. From my understanding, this should be working.
Heh, this is getting interesting. I just now noticed that Martin's sample had text/html mime type, so of course it will work. Ok, the same document with text/xml mime type does not work, and there is a simple explanation. The document structure is not what you expect it to be. You have: <script> #text document.write(' <p> #text This sentence was created by javascript </p> #text ') </script> i.e. the <p> inside the document.write was treated as an element, which probably meant that document.write() got an empty string as an argument (if it was called at all). It might be that it got the sentence without the surrounding tags as well, but the end result is still an empty document. With CDATA section the sample looks correct, so I think we do have a bug here, after all.
Nominating for beta
Keywords: nsbeta1
This usage pattern isn't XHTML. It would be more in line with the standard to use DOM calls instead of document.write. We have two choices - allow document.write to work, or evangelize the use of the DOM with XHTML (XML). Or both. Adding jst, bclary and aruner to the cc list. Does evangelism have a strong opinion? Marking nsbeta1-. We don't need this for beta.
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
I won't get into whether this should be in beta, but I do feel strongly that this is appropriate usage for XHTML and should be supported at some point. IANAL, but if XHTML is in essense the next generation of HTML, and if it supports scripting, then it should be possible to use document.write to add content to the XHMTL document at run time. To not support this common idiom would break a technique that has been used since javascript was introduced. It is true that for most cases there are DOM-oriented methods to do the same thing, but a) the DOM can be difficult and time consuming to use; b) document.write can easily generate complicated content and is more accessible for many scripters; c) there are cases where the current implementation of the DOM does not support a required feature (such as delayed loading of scripts) where document.write may be more appropriate.
Supporting document.write() in XHTML (served as text/xml) as document.write() is used on the web today will be extremely complicated w/o also writing the XML parser, which is somthing we definitely don't wanto do. The problem is that document.write() is used today to write out pieces of HTML that are not well formed, not even close, today people can do things like: <div> <script> document.write("<a href='" + myurl + "'>"); </script> some text </a> </div> and supporting that with a generic XML parser just won't happen, as you can see, that piece of XML is not even well formed, and must be rejected by an XML parser, regardless of if the XML application that parses the above data supports scripts (and the DOM) or not. IMO we have two choices, either not support document.write() in XHTML at all (when served as text/xml), or support document.write() as long as the XML that's written out is well formed, i.e. the above sample would need to look like: <div> <script> <![CDATA[ document.write("<a href='" + myurl + "'>some text</a>"); ]]> </script> </div> Comments?
Futuring for now, if people feel stronly about this they can add comments, vote for this etc.
Target Milestone: --- → Future
document.write() is so not XML/DOM. I'd rather see this WONTFIXed and efforts directed at other things.
*** Bug 85685 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I as well think this should be WONTFIX. First of all take a look at XHTML 1.0 spec: pay specific attention to section C.4: The examples you provided here are all expected not to work in XHTML as per spec. Secondly, document.write() and document.writeln() actually *are* part of DOM. However this is DOM HTML (see ) which is slightly modified DOM Core. DOM Core is meant to be used with XML, and DOM HTML - with HTML4. One of the differences is that DOM Core does not contain document.write() and document.writeln() functions. However XHTML is reformulation of HTML in XML, and it is fair to expect that DOM Core should be used with it when it is treated as an XML document instead of DOM HTML. That's the main goal of XHTML - transition to XML. If you don't like XML or APIs that apply to it - you better stick to using HTML 4.01, since it simply makes no sense why would you want to move to XHTML, because essentially it is exactly the same as HTML, it's just a "reformulation". :o)
I'm going to risk the wrath of TPTB and WONTFIX this. Bear in mind that this only applies to text/xml XHTML, which has had a very low adoption rate given IE's utter failure to support it. By the time they get that fixed up, people start figuring out how to change the MIME-type of their webpages, etc., I think it will be appropriate to expect them not to use this sort of hack.
Closed: 24 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
QA Contact: petersen → rakeshmishra
*** Bug 264302 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 197586 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 215904 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 229341 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 271237 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
See discussion in bug 111514 about the document.write in XHTML issue.... In brief, support of that is not required by any specification.
*** Bug 319214 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 329412 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 352655 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 352655 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 335622
The last dup (bug 192367) has a fair amount of discussion, including comments from Hixie.
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